(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)
imagecolormatch — Makes the colors of the palette version of an image more closely match the true color version
Makes the colors of the palette version of an image more closely match the true color version.
A truecolor image link resource.
A palette image link resource pointing to an image that has the same size as image1.
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
Example #1 imagecolormatch() example
// Setup the true color and palette images
$im1 = imagecreatefrompng('./gdlogo.png');
$im2 = imagecreate(imagesx($im1), imagesy($im1));
// Add some colors to $im2
$colors = Array();
$colors[] = imagecolorallocate($im2, 255, 36, 74);
$colors[] = imagecolorallocate($im2, 40, 0, 240);
$colors[] = imagecolorallocate($im2, 82, 100, 255);
$colors[] = imagecolorallocate($im2, 84, 63, 44);
// Match these colors with the true color image
imagecolormatch($im1, $im2);
// Free from memory
Note: This function is only available if PHP is compiled with the bundled version of the GD library.
Note: This function requires GD 2.0.1 or later (2.0.28 or later is recommended).