Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Uses of Class

Packages that use MouseEvent
java.awt Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images. 
java.awt.dnd Drag and Drop is a direct manipulation gesture found in many Graphical User Interface systems that provides a mechanism to transfer information between two entities logically associated with presentation elements in the GUI. 
java.awt.event Provides interfaces and classes for dealing with different types of events fired by AWT components. 
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. 
javax.swing.event Provides for events fired by Swing components. 
javax.swing.plaf Provides one interface and many abstract classes that Swing uses to provide its pluggable look-and-feel capabilities. 
javax.swing.plaf.basic Provides user interface objects built according to the Basic look and feel. 
javax.swing.plaf.metal Provides user interface objects built according to the Java look and feel (once codenamed Metal), which is the default look and feel. 
javax.swing.plaf.multi Provides user interface objects that combine two or more look and feels. 
javax.swing.table Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTable
javax.swing.text Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components. 
javax.swing.text.html Provides the class HTMLEditorKit and supporting classes for creating HTML text editors. 

Uses of MouseEvent in java.awt

Methods in java.awt with parameters of type MouseEvent
 void AWTEventMulticaster.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
          Handles the mouseClicked event by invoking the mouseClicked methods on listener-a and listener-b.
 void AWTEventMulticaster.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
          Handles the mouseDragged event by invoking the mouseDragged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
 void AWTEventMulticaster.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
          Handles the mouseEntered event by invoking the mouseEntered methods on listener-a and listener-b.
 void AWTEventMulticaster.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
          Handles the mouseExited event by invoking the mouseExited methods on listener-a and listener-b.
 void AWTEventMulticaster.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
          Handles the mouseMoved event by invoking the mouseMoved methods on listener-a and listener-b.
 void AWTEventMulticaster.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          Handles the mousePressed event by invoking the mousePressed methods on listener-a and listener-b.
 void AWTEventMulticaster.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
          Handles the mouseReleased event by invoking the mouseReleased methods on listener-a and listener-b.
protected  void Component.processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
          Processes mouse events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered MouseListener objects.
protected  void Component.processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent e)
          Processes mouse motion events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered MouseMotionListener objects.

Uses of MouseEvent in java.awt.dnd

Methods in java.awt.dnd with parameters of type MouseEvent
 void MouseDragGestureRecognizer.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on a component.
 void MouseDragGestureRecognizer.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on a component.
 void MouseDragGestureRecognizer.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse enters a component.
 void MouseDragGestureRecognizer.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse exits a component.
 void MouseDragGestureRecognizer.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse button has been moved on a component (with no buttons no down).
 void MouseDragGestureRecognizer.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a Component.
 void MouseDragGestureRecognizer.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.

Uses of MouseEvent in java.awt.event

Subclasses of MouseEvent in java.awt.event
 class MouseWheelEvent
          An event which indicates that the mouse wheel was rotated in a component.

Methods in java.awt.event with parameters of type MouseEvent
 void MouseAdapter.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on a component.
 void MouseListener.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on a component.
 void MouseMotionAdapter.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on a component and then dragged.
 void MouseAdapter.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on a component and then dragged.
 void MouseMotionListener.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on a component and then dragged.
 void MouseAdapter.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse enters a component.
 void MouseListener.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse enters a component.
 void MouseAdapter.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse exits a component.
 void MouseListener.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse exits a component.
 void MouseMotionAdapter.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse button has been moved on a component (with no buttons no down).
 void MouseAdapter.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse cursor has been moved onto a component but no buttons have been pushed.
 void MouseMotionListener.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse cursor has been moved onto a component but no buttons have been pushed.
 void MouseAdapter.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
 void MouseListener.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
 void MouseAdapter.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
 void MouseListener.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.

Uses of MouseEvent in javax.swing

Methods in javax.swing that return MouseEvent
static MouseEvent SwingUtilities.convertMouseEvent(Component source, MouseEvent sourceEvent, Component destination)
          Returns a MouseEvent similar to sourceEvent except that its x and y members have been converted to destination's coordinate system.

Methods in javax.swing with parameters of type MouseEvent
static MouseEvent SwingUtilities.convertMouseEvent(Component source, MouseEvent sourceEvent, Component destination)
          Returns a MouseEvent similar to sourceEvent except that its x and y members have been converted to destination's coordinate system.
 Point JComponent.getPopupLocation(MouseEvent event)
          Returns the preferred location to display the popup menu in this component's coordinate system.
 Point JComponent.getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent event)
          Returns the tooltip location in this component's coordinate system.
 String JTabbedPane.getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
          Returns the tooltip text for the component determined by the mouse event location.
 String JTree.getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
          Overrides JComponent's getToolTipText method in order to allow renderer's tips to be used if it has text set.
 String JTable.getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
          Overrides JComponent's getToolTipText method in order to allow the renderer's tips to be used if it has text set.
 String JList.getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
          Returns the tooltip text to be used for the given event.
 String JComponent.getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
          Returns the string to be used as the tooltip for event.
static boolean SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(MouseEvent anEvent)
          Returns true if the mouse event specifies the left mouse button.
static boolean SwingUtilities.isMiddleMouseButton(MouseEvent anEvent)
          Returns true if the mouse event specifies the middle mouse button.
 boolean JPopupMenu.isPopupTrigger(MouseEvent e)
          Returns true if the MouseEvent is considered a popup trigger by the JPopupMenu's currently installed UI.
static boolean SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(MouseEvent anEvent)
          Returns true if the mouse event specifies the right mouse button.
 void ToolTipManager.mouseDragged(MouseEvent event)
          Called when the mouse is pressed and dragged.
 void ToolTipManager.mouseEntered(MouseEvent event)
          Called when the mouse enters the region of a component.
 void ToolTipManager.mouseExited(MouseEvent event)
          Called when the mouse exits the region of a component.
 void ToolTipManager.mouseMoved(MouseEvent event)
          Called when the mouse is moved.
 void ToolTipManager.mousePressed(MouseEvent event)
          Called when the mouse is pressed.
protected  void JComponent.processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
          Processes mouse events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered MouseListener objects, refer to Component.processMouseEvent(MouseEvent) for a complete description of this method.
 void MenuSelectionManager.processMouseEvent(MouseEvent event)
          When a MenuElement receives an event from a MouseListener, it should never process the event directly.
 void JMenuItem.processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e, MenuElement[] path, MenuSelectionManager manager)
          Processes a mouse event forwarded from the MenuSelectionManager and changes the menu selection, if necessary, by using the MenuSelectionManager's API.
 void JPopupMenu.processMouseEvent(MouseEvent event, MenuElement[] path, MenuSelectionManager manager)
          This method is required to conform to the MenuElement interface, but it not implemented.
 void JMenuBar.processMouseEvent(MouseEvent event, MenuElement[] path, MenuSelectionManager manager)
          Implemented to be a MenuElement -- does nothing.
 void MenuElement.processMouseEvent(MouseEvent event, MenuElement[] path, MenuSelectionManager manager)
          Processes a mouse event.
protected  void JComponent.processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent e)
          Processes mouse motion events, such as MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED.

Uses of MouseEvent in javax.swing.event

Subclasses of MouseEvent in javax.swing.event
 class MenuDragMouseEvent
          MenuDragMouseEvent is used to notify interested parties that the menu element has received a MouseEvent forwarded to it under drag conditions.

Uses of MouseEvent in javax.swing.plaf

Methods in javax.swing.plaf with parameters of type MouseEvent
 boolean PopupMenuUI.isPopupTrigger(MouseEvent e)

Uses of MouseEvent in javax.swing.plaf.basic

Methods in javax.swing.plaf.basic that return MouseEvent
protected  MouseEvent BasicComboPopup.convertMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)

Methods in javax.swing.plaf.basic with parameters of type MouseEvent
protected  void BasicSplitPaneDivider.DragController.completeDrag(MouseEvent e)
          Messages finishDraggingTo with the new location for the mouse event.
protected  void BasicSplitPaneDivider.DragController.continueDrag(MouseEvent e)
          Messages dragDividerTo with the new location for the mouse event.
protected  MouseEvent BasicComboPopup.convertMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
protected  void BasicComboPopup.delegateFocus(MouseEvent e)
          This is is a utility method that helps event handlers figure out where to send the focus when the popup is brought up.
protected  boolean BasicTreeUI.isMultiSelectEvent(MouseEvent event)
          Returning true signifies a mouse event on the node should select from the anchor point.
 boolean BasicPopupMenuUI.isPopupTrigger(MouseEvent e)
protected  boolean BasicTreeUI.isToggleEvent(MouseEvent event)
          Returning true indicates the row under the mouse should be toggled based on the event.
protected  boolean BasicTreeUI.isToggleSelectionEvent(MouseEvent event)
          Returning true signifies a mouse event on the node should toggle the selection of only the row under mouse.
 void BasicToolBarUI.DockingListener.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableHeaderUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicListUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.BorderListener.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.GlassPaneDispatcher.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicFileChooserUI.DoubleClickListener.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicButtonListener.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTreeUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicMenuUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicMenuItemUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicToolBarUI.DockingListener.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableHeaderUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicSliderUI.TrackListener.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
          Set the models value to the position of the top/left of the thumb relative to the origin of the track.
 void BasicScrollBarUI.TrackListener.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
          Set the models value to the position of the thumb's top of Vertical scrollbar, or the left/right of Horizontal scrollbar in left-to-right/right-to-left scrollbar relative to the origin of the track.
 void BasicListUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.BorderListener.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.GlassPaneDispatcher.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicDesktopIconUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicButtonListener.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTreeUI.MouseHandler.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTreeUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicMenuUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on the menu and then dragged.
 void BasicMenuItemUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicSplitPaneDivider.MouseHandler.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
          If dragger is not null it is messaged with continueDrag.
 void BasicComboPopup.InvocationMouseMotionHandler.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicToolBarUI.DockingListener.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableHeaderUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicListUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.BorderListener.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.GlassPaneDispatcher.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicFileChooserUI.DoubleClickListener.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
          The JList used for representing the files is created by subclasses, but the selection is monitored in this class.
 void BasicButtonListener.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTreeUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicMenuUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the cursor enters the menu.
 void BasicMenuItemUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicSplitPaneDivider.MouseHandler.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse enters a component.
 void BasicToolBarUI.DockingListener.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableHeaderUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicScrollBarUI.TrackListener.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse exits the scrollbar.
 void BasicListUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.BorderListener.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.GlassPaneDispatcher.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicButtonListener.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTreeUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicMenuUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicMenuItemUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicSplitPaneDivider.MouseHandler.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse exits a component.
 void BasicToolBarUI.DockingListener.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableHeaderUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicSliderUI.TrackListener.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicScrollBarUI.TrackListener.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicListUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.BorderListener.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.GlassPaneDispatcher.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicDesktopIconUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicButtonListener.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTreeUI.MouseHandler.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse button has been moved on a component (with no buttons no down).
 void BasicTreeUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicMenuUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicMenuItemUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicSplitPaneDivider.MouseHandler.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
          Resets the cursor based on the orientation.
 void BasicComboPopup.ListMouseMotionHandler.mouseMoved(MouseEvent anEvent)
 void BasicToolBarUI.DockingListener.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableHeaderUI.MouseInputHandler.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableUI.MouseInputHandler.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTabbedPaneUI.MouseHandler.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicSliderUI.TrackListener.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          If the mouse is pressed above the "thumb" component then reduce the scrollbars value by one page ("page up"), otherwise increase it by one page.
 void BasicScrollBarUI.TrackListener.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          If the mouse is pressed above the "thumb" component then reduce the scrollbars value by one page ("page up"), otherwise increase it by one page.
 void BasicScrollBarUI.ArrowButtonListener.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicListUI.MouseInputHandler.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.BorderListener.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.GlassPaneDispatcher.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicDesktopIconUI.MouseInputHandler.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicButtonListener.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTreeUI.MouseHandler.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
 void BasicTreeUI.MouseInputHandler.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicMenuUI.MouseInputHandler.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on the menu.
 void BasicMenuItemUI.MouseInputHandler.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicSplitPaneDivider.MouseHandler.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          Starts the dragging session by creating the appropriate instance of DragController.
 void BasicComboPopup.InvocationMouseHandler.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          Responds to mouse-pressed events on the combo box.
 void BasicComboPopup.ListMouseHandler.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicToolBarUI.DockingListener.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableHeaderUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTableUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicSliderUI.TrackListener.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicScrollBarUI.TrackListener.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicScrollBarUI.ArrowButtonListener.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicListUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.BorderListener.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicInternalFrameUI.GlassPaneDispatcher.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicDesktopIconUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTreeUI.MouseHandler.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicTreeUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicMenuUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse has been released on the menu.
 void BasicMenuItemUI.MouseInputHandler.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 void BasicSplitPaneDivider.MouseHandler.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
          If dragger is not null it is messaged with completeDrag.
 void BasicComboPopup.InvocationMouseHandler.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
          Responds to the user terminating a click or drag that began on the combo box.
 void BasicComboPopup.ListMouseHandler.mouseReleased(MouseEvent anEvent)
protected  int BasicSplitPaneDivider.DragController.positionForMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
          Returns the new position to put the divider at based on the passed in MouseEvent.
protected  int BasicSplitPaneDivider.VerticalDragController.positionForMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
          Returns the new position to put the divider at based on the passed in MouseEvent.
 void BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI.processMouseEvent(JMenuItem item, MouseEvent e, MenuElement[] path, MenuSelectionManager manager)
 void BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI.processMouseEvent(JMenuItem item, MouseEvent e, MenuElement[] path, MenuSelectionManager manager)
protected  void BasicTreeUI.selectPathForEvent(TreePath path, MouseEvent event)
          Messaged to update the selection based on a MouseEvent over a particular row.
protected  boolean BasicTreeUI.startEditing(TreePath path, MouseEvent event)
          Will start editing for node if there is a cellEditor and shouldSelectCell returns true.
protected  void BasicComboPopup.updateListBoxSelectionForEvent(MouseEvent anEvent, boolean shouldScroll)
          A utility method used by the event listeners.

Constructors in javax.swing.plaf.basic with parameters of type MouseEvent
BasicSplitPaneDivider.DragController(MouseEvent e)
BasicSplitPaneDivider.VerticalDragController(MouseEvent e)
BasicTreeUI.MouseInputHandler(Component source, Component destination, MouseEvent event)

Uses of MouseEvent in javax.swing.plaf.metal

Methods in javax.swing.plaf.metal with parameters of type MouseEvent
 void MetalComboBoxUI.MetalComboPopup.delegateFocus(MouseEvent e)
 void MetalToolBarUI.MetalDockingListener.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void MetalToolBarUI.MetalDockingListener.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)

Uses of MouseEvent in javax.swing.plaf.multi

Methods in javax.swing.plaf.multi with parameters of type MouseEvent
 boolean MultiPopupMenuUI.isPopupTrigger(MouseEvent a)
          Invokes the isPopupTrigger method on each UI handled by this object.

Uses of MouseEvent in javax.swing.table

Methods in javax.swing.table with parameters of type MouseEvent
 String JTableHeader.getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
          Allows the renderer's tips to be used if there is text set.

Uses of MouseEvent in javax.swing.text

Methods in javax.swing.text with parameters of type MouseEvent
 String JTextComponent.getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
          Returns the string to be used as the tooltip for event.
 void DefaultCaret.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is clicked.
 void DefaultCaret.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
          Moves the caret position according to the mouse pointer's current location.
 void DefaultCaret.mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse enters a region.
 void DefaultCaret.mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse exits a region.
 void DefaultCaret.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is moved.
 void DefaultCaret.mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          If button 1 is pressed, this is implemented to request focus on the associated text component, and to set the caret position.
 void DefaultCaret.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is released.
protected  void DefaultCaret.moveCaret(MouseEvent e)
          Tries to move the position of the caret from the coordinates of a mouse event, using viewToModel().
protected  void DefaultCaret.positionCaret(MouseEvent e)
          Tries to set the position of the caret from the coordinates of a mouse event, using viewToModel().

Uses of MouseEvent in javax.swing.text.html

Methods in javax.swing.text.html with parameters of type MouseEvent
 void HTMLEditorKit.LinkController.mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
          Called for a mouse click event.
 void HTMLEditorKit.LinkController.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
 void HTMLEditorKit.LinkController.mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 void FormView.MouseEventListener.mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt)

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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