The Java Program: G_pool/

  1 import*;
  2 import java.util.*;
  3 import java.awt.*;
  4 import java.text.*;
  5 import java.math.*;
  7 /**
  8  * Solution to Pool Table
  9  * 
 10  * This solution won't try to compute reflections. Instead, it'll set up 
 11  * a coordinate system of reflected pool tables, like this:
 12  * 
 13  * +-------+-------+-------+-------+
 14  * | t     |     t | t     |     t |
 15  * |       |       |       |       |
 16  * +-------+-------+-------+-------+
 17  * |       |       |       |       |
 18  * | t     |     t | t     |     t |
 19  * +-------+=======+-------+-------+
 20  * | t     [     T ] t     |     t |
 21  * |       [ C     ]       |       |
 22  * +-------+=======+-------+-------+
 23  * |       |       |       |       |
 24  * | t     |     t | t     |     t |
 25  * +-------+-------+-------+-------+
 26  * 
 27  * Here, C is the Cue, T is the Target, and the t's represent the Target's image 
 28  * in reflections of the pool table.
 29  * 
 30  * So, if we have to bounce off 5 edges before hitting the target, then we look at
 31  * the reflection of the table that's 5 up and 0 over, and then 4 up and 1 over, 
 32  * 3 up and 2 over, and so on. We have to go all the way around, so we also have
 33  * to check -2 up and 3 over, 1 up and -4 over, and so on. Then, we have to check
 34  * lesser reflections, to see of there's any reflection of the Target that's between
 35  * our desired Target and the Cue, meaning that the Cue would hit the Target before
 36  * hitting the required number of Edges.
 37  */
 38 class pooltable
 39 {
 40     public Scanner sc;
 41     public PrintStream ps;
 43     public String toString()
 44     {
 45         return "pooltable";
 46     }
 48     /**
 49      * Distance between two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
 50      * 
 51      * @param x1
 52      * @param y1
 53      * @param x2
 54      * @param y2
 55      * @return The distance between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
 56      */
 57     public double distance( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )
 58     {
 59         double dx = x2-x1;
 60         double dy = y2-y1;
 61         return Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
 62     }
 64     /**
 65      * Determine if points (ax,ay), (bx,by) and (cx,cy) lie on the same line.
 66      * 
 67      * @param ax
 68      * @param ay
 69      * @param bx
 70      * @param by
 71      * @param cx
 72      * @param cy
 73      * @return true if (ax,ay), (bx,by) and (cx,cy) lie on the same line, otherwise false
 74      */
 75     public boolean collinear( int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, int cx, int cy )
 76     {
 77         boolean result = false;
 79         if( ay==by )
 80         {
 81                 // Check if they all have the same Y coord
 82                 result = (by==cy);
 83         }
 84         else if( ax==bx )
 85         {
 86                 // Check if they all have the same X coord
 87                     result = (bx==cx);
 88         }
 89         else
 90         {
 91                 // They're collinear if A-B has the same slope as B-C
 92                 //
 93                 //          by-ay   cy-by
 94                 // That is, ----- = -----
 95                 //          bx-ax   cx-bx
 96                 //
 97                 // Cross multiply so we can keep things all in integers, and we get this:
 98                 result = ((by-ay)*(cx-bx) == (cy-by)*(bx-ax));
 99         }
101         return result;
102     }
104     /**
105      * Determine if point (x2,y2) lies between points (x1,y1) and (x3,y3).
106      * 
107      * @param x1 
108      * @param y1 
109      * @param x2 
110      * @param y2 
111      * @param x3 
112      * @param y3 
113      * @return true if (x2,y2) lies between (x1,y1) and (x3,y3), otherwise false
114      */
115     public boolean between( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3 )
116     {           
117         // Is x2 between x1 and x3?
118         boolean xbetween = (x1<x3) ? (x1<=x2 && x2<=x3) : (x3<=x2 && x2<=x1);
120         // Is y2 between y1 and y3?
121         boolean ybetween = (y1<y3) ? (y1<=y2 && y2<=y3) : (y3<=y2 && y2<=y1);
123         // Are both coordinates in the right range, AND the points lie on the same line?
124         return xbetween && ybetween && collinear( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 );
125     }
127     // Input parameters: w=width, l=length, (xc,yc)=Cue position,
128     // (xb,yb)=Target ball position, nbounces=number of times it must bounce off the edge.
129     public int w, l, xc, yc, xb, yb, nbounces;    
131     // Remember the best (smallest) distance. This will be our final answer.
132     public double best;
134     /**
135      * Compute the X coordinate of the target ball on
136      * a reflected pool table that's 'over' over.
137      * 
138      * @param over How many reflections over
139      * @return The x coordinate
140      */
141     public int x( int over )
142     {
143         return over*l + ((over&1)==0?xb:l-xb);  
144     }
146     /**
147      * Compute the Y coordinate of the target ball on
148      * a reflected pool table that's 'up' up.
149      * 
150      * @param over How many reflections up
151      * @return The y coordinate
152      */
153     public int y( int up )
154     {
155         return up*w + ((up&1)==0?yb:w-yb);      
156     }
158     /**
159      * Check the reflection of the Target ball on a reflected pool table
160      * that's 'up' up and 'over' over. First, see if there are any lesser reflections
161      * that would get in the way. If not, compute the distance between
162      * the Cue and the reflected Target, and remember it if it's the smallest.
163      * 
164      * @param up Number of reflected pool tables up
165      * @param over Number of reflected pool tables over
166      */
167     public void check( int up, int over )
168     {
169         // Compute (x,y) position of the Target ball's reflection here.
170         int xr = x(over);
171         int yr = y(up);
173         // Compute min and max of up and over.
174         // We'll iterate over all of these to try to find lesser reflections
175         // that block our path.
176         int uplo = Math.min( up, 0 );
177         int uphi = Math.max( up, 0 );
178         int overlo = Math.min( over, 0 );
179         int overhi = Math.max( over, 0 );
181         // Is the shot from the Cur to this reflection of the Target
182         // blocked by an earlier reflection of the Target?
183         boolean unblocked = true;
185         // Iterate over the entire space from [0,0] to [up,over].
186         // Yeah, that's a lot more than you really need to check, but
187         // the numbers are small enough that it'll be fast enough,
188         // and we won't have to worry about debugging a tricky algorithm.
189         for( int u=uplo; u<=uphi && unblocked; u++ ) 
190         for( int o=overlo; o<=overhi && unblocked; o++ )
191         {
192                 // Ignore the reflection that we're actually checking
193                 if( u!=up || o!=over )
194                 {
195                         // Does the Target reflection here block the path
196                         // between the Cue and the Target reflection we're really interested in?
197                     unblocked = !between( xc, yc, x(o), y(u), xr, yr );
198                 }
199         }
201         // If there's a clear shot
202                 if( unblocked ) 
203                 {
204                         // Remember this if it is the minimum distance we've seen so far.
205                         best = Math.min( best, distance( xc, yc, xr, yr ) );                            
206                 }
207     }
209     public void doit() throws Exception
210     {
211         sc = new Scanner( ); // new Scanner( new File( "pooltable.judge" ) );
212         ps = System.out; // new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( "pooltable.solution" ) );
214         for(;;)
215         {
216                 // Read Length and Width, exit if done.
217                 l = sc.nextInt();
218                 w = sc.nextInt();
219                 if( l==0 || w==0 ) break;
221                 // Read the rest of the input
222                 xc = sc.nextInt();
223                 yc = sc.nextInt();
224                 xb = sc.nextInt();
225                 yb = sc.nextInt();
226                 nbounces = sc.nextInt();
228                 // Worst possible value for 'best'
229                 best = Double.MAX_VALUE;
231                 // Go through all possible values for 'up'
232                 for( int up = 0; up<=nbounces; up++ )
233                 {
234                         // up + over = nbounces
235                         int over = nbounces - up;
237                         // Check all four quadrants
238                         check( up, over );
239                         check( -up, over );
240                         check( up, -over );
241                         check( -up, -over );
242                 }
244                 // Print the answer
245                 ps.printf( "%.3f", best );
246                 ps.println();
247         }
248     }
250         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
251         {
252         long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
253         new pooltable().doit();
254         System.out.println( System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime );
255         }
256 }