The Java Program: I_mosaic/

  1 import java.util.*;
  2 import*;
  3 import java.awt.*;
  5 /**
  6  * Solution to Mosaic
  7  * 
  8  * The key to understanding this solution is to see a column of the mosaic
  9  * as a bitmap - with the bit set (=1) if there's a tile there, and unset (=0) if not.
 10  * Since there are at most 10 rows, that gives us 1023 possible bitmaps, which is
 11  * manageable. 
 12  * 
 13  * We're going to try to build a Mosaic, column by column. Since the pieces are 2x2,
 14  * we can't fill a column without leaving some residue in the next column. So, we're going
 15  * to need to figure out, for any bitmap j representing a residue from the last column, 
 16  * how many ways can we fill this column and leave a residue of bitmap k in the next column?
 17  * 
 18  * Here's an interesting thing - that number depends only on the number of rows. So, we can compute all
 19  * of that a priori, before we ever start reading the data, rather than doing it over and over 
 20  * for each data set.
 21  * 
 22  * Once we've got that figured out, then for each input, we need to fill the columns so
 23  * that we start with a bitmap of 0 (on the edge, no residue), go through m columns, and
 24  * end up with a bitmap of 0 (no residue - nothing hanging off the edge of the mosaic)
 25  */
 26 public class mosaic 
 27 {
 28     public Scanner sc;
 29     public PrintStream ps;
 31     public String toString()
 32     {
 33         return "mosaic";
 34     }
 36     // step[i][k][k] is the number of ways, with i rows, of getting from bitmap j to bitmap k.
 37     public int step[][][] = new int[11][][];
 39     // lists[i][j] holds the same info as step[i][j][k]. But, since the step[][][] array
 40     // is sparse, it's more efficient to represent a row (step[i][j]) as a linked list,
 41     // where k is omitted if step[i][j][k]==0.
 42     public LinkedList<Point> lists[][] = new LinkedList[11][];
 44     // This is a global used by the fill() routine.
 45     // It holds the base value of j before we start trying to fill the column.
 46     public int base;
 48     /**
 49      * Figure out how many ways there are to fill a column, 
 50      * and the effect that has on the next column. Do it row by row.
 51      * 
 52      * @param i Total number of rows
 53      * @param j Bitmap so far on this column
 54      * @param k Bitmap so far on the next column
 55      * @param level Rows so far that we know are filled.
 56      */
 57     public void fill( int i, int j, int k, int level )
 58     {
 59         // We've filled the whole column
 60         if( level>=i )
 61         {
 62                 // If we haven't gone over, record that
 63                 // we've found one more way of getting from base to k.
 64                 if( level==i && k<(1<<i) ) ++step[i][base][k];
 65         }
 66         else
 67         {
 68                 // Bits that are 1, 2, and 3 spots ahead
 69                 int b1 = 1<<level;
 70                 int b2 = b1<<1;
 71                 int b3 = b2<<1;
 73                 // Test those bits
 74                 boolean t1 = (j & b1) > 0;
 75                 boolean t2 = (j & b2) > 0;
 76                 boolean t3 = (j & b3) > 0;
 78                 if( !t1 && !t2 && !t3 )
 79                 {
 80                         // Turn this: Into this:
 81                         //    ..         AA
 82                         //    ..         BA
 83                         //    ..         BB
 84                     fill( i, j|b3|b2|b1, k|b3|b1|b2, level+3 );  
 86                         // Turn this: Into this:
 87                         //    ..         AA
 88                         //    ..         AB
 89                         //    ..         BB
 90                     fill( i, j|b3|b2|b1, k|b3|b1|b2, level+3 );                         
 91                 }
 93                 if( !t1 && !t2 )
 94                 {
 95                         // We've got this:
 96                         // ..
 97                         // ..
 99                         // Try:
100                         // XX
101                         // XX
102                     fill( i, j|b2|b1, k|b1|b2, level+2 );
104                     // Try:
105                     // X.
106                     // XX
107                     fill( i, j|b1|b2, k|b1, level+2 );
109                     // Try: 
110                     // XX
111                     // X.
112                     fill( i, j|b1|b2, k|b2, level+2 );
113                 }
114                 else if( t1 && !t2 )
115                 {
116                         // We've got this:
117                         // ..
118                         // #.
120                         // Try:
121                         // XX
122                         // #X
123                         fill( i, j|b2, k|b1|b2, level+2 );
125                         // Try doing nothing
126                         fill( i, j, k, level+1 );
127                 }
128                 else if( !t1 && t2 )
129                 {
130                         // We've got this:
131                         // #.
132                         // ..
134                         // Try:
135                         // #X
136                         // XX
137                         fill( i, j|b1, k|b1|b2, level+2 );
138                 }
139                 else if( t1 && t2 )
140                 {
141                         // All filled - move on
142                         fill( i, j, k, level+1 );
143                 }
144         }
145     }
147     /**
148      * The main method.
149      * @throws Exception
150      */
151     public void doit() throws Exception
152     {
153         sc = new Scanner( ); // new Scanner( new File( "mosaic.judge" ) );
154         ps = System.out; // new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( "mosaic.solution" ) );
156         // Compute steps[][][] and lists[][] a priori
157         for( int i=2; i<=10; i++ )
158         {
159                 // p = 2^i
160                 int p = 1<<i;
162                 // Create a pxp matrix 
163             step[i] = new int[p][p];
164             for( int j=0; j<p; j++ )
165             {
166                 Arrays.fill( step[i][j], 0 );
167             }
169             // Also create an array of linked lists
170             lists[i] = new LinkedList[p];
172             // Go through all possible bitmaps
173             for( int j=0; j<p; j++ )
174             {
175                 // fill() will modify its second parameter - so, 
176                 // we need to make the base bitmap available.
177                 base = j;
179                 // Fill the step[i][j][] row - figure out
180                 // all the bitmaps you can get to from j when
181                 // there are i rows.
182                 fill( i, j, 0, 0 );
184                 // The matrix will be sparse - so, turn it into a linked list.
185                 lists[i][j] = new LinkedList<Point>();
186                 for( int k=0; k<p; k++ ) if( step[i][j][k]>0 )
187                 {
188                         // Represent as a point, where x = k, and y = # of ways
189                         // of getting from j to k.
190                         lists[i][j].add( new Point( k, step[i][j][k]) );
191                 }
192             }
193         }
195         for(;;)
196         {
197                 // Read in n & m, exit if done
198                 int n = sc.nextInt();
199                 int m = sc.nextInt();
200             if( n==0 && m==0 ) break;
202             // p = 2^n, the number of possible bitmaps
203             int p = 1<<n;
205             // current[j] is the number of ways of achieving bitmap j
206             // on the current column
207             int current[] = new int[p];
209             // next[k] is the number of ways of achieving bitmap k
210             // on the next column
211             int next[] = new int[p];
213             // We'll start at the very beginning (a very good place to start)
214             // with one bitmap of 0, and no others.
215             Arrays.fill( next, 0 );
216             next[0] = 1;
218             // Go through all of the columns
219             for( int i=0; i<m; i++ )
220             {
221                 // Swap current and next - last iterations' next[]
222                 // is this iteration's current[]
223                 int temp[] = current;
224                 current = next;
225                 next = temp;
227                 // Start afresh
228                 Arrays.fill( next, 0 );
230                 // Go through all possible bitmaps, and use the
231                 // linked lists to see what bitmaps we can go to next
232                 for( int j=0; j<p; j++ ) if( current[j]>0 ) for( Point q : lists[n][j] )
233                 {
234                         // Remember how we build that point: q.x is k, and q.y is the number of ways
235                         // to get from j to k.
236                         //
237                         // If there are current[j] ways of getting to bitmap j on the current column,
238                         // and q.y ways of getting from there to bitmap q.x, then we've
239                         // just found current[j]*q.y more ways of getting to bitmap q.x
240                         // on the next column. So, add them in.
241                     next[q.x] += current[j] * q.y;
243                     // Mod to keep the numbers manageable.
244                     next[q.x] %= 1000000;
245                 }
246             }
248             // We're done! How many ways were there of achieving bitmap 0
249             // on the last iteration - that is, we nicely filled in the mosaic with
250             // nothing hanging over?
251             ps.println( next[0] );
253         }
254     }
256     public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception
257     {
258         long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
259         new mosaic().doit();
260         System.out.println( System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime );
262         /*
263         Random random = new Random();
264         for( int i=0; i<25; i++ )
265         {
266             System.out.println( (random.nextInt(9)+2) + " " + (random.nextInt(501)+1)); 
267         }
268         */
269     }
270 }