Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Serializable
java.applet Provides the classes necessary to create an applet and the classes an applet uses to communicate with its applet context. 
java.awt Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images. 
java.awt.color Provides classes for color spaces. 
java.awt.datatransfer Provides interfaces and classes for transferring data between and within applications. 
java.awt.dnd Drag and Drop is a direct manipulation gesture found in many Graphical User Interface systems that provides a mechanism to transfer information between two entities logically associated with presentation elements in the GUI. 
java.awt.event Provides interfaces and classes for dealing with different types of events fired by AWT components. 
java.awt.font Provides classes and interface relating to fonts. 
java.awt.geom Provides the Java 2D classes for defining and performing operations on objects related to two-dimensional geometry. 
java.awt.image Provides classes for creating and modifying images. 
java.awt.image.renderable Provides classes and interfaces for producing rendering-independent images. 
java.awt.print Provides classes and interfaces for a general printing API. 
java.beans Contains classes related to developing beans -- components based on the JavaBeansTM architecture. 
java.beans.beancontext Provides classes and interfaces relating to bean context. Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system. 
java.lang Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language. 
java.lang.annotation Provides library support for the Java programming language annotation facility. 
java.lang.instrument Provides services that allow Java programming language agents to instrument programs running on the JVM. Provides the management interface for monitoring and management of the Java virtual machine as well as the operating system on which the Java virtual machine is running. 
java.lang.reflect Provides classes and interfaces for obtaining reflective information about classes and objects. 
java.math Provides classes for performing arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic (BigInteger) and arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic (BigDecimal). Provides the classes for implementing networking applications. 
java.nio Defines buffers, which are containers for data, and provides an overview of the other NIO packages. 
java.nio.channels Defines channels, which represent connections to entities that are capable of performing I/O operations, such as files and sockets; defines selectors, for multiplexed, non-blocking I/O operations. 
java.nio.charset Defines charsets, decoders, and encoders, for translating between bytes and Unicode characters. 
java.rmi Provides the RMI package. 
java.rmi.activation Provides support for RMI Object Activation. 
java.rmi.dgc Provides classes and interface for RMI distributed garbage-collection (DGC). 
java.rmi.server Provides classes and interfaces for supporting the server side of RMI. Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework. The classes and interfaces in this package have been superseded by classes in the package. Provides classes and interfaces for parsing and managing certificates, certificate revocation lists (CRLs), and certification paths. Provides interfaces for generating RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman AsymmetricCipher algorithm) keys as defined in the RSA Laboratory Technical Note PKCS#1, and DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) keys as defined in NIST's FIPS-186. Provides classes and interfaces for key specifications and algorithm parameter specifications. 
java.sql Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source (usually a relational database) using the JavaTM programming language. 
java.text Provides classes and interfaces for handling text, dates, numbers, and messages in a manner independent of natural languages. 
java.util Contains the collections framework, legacy collection classes, event model, date and time facilities, internationalization, and miscellaneous utility classes (a string tokenizer, a random-number generator, and a bit array). 
java.util.concurrent Utility classes commonly useful in concurrent programming. 
java.util.concurrent.atomic A small toolkit of classes that support lock-free thread-safe programming on single variables. 
java.util.concurrent.locks Interfaces and classes providing a framework for locking and waiting for conditions that is distinct from built-in synchronization and monitors. 
java.util.jar Provides classes for reading and writing the JAR (Java ARchive) file format, which is based on the standard ZIP file format with an optional manifest file. 
java.util.logging Provides the classes and interfaces of the JavaTM 2 platform's core logging facilities. 
java.util.prefs This package allows applications to store and retrieve user and system preference and configuration data. 
java.util.regex Classes for matching character sequences against patterns specified by regular expressions. Provides classes for reading and writing the standard ZIP and GZIP file formats. 
javax.activity Contains Activity service related exceptions thrown by the ORB machinery during unmarshalling. 
javax.annotation.processing Facilities for declaring annotation processors and for allowing annotation processors to communicate with an annotation processing tool environment. 
javax.crypto Provides the classes and interfaces for cryptographic operations. 
javax.crypto.interfaces Provides interfaces for Diffie-Hellman keys as defined in RSA Laboratories' PKCS #3. 
javax.crypto.spec Provides classes and interfaces for key specifications and algorithm parameter specifications. 
javax.imageio The main package of the Java Image I/O API. 
javax.imageio.metadata A package of the Java Image I/O API dealing with reading and writing metadata. 
javax.lang.model Classes and hierarchies of packages used to model the Java programming language. 
javax.lang.model.element Interfaces used to model elements of the Java programming language. 
javax.lang.model.type Interfaces used to model Java programming language types. Provides the core classes for the Java Management Extensions. Provides the classes which implement advanced dynamic loading. Provides the definition of the ModelMBean classes. Provides the definition of the monitor classes. Provides the open data types and Open MBean descriptor classes. Provides the definition of the Relation Service. Interfaces for remote access to JMX MBean servers. The RMI connector is a connector for the JMX Remote API that uses RMI to transmit client requests to a remote MBean server. Provides the definition of the Timer MBean. 
javax.naming Provides the classes and interfaces for accessing naming services. Extends the javax.naming package to provide functionality for accessing directory services. 
javax.naming.event Provides support for event notification when accessing naming and directory services. 
javax.naming.ldap Provides support for LDAPv3 extended operations and controls. 
javax.naming.spi Provides the means for dynamically plugging in support for accessing naming and directory services through the javax.naming and related packages. Provides classes for the secure socket package. 
javax.print Provides the principal classes and interfaces for the JavaTM Print Service API. 
javax.print.attribute Provides classes and interfaces that describe the types of JavaTM Print Service attributes and how they can be collected into attribute sets. 
javax.print.attribute.standard Package javax.print.attribute.standard contains classes for specific printing attributes. 
javax.print.event Package javax.print.event contains event classes and listener interfaces. 
javax.rmi.CORBA Contains portability APIs for RMI-IIOP. 
javax.rmi.ssl Provides implementations of RMIClientSocketFactory and RMIServerSocketFactory over the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. 
javax.script The scripting API consists of interfaces and classes that define Java TM Scripting Engines and provides a framework for their use in Java applications. This package provides a framework for authentication and authorization. This package provides the classes necessary for services to interact with applications in order to retrieve information (authentication data including usernames or passwords, for example) or to display information (error and warning messages, for example). This package contains utility classes related to the Kerberos network authentication protocol. This package provides a pluggable authentication framework. This package contains the classes that should be used to store X500 Principal and X500 Private Crendentials in a Subject Contains class and interfaces for supporting SASL. 
javax.sound.midi Provides interfaces and classes for I/O, sequencing, and synthesis of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) data. 
javax.sound.sampled Provides interfaces and classes for capture, processing, and playback of sampled audio data. 
javax.sql Provides the API for server side data source access and processing from the JavaTM programming language. 
javax.sql.rowset Standard interfaces and base classes for JDBC RowSet implementations. 
javax.sql.rowset.serial Provides utility classes to allow serializable mappings between SQL types and data types in the Java programming language. 
javax.sql.rowset.spi The standard classes and interfaces that a third party vendor has to use in its implementation of a synchronization provider. 
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. 
javax.swing.border Provides classes and interface for drawing specialized borders around a Swing component. 
javax.swing.colorchooser Contains classes and interfaces used by the JColorChooser component. 
javax.swing.event Provides for events fired by Swing components. 
javax.swing.plaf Provides one interface and many abstract classes that Swing uses to provide its pluggable look-and-feel capabilities. 
javax.swing.plaf.basic Provides user interface objects built according to the Basic look and feel. 
javax.swing.plaf.metal Provides user interface objects built according to the Java look and feel (once codenamed Metal), which is the default look and feel. 
javax.swing.plaf.synth Synth is a skinnable look and feel in which all painting is delegated. 
javax.swing.table Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTable
javax.swing.text Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components. 
javax.swing.text.html Provides the class HTMLEditorKit and supporting classes for creating HTML text editors. 
javax.swing.text.html.parser Provides the default HTML parser, along with support classes. 
javax.swing.text.rtf Provides a class (RTFEditorKit) for creating Rich-Text-Format text editors. 
javax.swing.tree Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTree
javax.swing.undo Allows developers to provide support for undo/redo in applications such as text editors. Provides interfaces for tools which can be invoked from a program, for example, compilers. 
javax.transaction Contains three exceptions thrown by the ORB machinery during unmarshalling. 
javax.transaction.xa Provides the API that defines the contract between the transaction manager and the resource manager, which allows the transaction manager to enlist and delist resource objects (supplied by the resource manager driver) in JTA transactions. 
javax.xml.bind Provides a runtime binding framework for client applications including unmarshalling, marshalling, and validation capabilities. 
javax.xml.bind.annotation Defines annotations for customizing Java program elements to XML Schema mapping. 
javax.xml.crypto Common classes for XML cryptography. 
javax.xml.crypto.dsig Classes for generating and validating XML digital signatures. 
javax.xml.datatype XML/Java Type Mappings. 
javax.xml.namespace XML Namespace processing. 
javax.xml.parsers Provides classes allowing the processing of XML documents. 
javax.xml.soap Provides the API for creating and building SOAP messages.   
javax.xml.transform This package defines the generic APIs for processing transformation instructions, and performing a transformation from source to result. This package contains the core JAX-WS APIs. This package defines APIs for message handlers. This package defines APIs specific to the HTTP binding. This package defines APIs specific to the SOAP binding. 
javax.xml.xpath This package provides an object-model neutral API for the evaluation of XPath expressions and access to the evaluation environment. 
org.ietf.jgss This package presents a framework that allows application developers to make use of security services like authentication, data integrity and data confidentiality from a variety of underlying security mechanisms like Kerberos, using a unified API. 
org.omg.CORBA Provides the mapping of the OMG CORBA APIs to the JavaTM programming language, including the class ORB, which is implemented so that a programmer can use it as a fully-functional Object Request Broker (ORB). 
org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable Provides methods for the input and output of value types, and contains other updates to the org/omg/CORBA/portable package. 
org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage Provides the exceptions used with the DynAny interface (InvalidValue, Invalid, InvalidSeq, and TypeMismatch). 
org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage Provides the exception InvalidName, which is thrown by the method ORB.resolve_initial_references and the exception InconsistentTypeCode, which is thrown by the Dynamic Any creation methods in the ORB class. 
org.omg.CORBA.portable Provides a portability layer, that is, a set of ORB APIs that makes it possible for code generated by one vendor to run on another vendor's ORB. 
org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage Provides the user-defined exceptions BadKind and Bounds, which are thrown by methods in in the class TypeCode
org.omg.CosNaming Provides a naming service for Java IDL. 
org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPackage This package contains the following classes, which are used in org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExt
org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage This package contains Exception classes for the org.omg.CosNaming package. 
org.omg.Dynamic This package contains the Dynamic module specified in the OMG Portable Interceptor specification,, section 21.9. 
org.omg.DynamicAny Provides classes and interfaces that enable traversal of the data value associated with an any at runtime, and extraction of the primitive constituents of the data value. 
org.omg.IOP This package contains the IOP module specified in the OMG document The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification,, section 13.6. 
org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage This package contains the exceptions specified in the IOP::CodeFactory interface (as part of the Portable Interceptors spec). 
org.omg.IOP.CodecPackage This package is generated from the IOP::Codec IDL interface definition. 
org.omg.PortableInterceptor Provides a mechanism to register ORB hooks through which ORB services can intercept the normal flow of execution of the ORB. 
org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfoPackage This package contains the exceptions and typedefs from the ORBInitInfo local interface of the PortableInterceptor module specified in the OMG Portable Interceptor specification,, section 21.7.2. 
org.omg.PortableServer Provides classes and interfaces for making the server side of your applications portable across multivendor ORBs. 
org.omg.PortableServer.CurrentPackage Provides method implementations with access to the identity of the object on which the method was invoked. 
org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage Encapsulates the processing state of the POAs it is associated with. 
org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage Allows programmers to construct object implementations that are portable between different ORB products. 
org.omg.SendingContext Provides support for the marshalling of value types. Contains RMI-IIOP Stubs for the Remote types that occur in the java.rmi package. 
org.w3c.dom Provides the interfaces for the Document Object Model (DOM) which is a component API of the Java API for XML Processing   
org.xml.sax This package provides the core SAX APIs. 

Uses of Serializable in java.applet

Classes in java.applet that implement Serializable
 class Applet
          An applet is a small program that is intended not to be run on its own, but rather to be embedded inside another application.
protected  class Applet.AccessibleApplet
          This class implements accessibility support for the Applet class.

Uses of Serializable in java.awt

Classes in java.awt that implement Serializable
 class AWTError
          Thrown when a serious Abstract Window Toolkit error has occurred.
 class AWTEvent
          The root event class for all AWT events.
 class AWTException
          Signals that an Absract Window Toolkit exception has occurred.
 class AWTKeyStroke
          An AWTKeyStroke represents a key action on the keyboard, or equivalent input device.
 class AWTPermission
          This class is for AWT permissions.
 class BorderLayout
          A border layout lays out a container, arranging and resizing its components to fit in five regions: north, south, east, west, and center.
 class Button
          This class creates a labeled button.
protected  class Button.AccessibleAWTButton
          This class implements accessibility support for the Button class.
 class Canvas
          A Canvas component represents a blank rectangular area of the screen onto which the application can draw or from which the application can trap input events from the user.
protected  class Canvas.AccessibleAWTCanvas
          This class implements accessibility support for the Canvas class.
 class CardLayout
          A CardLayout object is a layout manager for a container.
 class Checkbox
          A check box is a graphical component that can be in either an "on" (true) or "off" (false) state.
protected  class Checkbox.AccessibleAWTCheckbox
          This class implements accessibility support for the Checkbox class.
 class CheckboxGroup
          The CheckboxGroup class is used to group together a set of Checkbox buttons.
 class CheckboxMenuItem
          This class represents a check box that can be included in a menu.
protected  class CheckboxMenuItem.AccessibleAWTCheckboxMenuItem
          Inner class of CheckboxMenuItem used to provide default support for accessibility.
 class Choice
          The Choice class presents a pop-up menu of choices.
protected  class Choice.AccessibleAWTChoice
          This class implements accessibility support for the Choice class.
 class Color
          The Color class is used to encapsulate colors in the default sRGB color space or colors in arbitrary color spaces identified by a ColorSpace.
 class Component
          A component is an object having a graphical representation that can be displayed on the screen and that can interact with the user.
protected  class Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
          Inner class of Component used to provide default support for accessibility.
static class Component.BaselineResizeBehavior
          Enumeration of the common ways the baseline of a component can change as the size changes.
 class ComponentOrientation
          The ComponentOrientation class encapsulates the language-sensitive orientation that is to be used to order the elements of a component or of text.
 class Container
          A generic Abstract Window Toolkit(AWT) container object is a component that can contain other AWT components.
protected  class Container.AccessibleAWTContainer
          Inner class of Container used to provide default support for accessibility.
 class ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy
          A FocusTraversalPolicy that determines traversal order based on the order of child Components in a Container.
 class Cursor
          A class to encapsulate the bitmap representation of the mouse cursor.
 class DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy
          A FocusTraversalPolicy that determines traversal order based on the order of child Components in a Container.
static class Desktop.Action
          Represents an action type.
 class Dialog
          A Dialog is a top-level window with a title and a border that is typically used to take some form of input from the user.
protected  class Dialog.AccessibleAWTDialog
          This class implements accessibility support for the Dialog class.
static class Dialog.ModalExclusionType
          Any top-level window can be marked not to be blocked by modal dialogs.
static class Dialog.ModalityType
          Modal dialogs block all input to some top-level windows.
 class Dimension
          The Dimension class encapsulates the width and height of a component (in integer precision) in a single object.
 class Event
          NOTE: The Event class is obsolete and is available only for backwards compatilibility.
 class FileDialog
          The FileDialog class displays a dialog window from which the user can select a file.
 class FlowLayout
          A flow layout arranges components in a directional flow, much like lines of text in a paragraph.
 class Font
          The Font class represents fonts, which are used to render text in a visible way.
 class FontFormatException
          Thrown by method createFont in the Font class to indicate that the specified font is bad.
 class FontMetrics
          The FontMetrics class defines a font metrics object, which encapsulates information about the rendering of a particular font on a particular screen.
 class Frame
          A Frame is a top-level window with a title and a border.
protected  class Frame.AccessibleAWTFrame
          This class implements accessibility support for the Frame class.
 class GraphicsConfigTemplate
          The GraphicsConfigTemplate class is used to obtain a valid GraphicsConfiguration.
 class GridBagConstraints
          The GridBagConstraints class specifies constraints for components that are laid out using the GridBagLayout class.
 class GridBagLayout
          The GridBagLayout class is a flexible layout manager that aligns components vertically, horizontally or along their baseline without requiring that the components be of the same size.
 class GridBagLayoutInfo
          The GridBagLayoutInfo is an utility class for GridBagLayout layout manager.
 class GridLayout
          The GridLayout class is a layout manager that lays out a container's components in a rectangular grid.
 class HeadlessException
          Thrown when code that is dependent on a keyboard, display, or mouse is called in an environment that does not support a keyboard, display, or mouse.
 class IllegalComponentStateException
          Signals that an AWT component is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
 class Insets
          An Insets object is a representation of the borders of a container.
 class Label
          A Label object is a component for placing text in a container.
protected  class Label.AccessibleAWTLabel
          This class implements accessibility support for the Label class.
 class List
          The List component presents the user with a scrolling list of text items.
protected  class List.AccessibleAWTList
          This class implements accessibility support for the List class.
protected  class List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
          This class implements accessibility support for List children.
 class MediaTracker
          The MediaTracker class is a utility class to track the status of a number of media objects.
 class Menu
          A Menu object is a pull-down menu component that is deployed from a menu bar.
protected  class Menu.AccessibleAWTMenu
          Inner class of Menu used to provide default support for accessibility.
 class MenuBar
          The MenuBar class encapsulates the platform's concept of a menu bar bound to a frame.
protected  class MenuBar.AccessibleAWTMenuBar
          Inner class of MenuBar used to provide default support for accessibility.
 class MenuComponent
          The abstract class MenuComponent is the superclass of all menu-related components.
protected  class MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
          Inner class of MenuComponent used to provide default support for accessibility.
 class MenuItem
          All items in a menu must belong to the class MenuItem, or one of its subclasses.
protected  class MenuItem.AccessibleAWTMenuItem
          Inner class of MenuItem used to provide default support for accessibility.
 class MenuShortcut
          The MenuShortcutclass represents a keyboard accelerator for a MenuItem.
static class MultipleGradientPaint.ColorSpaceType
          The color space in which to perform the gradient interpolation.
static class MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethod
          The method to use when painting outside the gradient bounds.
 class Panel
          Panel is the simplest container class.
protected  class Panel.AccessibleAWTPanel
          This class implements accessibility support for the Panel class.
 class Point
          A point representing a location in (x,y) coordinate space, specified in integer precision.
 class Polygon
          The Polygon class encapsulates a description of a closed, two-dimensional region within a coordinate space.
 class PopupMenu
          A class that implements a menu which can be dynamically popped up at a specified position within a component.
protected  class PopupMenu.AccessibleAWTPopupMenu
          Inner class of PopupMenu used to provide default support for accessibility.
 class Rectangle
          A Rectangle specifies an area in a coordinate space that is enclosed by the Rectangle object's upper-left point (x,y) in the coordinate space, its width, and its height.
 class Scrollbar
          The Scrollbar class embodies a scroll bar, a familiar user-interface object.
protected  class Scrollbar.AccessibleAWTScrollBar
          This class implements accessibility support for the Scrollbar class.
 class ScrollPane
          A container class which implements automatic horizontal and/or vertical scrolling for a single child component.
protected  class ScrollPane.AccessibleAWTScrollPane
          This class implements accessibility support for the ScrollPane class.
 class ScrollPaneAdjustable
          This class represents the state of a horizontal or vertical scrollbar of a ScrollPane.
 class SystemColor
          A class to encapsulate symbolic colors representing the color of native GUI objects on a system.
 class TextArea
          A TextArea object is a multi-line region that displays text.
protected  class TextArea.AccessibleAWTTextArea
          This class implements accessibility support for the TextArea class.
 class TextComponent
          The TextComponent class is the superclass of any component that allows the editing of some text.
protected  class TextComponent.AccessibleAWTTextComponent
          This class implements accessibility support for the TextComponent class.
 class TextField
          A TextField object is a text component that allows for the editing of a single line of text.
protected  class TextField.AccessibleAWTTextField
          This class implements accessibility support for the TextField class.
static class TrayIcon.MessageType
          The message type determines which icon will be displayed in the caption of the message, and a possible system sound a message may generate upon showing.
 class Window
          A Window object is a top-level window with no borders and no menubar.
protected  class Window.AccessibleAWTWindow
          This class implements accessibility support for the Window class.

Uses of Serializable in java.awt.color

Classes in java.awt.color that implement Serializable
 class CMMException
          This exception is thrown if the native CMM returns an error.
 class ColorSpace
          This abstract class is used to serve as a color space tag to identify the specific color space of a Color object or, via a ColorModel object, of an Image, a BufferedImage, or a GraphicsDevice.
 class ICC_ColorSpace
          The ICC_ColorSpace class is an implementation of the abstract ColorSpace class.
 class ICC_Profile
          A representation of color profile data for device independent and device dependent color spaces based on the International Color Consortium Specification ICC.1:2001-12, File Format for Color Profiles, (see
 class ICC_ProfileGray
          A subclass of the ICC_Profile class which represents profiles which meet the following criteria: the color space type of the profile is TYPE_GRAY and the profile includes the grayTRCTag and mediaWhitePointTag tags.
 class ICC_ProfileRGB
          The ICC_ProfileRGB class is a subclass of the ICC_Profile class that represents profiles which meet the following criteria: The profile's color space type is RGB. The profile includes the redColorantTag, greenColorantTag, blueColorantTag, redTRCTag, greenTRCTag, blueTRCTag, and mediaWhitePointTag tags. The ICC_Profile getInstance method will return an ICC_ProfileRGB object when these conditions are met.
 class ProfileDataException
          This exception is thrown when an error occurs in accessing or processing an ICC_Profile object.

Uses of Serializable in java.awt.datatransfer

Classes in java.awt.datatransfer that implement Serializable
 class DataFlavor
          A DataFlavor provides meta information about data.
 class FlavorEvent
          FlavorEvent is used to notify interested parties that available DataFlavors have changed in the Clipboard (the event source).
 class MimeTypeParseException
          A class to encapsulate MimeType parsing related exceptions
 class UnsupportedFlavorException
          Signals that the requested data is not supported in this flavor.

Uses of Serializable in java.awt.dnd

Classes in java.awt.dnd that implement Serializable
 class DragGestureEvent
          A DragGestureEvent is passed to DragGestureListener's dragGestureRecognized() method when a particular DragGestureRecognizer detects that a platform dependent drag initiating gesture has occurred on the Component that it is tracking.
 class DragGestureRecognizer
          The DragGestureRecognizer is an abstract base class for the specification of a platform-dependent listener that can be associated with a particular Component in order to identify platform-dependent drag initiating gestures.
 class DragSource
          The DragSource is the entity responsible for the initiation of the Drag and Drop operation, and may be used in a number of scenarios: 1 default instance per JVM for the lifetime of that JVM.
 class DragSourceContext
          The DragSourceContext class is responsible for managing the initiator side of the Drag and Drop protocol.
 class DragSourceDragEvent
          The DragSourceDragEvent is delivered from the DragSourceContextPeer, via the DragSourceContext, to the DragSourceListener registered with that DragSourceContext and with its associated DragSource.
 class DragSourceDropEvent
          The DragSourceDropEvent is delivered from the DragSourceContextPeer, via the DragSourceContext, to the dragDropEnd method of DragSourceListeners registered with that DragSourceContext and with its associated DragSource.
 class DragSourceEvent
          This class is the base class for DragSourceDragEvent and DragSourceDropEvent.
 class DropTarget
          The DropTarget is associated with a Component when that Component wishes to accept drops during Drag and Drop operations.
 class DropTargetContext
          A DropTargetContext is created whenever the logical cursor associated with a Drag and Drop operation coincides with the visible geometry of a Component associated with a DropTarget.
 class DropTargetDragEvent
          The DropTargetDragEvent is delivered to a DropTargetListener via its dragEnter() and dragOver() methods.
 class DropTargetDropEvent
          The DropTargetDropEvent is delivered via the DropTargetListener drop() method.
 class DropTargetEvent
          The DropTargetEvent is the base class for both the DropTargetDragEvent and the DropTargetDropEvent.
 class InvalidDnDOperationException
          This exception is thrown by various methods in the java.awt.dnd package.
 class MouseDragGestureRecognizer
          This abstract subclass of DragGestureRecognizer defines a DragGestureRecognizer for mouse-based gestures.

Uses of Serializable in java.awt.event

Classes in java.awt.event that implement Serializable
 class ActionEvent
          A semantic event which indicates that a component-defined action occurred.
 class AdjustmentEvent
          The adjustment event emitted by Adjustable objects.
 class ComponentEvent
          A low-level event which indicates that a component moved, changed size, or changed visibility (also, the root class for the other component-level events).
 class ContainerEvent
          A low-level event which indicates that a container's contents changed because a component was added or removed.
 class FocusEvent
          A low-level event which indicates that a Component has gained or lost the input focus.
 class HierarchyEvent
          An event which indicates a change to the Component hierarchy to which a Component belongs.
 class InputEvent
          The root event class for all component-level input events.
 class InputMethodEvent
          Input method events contain information about text that is being composed using an input method.
 class InvocationEvent
          An event which executes the run() method on a Runnable when dispatched by the AWT event dispatcher thread.
 class ItemEvent
          A semantic event which indicates that an item was selected or deselected.
 class KeyEvent
          An event which indicates that a keystroke occurred in a component.
 class MouseEvent
          An event which indicates that a mouse action occurred in a component.
 class MouseWheelEvent
          An event which indicates that the mouse wheel was rotated in a component.
 class PaintEvent
          The component-level paint event.
 class TextEvent
          A semantic event which indicates that an object's text changed.
 class WindowEvent
          A low-level event that indicates that a window has changed its status.

Uses of Serializable in java.awt.font

Classes in java.awt.font that implement Serializable
 class NumericShaper
          The NumericShaper class is used to convert Latin-1 (European) digits to other Unicode decimal digits.
 class TextAttribute
          The TextAttribute class defines attribute keys and attribute values used for text rendering.
 class TransformAttribute
          The TransformAttribute class provides an immutable wrapper for a transform so that it is safe to use as an attribute.

Uses of Serializable in java.awt.geom

Classes in java.awt.geom that implement Serializable
 class AffineTransform
          The AffineTransform class represents a 2D affine transform that performs a linear mapping from 2D coordinates to other 2D coordinates that preserves the "straightness" and "parallelness" of lines.
static class Arc2D.Double
          This class defines an arc specified in double precision.
static class Arc2D.Float
          This class defines an arc specified in float precision.
static class CubicCurve2D.Double
          A cubic parametric curve segment specified with double coordinates.
static class CubicCurve2D.Float
          A cubic parametric curve segment specified with float coordinates.
static class Ellipse2D.Double
          The Double class defines an ellipse specified in double precision.
static class Ellipse2D.Float
          The Float class defines an ellipse specified in float precision.
 class GeneralPath
          The GeneralPath class represents a geometric path constructed from straight lines, and quadratic and cubic (Bézier) curves.
 class IllegalPathStateException
          The IllegalPathStateException represents an exception that is thrown if an operation is performed on a path that is in an illegal state with respect to the particular operation being performed, such as appending a path segment to a GeneralPath without an initial moveto.
static class Line2D.Double
          A line segment specified with double coordinates.
static class Line2D.Float
          A line segment specified with float coordinates.
 class NoninvertibleTransformException
          The NoninvertibleTransformException class represents an exception that is thrown if an operation is performed requiring the inverse of an AffineTransform object but the AffineTransform is in a non-invertible state.
static class Path2D.Double
          The Double class defines a geometric path with coordinates stored in double precision floating point.
static class Path2D.Float
          The Float class defines a geometric path with coordinates stored in single precision floating point.
static class Point2D.Double
          The Double class defines a point specified in double precision.
static class Point2D.Float
          The Float class defines a point specified in float precision.
static class QuadCurve2D.Double
          A quadratic parametric curve segment specified with double coordinates.
static class QuadCurve2D.Float
          A quadratic parametric curve segment specified with float coordinates.
static class Rectangle2D.Double
          The Double class defines a rectangle specified in double coordinates.
static class Rectangle2D.Float
          The Float class defines a rectangle specified in float coordinates.
static class RoundRectangle2D.Double
          The Double class defines a rectangle with rounded corners all specified in double coordinates.
static class RoundRectangle2D.Float
          The Float class defines a rectangle with rounded corners all specified in float coordinates.

Uses of Serializable in java.awt.image

Classes in java.awt.image that implement Serializable
 class ImagingOpException
          The ImagingOpException is thrown if one of the BufferedImageOp or RasterOp filter methods cannot process the image.
 class RasterFormatException
          The RasterFormatException is thrown if there is invalid layout information in the Raster.

Uses of Serializable in java.awt.image.renderable

Classes in java.awt.image.renderable that implement Serializable
 class ParameterBlock
          A ParameterBlock encapsulates all the information about sources and parameters (Objects) required by a RenderableImageOp, or other classes that process images.

Uses of Serializable in java.awt.print

Classes in java.awt.print that implement Serializable
 class PrinterAbortException
          The PrinterAbortException class is a subclass of PrinterException and is used to indicate that a user or application has terminated the print job while it was in the process of printing.
 class PrinterException
          The PrinterException class and its subclasses are used to indicate that an exceptional condition has occurred in the print system.
 class PrinterIOException
          The PrinterIOException class is a subclass of PrinterException and is used to indicate that an IO error of some sort has occurred while printing.

Uses of Serializable in java.beans

Classes in java.beans that implement Serializable
 class IndexedPropertyChangeEvent
          An "IndexedPropertyChange" event gets delivered whenever a component that conforms to the JavaBeans specification (a "bean") changes a bound indexed property.
 class IntrospectionException
          Thrown when an exception happens during Introspection.
 class PropertyChangeEvent
          A "PropertyChange" event gets delivered whenever a bean changes a "bound" or "constrained" property.
 class PropertyChangeSupport
          This is a utility class that can be used by beans that support bound properties.
 class PropertyVetoException
          A PropertyVetoException is thrown when a proposed change to a property represents an unacceptable value.
 class VetoableChangeSupport
          This is a utility class that can be used by beans that support constrained properties.

Uses of Serializable in java.beans.beancontext

Classes in java.beans.beancontext that implement Serializable
 class BeanContextChildSupport
           This is a general support class to provide support for implementing the BeanContextChild protocol.
 class BeanContextEvent
           BeanContextEvent is the abstract root event class for all events emitted from, and pertaining to the semantics of, a BeanContext.
 class BeanContextMembershipEvent
          A BeanContextMembershipEvent encapsulates the list of children added to, or removed from, the membership of a particular BeanContext.
 class BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent
           This event type is used by the BeanContextServicesListener in order to identify the service being registered.
 class BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent
           This event type is used by the BeanContextServiceRevokedListener in order to identify the service being revoked.
 class BeanContextServicesSupport
           This helper class provides a utility implementation of the java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServices interface.
protected  class BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSChild
protected static class BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSServiceProvider
          subclasses may subclass this nested class to add behaviors for each BeanContextServicesProvider.
 class BeanContextSupport
          This helper class provides a utility implementation of the java.beans.beancontext.BeanContext interface.
protected  class BeanContextSupport.BCSChild

Methods in java.beans.beancontext that return Serializable
protected static Serializable BeanContextSupport.getChildSerializable(Object child)
          Gets the Serializable (if any) associated with the specified Child

Uses of Serializable in

Subinterfaces of Serializable in
 interface Externalizable
          Only the identity of the class of an Externalizable instance is written in the serialization stream and it is the responsibility of the class to save and restore the contents of its instances.

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class CharConversionException
          Base class for character conversion exceptions.
 class EOFException
          Signals that an end of file or end of stream has been reached unexpectedly during input.
 class File
          An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames.
 class FileNotFoundException
          Signals that an attempt to open the file denoted by a specified pathname has failed.
 class FilePermission
          This class represents access to a file or directory.
 class InterruptedIOException
          Signals that an I/O operation has been interrupted.
 class InvalidClassException
          Thrown when the Serialization runtime detects one of the following problems with a Class.
 class InvalidObjectException
          Indicates that one or more deserialized objects failed validation tests.
 class IOError
          Thrown when a serious I/O error has occurred.
 class IOException
          Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.
 class NotActiveException
          Thrown when serialization or deserialization is not active.
 class NotSerializableException
          Thrown when an instance is required to have a Serializable interface.
 class ObjectStreamClass
          Serialization's descriptor for classes.
 class ObjectStreamException
          Superclass of all exceptions specific to Object Stream classes.
 class OptionalDataException
          Exception indicating the failure of an object read operation due to unread primitive data, or the end of data belonging to a serialized object in the stream.
 class SerializablePermission
          This class is for Serializable permissions.
 class StreamCorruptedException
          Thrown when control information that was read from an object stream violates internal consistency checks.
 class SyncFailedException
          Signals that a sync operation has failed.
 class UnsupportedEncodingException
          The Character Encoding is not supported.
 class UTFDataFormatException
          Signals that a malformed string in modified UTF-8 format has been read in a data input stream or by any class that implements the data input interface.
 class WriteAbortedException
          Signals that one of the ObjectStreamExceptions was thrown during a write operation.

Uses of Serializable in java.lang

Classes in java.lang that implement Serializable
 class AbstractMethodError
          Thrown when an application tries to call an abstract method.
 class ArithmeticException
          Thrown when an exceptional arithmetic condition has occurred.
 class ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
          Thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index.
 class ArrayStoreException
          Thrown to indicate that an attempt has been made to store the wrong type of object into an array of objects.
 class AssertionError
          Thrown to indicate that an assertion has failed.
 class Boolean
          The Boolean class wraps a value of the primitive type boolean in an object.
 class Byte
          The Byte class wraps a value of primitive type byte in an object.
 class Character
          The Character class wraps a value of the primitive type char in an object.
 class Class<T>
          Instances of the class Class represent classes and interfaces in a running Java application.
 class ClassCastException
          Thrown to indicate that the code has attempted to cast an object to a subclass of which it is not an instance.
 class ClassCircularityError
          Thrown when a circularity has been detected while initializing a class.
 class ClassFormatError
          Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine attempts to read a class file and determines that the file is malformed or otherwise cannot be interpreted as a class file.
 class ClassNotFoundException
          Thrown when an application tries to load in a class through its string name using: The forName method in class Class.
 class CloneNotSupportedException
          Thrown to indicate that the clone method in class Object has been called to clone an object, but that the object's class does not implement the Cloneable interface.
 class Double
          The Double class wraps a value of the primitive type double in an object.
 class Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
          This is the common base class of all Java language enumeration types.
 class EnumConstantNotPresentException
          Thrown when an application tries to access an enum constant by name and the enum type contains no constant with the specified name.
 class Error
          An Error is a subclass of Throwable that indicates serious problems that a reasonable application should not try to catch.
 class Exception
          The class Exception and its subclasses are a form of Throwable that indicates conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch.
 class ExceptionInInitializerError
          Signals that an unexpected exception has occurred in a static initializer.
 class Float
          The Float class wraps a value of primitive type float in an object.
 class IllegalAccessError
          Thrown if an application attempts to access or modify a field, or to call a method that it does not have access to.
 class IllegalAccessException
          An IllegalAccessException is thrown when an application tries to reflectively create an instance (other than an array), set or get a field, or invoke a method, but the currently executing method does not have access to the definition of the specified class, field, method or constructor.
 class IllegalArgumentException
          Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument.
 class IllegalMonitorStateException
          Thrown to indicate that a thread has attempted to wait on an object's monitor or to notify other threads waiting on an object's monitor without owning the specified monitor.
 class IllegalStateException
          Signals that a method has been invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time.
 class IllegalThreadStateException
          Thrown to indicate that a thread is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
 class IncompatibleClassChangeError
          Thrown when an incompatible class change has occurred to some class definition.
 class IndexOutOfBoundsException
          Thrown to indicate that an index of some sort (such as to an array, to a string, or to a vector) is out of range.
 class InstantiationError
          Thrown when an application tries to use the Java new construct to instantiate an abstract class or an interface.
 class InstantiationException
          Thrown when an application tries to create an instance of a class using the newInstance method in class Class, but the specified class object cannot be instantiated.
 class Integer
          The Integer class wraps a value of the primitive type int in an object.
 class InternalError
          Thrown to indicate some unexpected internal error has occurred in the Java Virtual Machine.
 class InterruptedException
          Thrown when a thread is waiting, sleeping, or otherwise occupied, and the thread is interrupted, either before or during the activity.
 class LinkageError
          Subclasses of LinkageError indicate that a class has some dependency on another class; however, the latter class has incompatibly changed after the compilation of the former class.
 class Long
          The Long class wraps a value of the primitive type long in an object.
 class NegativeArraySizeException
          Thrown if an application tries to create an array with negative size.
 class NoClassDefFoundError
          Thrown if the Java Virtual Machine or a ClassLoader instance tries to load in the definition of a class (as part of a normal method call or as part of creating a new instance using the new expression) and no definition of the class could be found.
 class NoSuchFieldError
          Thrown if an application tries to access or modify a specified field of an object, and that object no longer has that field.
 class NoSuchFieldException
          Signals that the class doesn't have a field of a specified name.
 class NoSuchMethodError
          Thrown if an application tries to call a specified method of a class (either static or instance), and that class no longer has a definition of that method.
 class NoSuchMethodException
          Thrown when a particular method cannot be found.
 class NullPointerException
          Thrown when an application attempts to use null in a case where an object is required.
 class Number
          The abstract class Number is the superclass of classes BigDecimal, BigInteger, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, and Short.
 class NumberFormatException
          Thrown to indicate that the application has attempted to convert a string to one of the numeric types, but that the string does not have the appropriate format.
 class OutOfMemoryError
          Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine cannot allocate an object because it is out of memory, and no more memory could be made available by the garbage collector.
 class RuntimeException
          RuntimeException is the superclass of those exceptions that can be thrown during the normal operation of the Java Virtual Machine.
 class RuntimePermission
          This class is for runtime permissions.
 class SecurityException
          Thrown by the security manager to indicate a security violation.
 class Short
          The Short class wraps a value of primitive type short in an object.
 class StackOverflowError
          Thrown when a stack overflow occurs because an application recurses too deeply.
 class StackTraceElement
          An element in a stack trace, as returned by Throwable.getStackTrace().
 class String
          The String class represents character strings.
 class StringBuffer
          A thread-safe, mutable sequence of characters.
 class StringBuilder
          A mutable sequence of characters.
 class StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
          Thrown by String methods to indicate that an index is either negative or greater than the size of the string.
static class Thread.State
          A thread state.
 class ThreadDeath
          An instance of ThreadDeath is thrown in the victim thread when the stop method with zero arguments in class Thread is called.
 class Throwable
          The Throwable class is the superclass of all errors and exceptions in the Java language.
 class TypeNotPresentException
          Thrown when an application tries to access a type using a string representing the type's name, but no definition for the type with the specified name can be found.
 class UnknownError
          Thrown when an unknown but serious exception has occurred in the Java Virtual Machine.
 class UnsatisfiedLinkError
          Thrown if the Java Virtual Machine cannot find an appropriate native-language definition of a method declared native.
 class UnsupportedClassVersionError
          Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine attempts to read a class file and determines that the major and minor version numbers in the file are not supported.
 class UnsupportedOperationException
          Thrown to indicate that the requested operation is not supported.
 class VerifyError
          Thrown when the "verifier" detects that a class file, though well formed, contains some sort of internal inconsistency or security problem.
 class VirtualMachineError
          Thrown to indicate that the Java Virtual Machine is broken or has run out of resources necessary for it to continue operating.

Uses of Serializable in java.lang.annotation

Classes in java.lang.annotation that implement Serializable
 class AnnotationFormatError
          Thrown when the annotation parser attempts to read an annotation from a class file and determines that the annotation is malformed.
 class AnnotationTypeMismatchException
          Thrown to indicate that a program has attempted to access an element of an annotation whose type has changed after the annotation was compiled (or serialized).
 class ElementType
          A program element type.
 class IncompleteAnnotationException
          Thrown to indicate that a program has attempted to access an element of an annotation type that was added to the annotation type definition after the annotation was compiled (or serialized).
 class RetentionPolicy
          Annotation retention policy.

Uses of Serializable in java.lang.instrument

Classes in java.lang.instrument that implement Serializable
 class IllegalClassFormatException
          Thrown by an implementation of ClassFileTransformer.transform when its input parameters are invalid.
 class UnmodifiableClassException
          Thrown by an implementation of Instrumentation.redefineClasses when one of the specified classes cannot be modified.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class ManagementPermission
          The permission which the SecurityManager will check when code that is running with a SecurityManager calls methods defined in the management interface for the Java platform.
 class MemoryType
          Types of memory pools.

Uses of Serializable in java.lang.reflect

Classes in java.lang.reflect that implement Serializable
 class GenericSignatureFormatError
          Thrown when a syntactically malformed signature attribute is encountered by a reflective method that needs to interpret the generic signature information for a type, method or constructor.
 class InvocationTargetException
          InvocationTargetException is a checked exception that wraps an exception thrown by an invoked method or constructor.
 class MalformedParameterizedTypeException
          Thrown when a semantically malformed parameterized type is encountered by a reflective method that needs to instantiate it.
 class Proxy
          Proxy provides static methods for creating dynamic proxy classes and instances, and it is also the superclass of all dynamic proxy classes created by those methods.
 class ReflectPermission
          The Permission class for reflective operations.
 class UndeclaredThrowableException
          Thrown by a method invocation on a proxy instance if its invocation handler's invoke method throws a checked exception (a Throwable that is not assignable to RuntimeException or Error) that is not assignable to any of the exception types declared in the throws clause of the method that was invoked on the proxy instance and dispatched to the invocation handler.

Uses of Serializable in java.math

Classes in java.math that implement Serializable
 class BigDecimal
          Immutable, arbitrary-precision signed decimal numbers.
 class BigInteger
          Immutable arbitrary-precision integers.
 class MathContext
          Immutable objects which encapsulate the context settings which describe certain rules for numerical operators, such as those implemented by the BigDecimal class.
 class RoundingMode
          Specifies a rounding behavior for numerical operations capable of discarding precision.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
static class Authenticator.RequestorType
          The type of the entity requesting authentication.
 class BindException
          Signals that an error occurred while attempting to bind a socket to a local address and port.
 class ConnectException
          Signals that an error occurred while attempting to connect a socket to a remote address and port.
 class HttpRetryException
          Thrown to indicate that a HTTP request needs to be retried but cannot be retried automatically, due to streaming mode being enabled.
 class Inet4Address
          This class represents an Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address.
 class Inet6Address
          This class represents an Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) address.
 class InetAddress
          This class represents an Internet Protocol (IP) address.
 class InetSocketAddress
          This class implements an IP Socket Address (IP address + port number) It can also be a pair (hostname + port number), in which case an attempt will be made to resolve the hostname.
 class MalformedURLException
          Thrown to indicate that a malformed URL has occurred.
 class NetPermission
          This class is for various network permissions.
 class NoRouteToHostException
          Signals that an error occurred while attempting to connect a socket to a remote address and port.
 class PortUnreachableException
          Signals that an ICMP Port Unreachable message has been received on a connected datagram.
 class ProtocolException
          Thrown to indicate that there is an error in the underlying protocol, such as a TCP error.
static class Proxy.Type
          Represents the proxy type.
 class SocketAddress
          This class represents a Socket Address with no protocol attachment.
 class SocketException
          Thrown to indicate that there is an error in the underlying protocol, such as a TCP error.
 class SocketPermission
          This class represents access to a network via sockets.
 class SocketTimeoutException
          Signals that a timeout has occurred on a socket read or accept.
 class UnknownHostException
          Thrown to indicate that the IP address of a host could not be determined.
 class UnknownServiceException
          Thrown to indicate that an unknown service exception has occurred.
 class URI
          Represents a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) reference.
 class URISyntaxException
          Checked exception thrown to indicate that a string could not be parsed as a URI reference.
 class URL
          Class URL represents a Uniform Resource Locator, a pointer to a "resource" on the World Wide Web.

Uses of Serializable in java.nio

Classes in java.nio that implement Serializable
 class BufferOverflowException
          Unchecked exception thrown when a relative put operation reaches the target buffer's limit.
 class BufferUnderflowException
          Unchecked exception thrown when a relative get operation reaches the source buffer's limit.
 class InvalidMarkException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to reset a buffer when its mark is not defined.
 class ReadOnlyBufferException
          Unchecked exception thrown when a content-mutation method such as put or compact is invoked upon a read-only buffer.

Uses of Serializable in java.nio.channels

Classes in java.nio.channels that implement Serializable
 class AlreadyConnectedException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to connect a SocketChannel that is already connected.
 class AsynchronousCloseException
          Checked exception received by a thread when another thread closes the channel or the part of the channel upon which it is blocked in an I/O operation.
 class CancelledKeyException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to use a selection key that is no longer valid.
 class ClosedByInterruptException
          Checked exception received by a thread when another thread interrupts it while it is blocked in an I/O operation upon a channel.
 class ClosedChannelException
          Checked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke or complete an I/O operation upon channel that is closed, or at least closed to that operation.
 class ClosedSelectorException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke an I/O operation upon a closed selector.
 class ConnectionPendingException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to connect a SocketChannel for which a non-blocking connection operation is already in progress.
 class FileLockInterruptionException
          Checked exception received by a thread when another thread interrupts it while it is waiting to acquire a file lock.
 class IllegalBlockingModeException
          Unchecked exception thrown when a blocking-mode-specific operation is invoked upon a channel in the incorrect blocking mode.
 class IllegalSelectorException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to register a channel with a selector that was not created by the provider that created the channel.
 class NoConnectionPendingException
          Unchecked exception thrown when the finishConnect method of a SocketChannel is invoked without first successfully invoking its connect method.
 class NonReadableChannelException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to read from a channel that was not originally opened for reading.
 class NonWritableChannelException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to write to a channel that was not originally opened for writing.
 class NotYetBoundException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke an I/O operation upon a server socket channel that is not yet bound.
 class NotYetConnectedException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke an I/O operation upon a socket channel that is not yet connected.
 class OverlappingFileLockException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to acquire a lock on a region of a file that overlaps a region already locked by the same Java virtual machine, or when another thread is already waiting to lock an overlapping region of the same file.
 class UnresolvedAddressException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke a network operation upon an unresolved socket address.
 class UnsupportedAddressTypeException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to bind or connect to a socket address of a type that is not supported.

Uses of Serializable in java.nio.charset

Classes in java.nio.charset that implement Serializable
 class CharacterCodingException
          Checked exception thrown when a character encoding or decoding error occurs.
 class CoderMalfunctionError
          Error thrown when the decodeLoop method of a CharsetDecoder, or the encodeLoop method of a CharsetEncoder, throws an unexpected exception.
 class IllegalCharsetNameException
          Unchecked exception thrown when a string that is not a legal charset name is used as such.
 class MalformedInputException
          Checked exception thrown when an input byte sequence is not legal for given charset, or an input character sequence is not a legal sixteen-bit Unicode sequence.
 class UnmappableCharacterException
          Checked exception thrown when an input character (or byte) sequence is valid but cannot be mapped to an output byte (or character) sequence.
 class UnsupportedCharsetException
          Unchecked exception thrown when no support is available for a requested charset.

Uses of Serializable in java.rmi

Classes in java.rmi that implement Serializable
 class AccessException
          An AccessException is thrown by certain methods of the java.rmi.Naming class (specifically bind, rebind, and unbind) and methods of the java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem interface to indicate that the caller does not have permission to perform the action requested by the method call.
 class AlreadyBoundException
          An AlreadyBoundException is thrown if an attempt is made to bind an object in the registry to a name that already has an associated binding.
 class ConnectIOException
          A ConnectIOException is thrown if an IOException occurs while making a connection to the remote host for a remote method call.
 class MarshalException
          A MarshalException is thrown if a occurs while marshalling the remote call header, arguments or return value for a remote method call.
 class MarshalledObject<T>
          A MarshalledObject contains a byte stream with the serialized representation of an object given to its constructor.
 class NoSuchObjectException
          A NoSuchObjectException is thrown if an attempt is made to invoke a method on an object that no longer exists in the remote virtual machine.
 class NotBoundException
          A NotBoundException is thrown if an attempt is made to lookup or unbind in the registry a name that has no associated binding.
 class RemoteException
          A RemoteException is the common superclass for a number of communication-related exceptions that may occur during the execution of a remote method call.
 class RMISecurityException
          Deprecated. Use SecurityException instead. Application code should never directly reference this class, and RMISecurityManager no longer throws this subclass of java.lang.SecurityException.
 class ServerError
          A ServerError is thrown as a result of a remote method invocation when an Error is thrown while processing the invocation on the server, either while unmarshalling the arguments, executing the remote method itself, or marshalling the return value.
 class ServerException
          A ServerException is thrown as a result of a remote method invocation when a RemoteException is thrown while processing the invocation on the server, either while unmarshalling the arguments or executing the remote method itself.
 class ServerRuntimeException
          Deprecated. no replacement
 class StubNotFoundException
          A StubNotFoundException is thrown if a valid stub class could not be found for a remote object when it is exported.
 class UnexpectedException
          An UnexpectedException is thrown if the client of a remote method call receives, as a result of the call, a checked exception that is not among the checked exception types declared in the throws clause of the method in the remote interface.
 class UnmarshalException
          An UnmarshalException can be thrown while unmarshalling the parameters or results of a remote method call if any of the following conditions occur: if an exception occurs while unmarshalling the call header if the protocol for the return value is invalid if a occurs unmarshalling parameters (on the server side) or the return value (on the client side).

Uses of Serializable in java.rmi.activation

Classes in java.rmi.activation that implement Serializable
 class Activatable
          The Activatable class provides support for remote objects that require persistent access over time and that can be activated by the system.
 class ActivateFailedException
          This exception is thrown by the RMI runtime when activation fails during a remote call to an activatable object.
 class ActivationDesc
          An activation descriptor contains the information necessary to activate an object: the object's group identifier, the object's fully-qualified class name, the object's code location (the location of the class), a codebase URL path, the object's restart "mode", and, a "marshalled" object that can contain object specific initialization data.
 class ActivationException
          General exception used by the activation interfaces.
 class ActivationGroup
          An ActivationGroup is responsible for creating new instances of "activatable" objects in its group, informing its ActivationMonitor when either: its object's become active or inactive, or the group as a whole becomes inactive.
 class ActivationGroup_Stub
          ActivationGroup_Stub is a stub class for the subclasses of java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroup that are exported as a java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject.
 class ActivationGroupDesc
          An activation group descriptor contains the information necessary to create/recreate an activation group in which to activate objects.
static class ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment
          Startup options for ActivationGroup implementations.
 class ActivationGroupID
          The identifier for a registered activation group serves several purposes: identifies the group uniquely within the activation system, and contains a reference to the group's activation system so that the group can contact its activation system when necessary.
 class ActivationID
          Activation makes use of special identifiers to denote remote objects that can be activated over time.
 class UnknownGroupException
          An UnknownGroupException is thrown by methods of classes and interfaces in the java.rmi.activation package when the ActivationGroupID parameter to the method is determined to be invalid, i.e., not known by the ActivationSystem.
 class UnknownObjectException
          An UnknownObjectException is thrown by methods of classes and interfaces in the java.rmi.activation package when the ActivationID parameter to the method is determined to be invalid.

Uses of Serializable in java.rmi.dgc

Classes in java.rmi.dgc that implement Serializable
 class Lease
          A lease contains a unique VM identifier and a lease duration.
 class VMID
          A VMID is a identifier that is unique across all Java virtual machines.

Uses of Serializable in java.rmi.server

Subinterfaces of Serializable in java.rmi.server
 interface RemoteRef
          RemoteRef represents the handle for a remote object.
 interface ServerRef
          A ServerRef represents the server-side handle for a remote object implementation.

Classes in java.rmi.server that implement Serializable
 class ExportException
          An ExportException is a RemoteException thrown if an attempt to export a remote object fails.
 class ObjID
          An ObjID is used to identify a remote object exported to an RMI runtime.
 class RemoteObject
          The RemoteObject class implements the java.lang.Object behavior for remote objects.
 class RemoteObjectInvocationHandler
          An implementation of the InvocationHandler interface for use with Java Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI).
 class RemoteServer
          The RemoteServer class is the common superclass to server implementations and provides the framework to support a wide range of remote reference semantics.
 class RemoteStub
          The RemoteStub class is the common superclass to client stubs and provides the framework to support a wide range of remote reference semantics.
 class ServerCloneException
          A ServerCloneException is thrown if a remote exception occurs during the cloning of a UnicastRemoteObject.
 class ServerNotActiveException
          An ServerNotActiveException is an Exception thrown during a call to RemoteServer.getClientHost if the getClientHost method is called outside of servicing a remote method call.
 class SkeletonMismatchException
          Deprecated. no replacement. Skeletons are no longer required for remote method calls in the Java 2 platform v1.2 and greater.
 class SkeletonNotFoundException
          Deprecated. no replacement. Skeletons are no longer required for remote method calls in the Java 2 platform v1.2 and greater.
 class SocketSecurityException
          An obsolete subclass of ExportException.
 class UID
          A UID represents an identifier that is unique over time with respect to the host it is generated on, or one of 216 "well-known" identifiers.
 class UnicastRemoteObject
          Used for exporting a remote object with JRMP and obtaining a stub that communicates to the remote object.

Uses of Serializable in

Subinterfaces of Serializable in
 interface Key
          The Key interface is the top-level interface for all keys.
 interface PrivateKey
          A private key.
 interface PublicKey
          A public key.

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class AccessControlException
           This exception is thrown by the AccessController to indicate that a requested access (to a critical system resource such as the file system or the network) is denied.
 class AllPermission
          The AllPermission is a permission that implies all other permissions.
 class AuthProvider
          This class defines login and logout methods for a provider.
 class BasicPermission
          The BasicPermission class extends the Permission class, and can be used as the base class for permissions that want to follow the same naming convention as BasicPermission.
 class CodeSigner
          This class encapsulates information about a code signer.
 class CodeSource
          This class extends the concept of a codebase to encapsulate not only the location (URL) but also the certificate chains that were used to verify signed code originating from that location.
 class DigestException
          This is the generic Message Digest exception.
 class GeneralSecurityException
          The GeneralSecurityException class is a generic security exception class that provides type safety for all the security-related exception classes that extend from it.
 class GuardedObject
          A GuardedObject is an object that is used to protect access to another object.
 class Identity
          Deprecated. This class is no longer used. Its functionality has been replaced by, the package, and
 class IdentityScope
          Deprecated. This class is no longer used. Its functionality has been replaced by, the package, and
 class InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
          This is the exception for invalid or inappropriate algorithm parameters.
 class InvalidKeyException
          This is the exception for invalid Keys (invalid encoding, wrong length, uninitialized, etc).
 class InvalidParameterException
          This exception, designed for use by the JCA/JCE engine classes, is thrown when an invalid parameter is passed to a method.
 class KeyException
          This is the basic key exception.
 class KeyManagementException
          This is the general key management exception for all operations dealing with key management.
 class KeyPair
          This class is a simple holder for a key pair (a public key and a private key).
 class KeyRep
          Standardized representation for serialized Key objects.
static class KeyRep.Type
          Key type.
 class KeyStoreException
          This is the generic KeyStore exception.
 class NoSuchAlgorithmException
          This exception is thrown when a particular cryptographic algorithm is requested but is not available in the environment.
 class NoSuchProviderException
          This exception is thrown when a particular security provider is requested but is not available in the environment.
 class Permission
          Abstract class for representing access to a system resource.
 class PermissionCollection
          Abstract class representing a collection of Permission objects.
 class Permissions
          This class represents a heterogeneous collection of Permissions.
 class PrivilegedActionException
          This exception is thrown by doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction) and doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction, AccessControlContext context) to indicate that the action being performed threw a checked exception.
 class Provider
          This class represents a "provider" for the Java Security API, where a provider implements some or all parts of Java Security.
 class ProviderException
          A runtime exception for Provider exceptions (such as misconfiguration errors or unrecoverable internal errors), which may be subclassed by Providers to throw specialized, provider-specific runtime errors.
 class SecureRandom
          This class provides a cryptographically strong random number generator (RNG).
 class SecureRandomSpi
          This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the SecureRandom class.
 class SecurityPermission
          This class is for security permissions.
 class SignatureException
          This is the generic Signature exception.
 class SignedObject
           SignedObject is a class for the purpose of creating authentic runtime objects whose integrity cannot be compromised without being detected.
 class Signer
          Deprecated. This class is no longer used. Its functionality has been replaced by, the package, and
 class Timestamp
          This class encapsulates information about a signed timestamp.
 class UnrecoverableEntryException
          This exception is thrown if an entry in the keystore cannot be recovered.
 class UnrecoverableKeyException
          This exception is thrown if a key in the keystore cannot be recovered.
 class UnresolvedPermission
          The UnresolvedPermission class is used to hold Permissions that were "unresolved" when the Policy was initialized.

Constructors in with parameters of type Serializable
SignedObject(Serializable object, PrivateKey signingKey, Signature signingEngine)
          Constructs a SignedObject from any Serializable object.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class AclNotFoundException
          This is an exception that is thrown whenever a reference is made to a non-existent ACL (Access Control List).
 class LastOwnerException
          This is an exception that is thrown whenever an attempt is made to delete the last owner of an Access Control List.
 class NotOwnerException
          This is an exception that is thrown whenever the modification of an object (such as an Access Control List) is only allowed to be done by an owner of the object, but the Principal attempting the modification is not an owner.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class Certificate
          Abstract class for managing a variety of identity certificates.
protected static class Certificate.CertificateRep
          Alternate Certificate class for serialization.
 class CertificateEncodingException
          Certificate Encoding Exception.
 class CertificateException
          This exception indicates one of a variety of certificate problems.
 class CertificateExpiredException
          Certificate Expired Exception.
 class CertificateNotYetValidException
          Certificate is not yet valid exception.
 class CertificateParsingException
          Certificate Parsing Exception.
 class CertPath
          An immutable sequence of certificates (a certification path).
protected static class CertPath.CertPathRep
          Alternate CertPath class for serialization.
 class CertPathBuilderException
          An exception indicating one of a variety of problems encountered when building a certification path with a CertPathBuilder.
 class CertPathValidatorException
          An exception indicating one of a variety of problems encountered when validating a certification path.
 class CertStoreException
          An exception indicating one of a variety of problems retrieving certificates and CRLs from a CertStore.
 class CRLException
          CRL (Certificate Revocation List) Exception.
 class X509Certificate
           Abstract class for X.509 certificates.

Uses of Serializable in

Subinterfaces of Serializable in
 interface DSAPrivateKey
          The standard interface to a DSA private key.
 interface DSAPublicKey
          The interface to a DSA public key.
 interface ECPrivateKey
          The interface to an elliptic curve (EC) private key.
 interface ECPublicKey
          The interface to an elliptic curve (EC) public key.
 interface RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey
          The interface to an RSA multi-prime private key, as defined in the PKCS#1 v2.1, using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) information values.
 interface RSAPrivateCrtKey
          The interface to an RSA private key, as defined in the PKCS#1 standard, using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) information values.
 interface RSAPrivateKey
          The interface to an RSA private key.
 interface RSAPublicKey
          The interface to an RSA public key.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class InvalidKeySpecException
          This is the exception for invalid key specifications.
 class InvalidParameterSpecException
          This is the exception for invalid parameter specifications.

Uses of Serializable in java.sql

Classes in java.sql that implement Serializable
 class BatchUpdateException
          The subclass of SQLException thrown when an error occurs during a batch update operation.
 class ClientInfoStatus
          Enumeration for status of the reason that a property could not be set via a call to Connection.setClientInfo
 class DataTruncation
          An exception thrown as a DataTruncation exception (on writes) or reported as a DataTruncation warning (on reads) when a data values is unexpectedly truncated for reasons other than its having execeeded MaxFieldSize.
 class RowIdLifetime
          Enumeration for RowId life-time values.
 class SQLClientInfoException
          The subclass of SQLException is thrown when one or more client info properties could not be set on a Connection.
 class SQLDataException
          The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '22'.
 class SQLException
          An exception that provides information on a database access error or other errors.
 class SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
          The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '0A' ( the value is 'zero' A).
 class SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
          The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '23'.
 class SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException
          The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '28'.
 class SQLNonTransientConnectionException
           The subclass of SQLException thrown for the SQLState class value '08', representing that the connection operation that failed will not succeed when the operation is retried without the cause of the failure being corrected.
 class SQLNonTransientException
          The subclass of SQLException thrown when an instance where a retry of the same operation would fail unless the cause of the SQLException is corrected.
 class SQLPermission
          The permission for which the SecurityManager will check when code that is running in an applet calls the DriverManager.setLogWriter method or the DriverManager.setLogStream (deprecated) method.
 class SQLRecoverableException
          The subclass of SQLException thrown in situations where a previously failed operation might be able to succeed if the application performs some recovery steps and retries the entire transaction or in the case of a distributed transaction, the transaction branch.
 class SQLSyntaxErrorException
          The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '42'.
 class SQLTimeoutException
          The subclass of SQLException thrown when the timeout specified by Statement has expired.
 class SQLTransactionRollbackException
          The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '40'.
 class SQLTransientConnectionException
          The subclass of SQLException for the SQLState class value '08', representing that the connection operation that failed might be able to succeed when the operation is retried without any application-level changes.
 class SQLTransientException
          The subclass of SQLException is thrown in situations where a previoulsy failed operation might be able to succeed when the operation is retried without any intervention by application-level functionality.
 class SQLWarning
          An exception that provides information on database access warnings.
 class Time
          A thin wrapper around the java.util.Date class that allows the JDBC API to identify this as an SQL TIME value.

Uses of Serializable in java.text

Classes in java.text that implement Serializable
static class AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute
          Defines attribute keys that are used to identify text attributes.
 class ChoiceFormat
          A ChoiceFormat allows you to attach a format to a range of numbers.
 class DateFormat
          DateFormat is an abstract class for date/time formatting subclasses which formats and parses dates or time in a language-independent manner.
static class DateFormat.Field
          Defines constants that are used as attribute keys in the AttributedCharacterIterator returned from DateFormat.formatToCharacterIterator and as field identifiers in FieldPosition.
 class DateFormatSymbols
          DateFormatSymbols is a public class for encapsulating localizable date-time formatting data, such as the names of the months, the names of the days of the week, and the time zone data.
 class DecimalFormat
          DecimalFormat is a concrete subclass of NumberFormat that formats decimal numbers.
 class DecimalFormatSymbols
          This class represents the set of symbols (such as the decimal separator, the grouping separator, and so on) needed by DecimalFormat to format numbers.
 class Format
          Format is an abstract base class for formatting locale-sensitive information such as dates, messages, and numbers.
static class Format.Field
          Defines constants that are used as attribute keys in the AttributedCharacterIterator returned from Format.formatToCharacterIterator and as field identifiers in FieldPosition.
 class MessageFormat
          MessageFormat provides a means to produce concatenated messages in a language-neutral way.
static class MessageFormat.Field
          Defines constants that are used as attribute keys in the AttributedCharacterIterator returned from MessageFormat.formatToCharacterIterator.
static class Normalizer.Form
          This enum provides constants of the four Unicode normalization forms that are described in Unicode Standard Annex #15 — Unicode Normalization Forms and two methods to access them.
 class NumberFormat
          NumberFormat is the abstract base class for all number formats.
static class NumberFormat.Field
          Defines constants that are used as attribute keys in the AttributedCharacterIterator returned from NumberFormat.formatToCharacterIterator and as field identifiers in FieldPosition.
 class ParseException
          Signals that an error has been reached unexpectedly while parsing.
 class SimpleDateFormat
          SimpleDateFormat is a concrete class for formatting and parsing dates in a locale-sensitive manner.

Uses of Serializable in java.util

Classes in java.util that implement Serializable
static class AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<K,V>
          An Entry maintaining a key and a value.
static class AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V>
          An Entry maintaining an immutable key and value.
 class ArrayDeque<E>
          Resizable-array implementation of the Deque interface.
 class ArrayList<E>
          Resizable-array implementation of the List interface.
 class BitSet
          This class implements a vector of bits that grows as needed.
 class Calendar
          The Calendar class is an abstract class that provides methods for converting between a specific instant in time and a set of calendar fields such as YEAR, MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH, HOUR, and so on, and for manipulating the calendar fields, such as getting the date of the next week.
 class ConcurrentModificationException
          This exception may be thrown by methods that have detected concurrent modification of an object when such modification is not permissible.
 class Currency
          Represents a currency.
 class Date
          The class Date represents a specific instant in time, with millisecond precision.
 class DuplicateFormatFlagsException
          Unchecked exception thrown when duplicate flags are provided in the format specifier.
 class EmptyStackException
          Thrown by methods in the Stack class to indicate that the stack is empty.
 class EnumMap<K extends Enum<K>,V>
          A specialized Map implementation for use with enum type keys.
 class EnumSet<E extends Enum<E>>
          A specialized Set implementation for use with enum types.
 class EventObject
           The root class from which all event state objects shall be derived.
 class FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException
          Unchecked exception thrown when a conversion and flag are incompatible.
static class Formatter.BigDecimalLayoutForm
 class FormatterClosedException
          Unchecked exception thrown when the formatter has been closed.
 class GregorianCalendar
          GregorianCalendar is a concrete subclass of Calendar and provides the standard calendar system used by most of the world.
 class HashMap<K,V>
          Hash table based implementation of the Map interface.
 class HashSet<E>
          This class implements the Set interface, backed by a hash table (actually a HashMap instance).
 class Hashtable<K,V>
          This class implements a hashtable, which maps keys to values.
 class IdentityHashMap<K,V>
          This class implements the Map interface with a hash table, using reference-equality in place of object-equality when comparing keys (and values).
 class IllegalFormatCodePointException
          Unchecked exception thrown when a character with an invalid Unicode code point as defined by Character.isValidCodePoint(int) is passed to the Formatter.
 class IllegalFormatConversionException
          Unchecked exception thrown when the argument corresponding to the format specifier is of an incompatible type.
 class IllegalFormatException
          Unchecked exception thrown when a format string contains an illegal syntax or a format specifier that is incompatible with the given arguments.
 class IllegalFormatFlagsException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an illegal combination flags is given.
 class IllegalFormatPrecisionException
          Unchecked exception thrown when the precision is a negative value other than -1, the conversion does not support a precision, or the value is otherwise unsupported.
 class IllegalFormatWidthException
          Unchecked exception thrown when the format width is a negative value other than -1 or is otherwise unsupported.
 class InputMismatchException
          Thrown by a Scanner to indicate that the token retrieved does not match the pattern for the expected type, or that the token is out of range for the expected type.
 class InvalidPropertiesFormatException
          Thrown to indicate that an operation could not complete because the input did not conform to the appropriate XML document type for a collection of properties, as per the Properties specification.
 class LinkedHashMap<K,V>
          Hash table and linked list implementation of the Map interface, with predictable iteration order.
 class LinkedHashSet<E>
          Hash table and linked list implementation of the Set interface, with predictable iteration order.
 class LinkedList<E>
          Linked list implementation of the List interface.
 class Locale
          A Locale object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region.
 class MissingFormatArgumentException
          Unchecked exception thrown when there is a format specifier which does not have a corresponding argument or if an argument index refers to an argument that does not exist.
 class MissingFormatWidthException
          Unchecked exception thrown when the format width is required.
 class MissingResourceException
          Signals that a resource is missing.
 class NoSuchElementException
          Thrown by the nextElement method of an Enumeration to indicate that there are no more elements in the enumeration.
 class PriorityQueue<E>
          An unbounded priority queue based on a priority heap.
 class Properties
          The Properties class represents a persistent set of properties.
 class PropertyPermission
          This class is for property permissions.
 class Random
          An instance of this class is used to generate a stream of pseudorandom numbers.
 class ServiceConfigurationError
          Error thrown when something goes wrong while loading a service provider.
 class SimpleTimeZone
          SimpleTimeZone is a concrete subclass of TimeZone that represents a time zone for use with a Gregorian calendar.
 class Stack<E>
          The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of objects.
 class TimeZone
          TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings.
 class TooManyListenersException
           The TooManyListenersException Exception is used as part of the Java Event model to annotate and implement a unicast special case of a multicast Event Source.
 class TreeMap<K,V>
          A Red-Black tree based NavigableMap implementation.
 class TreeSet<E>
          A NavigableSet implementation based on a TreeMap.
 class UnknownFormatConversionException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an unknown conversion is given.
 class UnknownFormatFlagsException
          Unchecked exception thrown when an unknown flag is given.
 class UUID
          A class that represents an immutable universally unique identifier (UUID).
 class Vector<E>
          The Vector class implements a growable array of objects.

Uses of Serializable in java.util.concurrent

Classes in java.util.concurrent that implement Serializable
 class ArrayBlockingQueue<E>
          A bounded blocking queue backed by an array.
 class BrokenBarrierException
          Exception thrown when a thread tries to wait upon a barrier that is in a broken state, or which enters the broken state while the thread is waiting.
 class CancellationException
          Exception indicating that the result of a value-producing task, such as a FutureTask, cannot be retrieved because the task was cancelled.
 class ConcurrentHashMap<K,V>
          A hash table supporting full concurrency of retrievals and adjustable expected concurrency for updates.
 class ConcurrentLinkedQueue<E>
          An unbounded thread-safe queue based on linked nodes.
 class ConcurrentSkipListMap<K,V>
          A scalable concurrent ConcurrentNavigableMap implementation.
 class ConcurrentSkipListSet<E>
          A scalable concurrent NavigableSet implementation based on a ConcurrentSkipListMap.
 class CopyOnWriteArrayList<E>
          A thread-safe variant of ArrayList in which all mutative operations (add, set, and so on) are implemented by making a fresh copy of the underlying array.
 class CopyOnWriteArraySet<E>
          A Set that uses an internal CopyOnWriteArrayList for all of its operations.
 class ExecutionException
          Exception thrown when attempting to retrieve the result of a task that aborted by throwing an exception.
 class LinkedBlockingDeque<E>
          An optionally-bounded blocking deque based on linked nodes.
 class LinkedBlockingQueue<E>
          An optionally-bounded blocking queue based on linked nodes.
 class PriorityBlockingQueue<E>
          An unbounded blocking queue that uses the same ordering rules as class PriorityQueue and supplies blocking retrieval operations.
 class RejectedExecutionException
          Exception thrown by an Executor when a task cannot be accepted for execution.
 class Semaphore
          A counting semaphore.
 class SynchronousQueue<E>
          A blocking queue in which each insert operation must wait for a corresponding remove operation by another thread, and vice versa.
 class TimeoutException
          Exception thrown when a blocking operation times out.
 class TimeUnit
          A TimeUnit represents time durations at a given unit of granularity and provides utility methods to convert across units, and to perform timing and delay operations in these units.

Uses of Serializable in java.util.concurrent.atomic

Classes in java.util.concurrent.atomic that implement Serializable
 class AtomicBoolean
          A boolean value that may be updated atomically.
 class AtomicInteger
          An int value that may be updated atomically.
 class AtomicIntegerArray
          An int array in which elements may be updated atomically.
 class AtomicLong
          A long value that may be updated atomically.
 class AtomicLongArray
          A long array in which elements may be updated atomically.
 class AtomicReference<V>
          An object reference that may be updated atomically.
 class AtomicReferenceArray<E>
          An array of object references in which elements may be updated atomically.

Uses of Serializable in java.util.concurrent.locks

Classes in java.util.concurrent.locks that implement Serializable
 class AbstractOwnableSynchronizer
          A synchronizer that may be exclusively owned by a thread.
 class AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer
          A version of AbstractQueuedSynchronizer in which synchronization state is maintained as a long.
 class AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer.ConditionObject
          Condition implementation for a AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer serving as the basis of a Lock implementation.
 class AbstractQueuedSynchronizer
          Provides a framework for implementing blocking locks and related synchronizers (semaphores, events, etc) that rely on first-in-first-out (FIFO) wait queues.
 class AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject
          Condition implementation for a AbstractQueuedSynchronizer serving as the basis of a Lock implementation.
 class ReentrantLock
          A reentrant mutual exclusion Lock with the same basic behavior and semantics as the implicit monitor lock accessed using synchronized methods and statements, but with extended capabilities.
 class ReentrantReadWriteLock
          An implementation of ReadWriteLock supporting similar semantics to ReentrantLock.
static class ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock
          The lock returned by method ReentrantReadWriteLock.readLock().
static class ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock
          The lock returned by method ReentrantReadWriteLock.writeLock().

Uses of Serializable in java.util.jar

Classes in java.util.jar that implement Serializable
 class JarException
          Signals that an error of some sort has occurred while reading from or writing to a JAR file.

Uses of Serializable in java.util.logging

Classes in java.util.logging that implement Serializable
 class Level
          The Level class defines a set of standard logging levels that can be used to control logging output.
 class LoggingPermission
          The permission which the SecurityManager will check when code that is running with a SecurityManager calls one of the logging control methods (such as Logger.setLevel).
 class LogRecord
          LogRecord objects are used to pass logging requests between the logging framework and individual log Handlers.

Uses of Serializable in java.util.prefs

Classes in java.util.prefs that implement Serializable
 class BackingStoreException
          Thrown to indicate that a preferences operation could not complete because of a failure in the backing store, or a failure to contact the backing store.
 class InvalidPreferencesFormatException
          Thrown to indicate that an operation could not complete because the input did not conform to the appropriate XML document type for a collection of preferences, as per the Preferences specification.
 class NodeChangeEvent
          An event emitted by a Preferences node to indicate that a child of that node has been added or removed.
 class PreferenceChangeEvent
          An event emitted by a Preferences node to indicate that a preference has been added, removed or has had its value changed.

Uses of Serializable in java.util.regex

Classes in java.util.regex that implement Serializable
 class Pattern
          A compiled representation of a regular expression.
 class PatternSyntaxException
          Unchecked exception thrown to indicate a syntax error in a regular-expression pattern.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class DataFormatException
          Signals that a data format error has occurred.
 class ZipError
          Signals that an unrecoverable error has occurred.
 class ZipException
          Signals that a Zip exception of some sort has occurred.

Uses of Serializable in javax.activation

Classes in javax.activation that implement Serializable
 class ActivationDataFlavor
          The ActivationDataFlavor class is a special subclass of java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor.
 class MimeType
          A Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) type, as defined in RFC 2045 and 2046.
 class UnsupportedDataTypeException
          Signals that the requested operation does not support the requested data type.

Uses of Serializable in javax.activity

Classes in javax.activity that implement Serializable
 class ActivityCompletedException
          This exception may be thrown on any method for which Activity context is accessed and indicates that ongoing work within the Activity is not possible.
 class ActivityRequiredException
          This exception is thrown by a container if Activity context is not received on a method for which Activity context is mandatory.
 class InvalidActivityException
          This exception may be thrown on any method for which Activity context is accessed and indicates that the attempted invocation or the Activity context associated with the attempted invocation is incompatible with the Activity's current state.

Uses of Serializable in javax.annotation

Classes in javax.annotation that implement Serializable
static class Resource.AuthenticationType
          The two possible authentication types for a resource.

Uses of Serializable in javax.annotation.processing

Classes in javax.annotation.processing that implement Serializable
 class FilerException
          Indicates a Filer detected an attempt to open a file that would violate the guarantees provided by the Filer.

Uses of Serializable in javax.crypto

Subinterfaces of Serializable in javax.crypto
 interface SecretKey
          A secret (symmetric) key.

Classes in javax.crypto that implement Serializable
 class BadPaddingException
          This exception is thrown when a particular padding mechanism is expected for the input data but the data is not padded properly.
 class ExemptionMechanismException
          This is the generic ExemptionMechanism exception.
 class IllegalBlockSizeException
          This exception is thrown when the length of data provided to a block cipher is incorrect, i.e., does not match the block size of the cipher.
 class NoSuchPaddingException
          This exception is thrown when a particular padding mechanism is requested but is not available in the environment.
 class SealedObject
          This class enables a programmer to create an object and protect its confidentiality with a cryptographic algorithm.
 class ShortBufferException
          This exception is thrown when an output buffer provided by the user is too short to hold the operation result.

Constructors in javax.crypto with parameters of type Serializable
SealedObject(Serializable object, Cipher c)
          Constructs a SealedObject from any Serializable object.

Uses of Serializable in javax.crypto.interfaces

Subinterfaces of Serializable in javax.crypto.interfaces
 interface DHPrivateKey
          The interface to a Diffie-Hellman private key.
 interface DHPublicKey
          The interface to a Diffie-Hellman public key.
 interface PBEKey
          The interface to a PBE key.

Uses of Serializable in javax.crypto.spec

Classes in javax.crypto.spec that implement Serializable
 class SecretKeySpec
          This class specifies a secret key in a provider-independent fashion.

Uses of Serializable in javax.imageio

Classes in javax.imageio that implement Serializable
 class IIOException
          An exception class used for signaling run-time failure of reading and writing operations.

Uses of Serializable in javax.imageio.metadata

Classes in javax.imageio.metadata that implement Serializable
 class IIOInvalidTreeException
          An IIOInvalidTreeException is thrown when an attempt by an IIOMetadata object to parse a tree of IIOMetadataNodes fails.

Uses of Serializable in javax.jws

Classes in javax.jws that implement Serializable
static class WebParam.Mode
          The direction in which the parameter flows

Uses of Serializable in javax.jws.soap

Classes in javax.jws.soap that implement Serializable
static class SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle
          The style of mapping parameters onto SOAP messages
static class SOAPBinding.Style
          The SOAP binding style
static class SOAPBinding.Use
          The SOAP binding use

Uses of Serializable in javax.lang.model

Classes in javax.lang.model that implement Serializable
 class SourceVersion
          Source versions of the Java™ programming language.

Uses of Serializable in javax.lang.model.element

Classes in javax.lang.model.element that implement Serializable
 class ElementKind
          The kind of an element.
 class Modifier
          Represents a modifier on a program element such as a class, method, or field.
 class NestingKind
          The nesting kind of a type element.
 class UnknownAnnotationValueException
          Indicates that an unknown kind of annotation value was encountered.
 class UnknownElementException
          Indicates that an unknown kind of element was encountered.

Uses of Serializable in javax.lang.model.type

Classes in javax.lang.model.type that implement Serializable
 class MirroredTypeException
          Thrown when an application attempts to access the Class object corresponding to a TypeMirror.
 class MirroredTypesException
          Thrown when an application attempts to access a sequence of Class objects each corresponding to a TypeMirror.
 class TypeKind
          The kind of a type mirror.
 class UnknownTypeException
          Indicates that an unknown kind of type was encountered.

Uses of Serializable in

Subinterfaces of Serializable in
 interface Descriptor
          Additional metadata for a JMX element.
 interface NotificationFilter
          To be implemented by a any class acting as a notification filter.
 interface QueryExp
          Represents relational constraints that can be used in database query "where clauses".
 interface ValueExp
          Represents values that can be passed as arguments to relational expressions.

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class Attribute
          Represents an MBean attribute by associating its name with its value.
 class AttributeChangeNotification
          Provides definitions of the attribute change notifications sent by MBeans.
 class AttributeChangeNotificationFilter
          This class implements of the NotificationFilter interface for the attribute change notification.
 class AttributeList
          Represents a list of values for attributes of an MBean.
 class AttributeNotFoundException
          The specified attribute does not exist or cannot be retrieved.
 class AttributeValueExp
          Represents attributes used as arguments to relational constraints.
 class BadAttributeValueExpException
          Thrown when an invalid MBean attribute is passed to a query constructing method.
 class BadBinaryOpValueExpException
          Thrown when an invalid expression is passed to a method for constructing a query.
 class BadStringOperationException
          Thrown when an invalid string operation is passed to a method for constructing a query.
 class ImmutableDescriptor
          An immutable descriptor.
 class InstanceAlreadyExistsException
          The MBean is already registered in the repository.
 class InstanceNotFoundException
          The specified MBean does not exist in the repository.
 class InvalidApplicationException
          Thrown when an attempt is made to apply either of the following: A subquery expression to an MBean or a qualified attribute expression to an MBean of the wrong class.
 class InvalidAttributeValueException
          The value specified is not valid for the attribute.
 class JMException
          Exceptions thrown by JMX implementations.
 class JMRuntimeException
          Runtime exceptions emitted by JMX implementations.
 class ListenerNotFoundException
          The specified MBean listener does not exist in the repository.
 class MalformedObjectNameException
          The format of the string does not correspond to a valid ObjectName.
 class MBeanAttributeInfo
          Describes an MBean attribute exposed for management.
 class MBeanConstructorInfo
          Describes a constructor exposed by an MBean.
 class MBeanException
          Represents "user defined" exceptions thrown by MBean methods in the agent.
 class MBeanFeatureInfo
          Provides general information for an MBean descriptor object.
 class MBeanInfo
          Describes the management interface exposed by an MBean; that is, the set of attributes and operations which are available for management operations.
 class MBeanNotificationInfo
          The MBeanNotificationInfo class is used to describe the characteristics of the different notification instances emitted by an MBean, for a given Java class of notification.
 class MBeanOperationInfo
          Describes a management operation exposed by an MBean.
 class MBeanParameterInfo
          Describes an argument of an operation exposed by an MBean.
 class MBeanPermission
          Permission controlling access to MBeanServer operations.
 class MBeanRegistrationException
          Wraps exceptions thrown by the preRegister(), preDeregister() methods of the MBeanRegistration interface.
 class MBeanServerNotification
          Represents a notification emitted by the MBean server through the MBeanServerDelegate MBean.
 class MBeanServerPermission
          A Permission to perform actions related to MBeanServers.
 class MBeanTrustPermission
          This permission represents "trust" in a signer or codebase.
 class NotCompliantMBeanException
          Exception which occurs when trying to register an object in the MBean server that is not a JMX compliant MBean.
 class Notification
          The Notification class represents a notification emitted by an MBean.
 class NotificationFilterSupport
          Provides an implementation of the NotificationFilter interface.
 class ObjectInstance
          Used to represent the object name of an MBean and its class name.
 class ObjectName
          Represents the object name of an MBean, or a pattern that can match the names of several MBeans.
 class OperationsException
          Represents exceptions thrown in the MBean server when performing operations on MBeans.
 class QueryEval
          Allows a query to be performed in the context of a specific MBean server.
 class ReflectionException
          Represents exceptions thrown in the MBean server when using the java.lang.reflect classes to invoke methods on MBeans.
 class RuntimeErrorException
          When a java.lang.Error occurs in the agent it should be caught and re-thrown as a RuntimeErrorException.
 class RuntimeMBeanException
          Represents runtime exceptions thrown by MBean methods in the agent.
 class RuntimeOperationsException
          Represents runtime exceptions thrown in the agent when performing operations on MBeans.
 class ServiceNotFoundException
          Represents exceptions raised when a requested service is not supported.
 class StringValueExp
          Represents strings that are arguments to relational constraints.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class MLet
          Allows you to instantiate and register one or several MBeans in the MBean server coming from a remote URL.
 class PrivateMLet
          An MLet that is not added to the ClassLoaderRepository.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class DescriptorSupport
          This class represents the metadata set for a ModelMBean element.
 class InvalidTargetObjectTypeException
          Exception thrown when an invalid target object type is specified.
 class ModelMBeanAttributeInfo
          The ModelMBeanAttributeInfo object describes an attribute of the ModelMBean.
 class ModelMBeanConstructorInfo
          The ModelMBeanConstructorInfo object describes a constructor of the ModelMBean.
 class ModelMBeanInfoSupport
          This class represents the meta data for ModelMBeans.
 class ModelMBeanNotificationInfo
          The ModelMBeanNotificationInfo object describes a notification emitted by a ModelMBean.
 class ModelMBeanOperationInfo
          The ModelMBeanOperationInfo object describes a management operation of the ModelMBean.
 class XMLParseException
          This exception is thrown when an XML formatted string is being parsed into ModelMBean objects or when XML formatted strings are being created from ModelMBean objects.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class MonitorNotification
          Provides definitions of the notifications sent by monitor MBeans.
 class MonitorSettingException
          Exception thrown by the monitor when a monitor setting becomes invalid while the monitor is running.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class ArrayType<T>
          The ArrayType class is the open type class whose instances describe all open data values which are n-dimensional arrays of open data values.
 class CompositeDataSupport
          The CompositeDataSupport class is the open data class which implements the CompositeData interface.
 class CompositeType
          The CompositeType class is the open type class whose instances describe the types of CompositeData values.
 class InvalidOpenTypeException
          This runtime exception is thrown to indicate that the open type of an open data value is not the one expected.
 class KeyAlreadyExistsException
          This runtime exception is thrown to indicate that the index of a row to be added to a tabular data instance is already used to refer to another row in this tabular data instance.
 class OpenDataException
          This checked exception is thrown when an open type, an open data or an open MBean metadata info instance could not be constructed because one or more validity constraints were not met.
 class OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport
          Describes an attribute of an open MBean.
 class OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport
          Describes a constructor of an Open MBean.
 class OpenMBeanInfoSupport
          The OpenMBeanInfoSupport class describes the management information of an open MBean: it is a subclass of MBeanInfo, and it implements the OpenMBeanInfo interface.
 class OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport
          Describes an operation of an Open MBean.
 class OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport
          Describes a parameter used in one or more operations or constructors of an open MBean.
 class OpenType<T>
          The OpenType class is the parent abstract class of all classes which describe the actual open type of open data values.
 class SimpleType<T>
          The SimpleType class is the open type class whose instances describe all open data values which are neither arrays, nor CompositeData values, nor TabularData values.
 class TabularDataSupport
          The TabularDataSupport class is the open data class which implements the TabularData and the Map interfaces, and which is internally based on a hash map data structure.
 class TabularType
          The TabularType class is the open type class whose instances describe the types of TabularData values.

Uses of Serializable in

Subinterfaces of Serializable in
 interface RelationType
          The RelationType interface has to be implemented by any class expected to represent a relation type.

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class InvalidRelationIdException
          This exception is raised when relation id provided for a relation is already used.
 class InvalidRelationServiceException
          This exception is raised when an invalid Relation Service is provided.
 class InvalidRelationTypeException
          Invalid relation type.
 class InvalidRoleInfoException
          This exception is raised when, in a role info, its minimum degree is greater than its maximum degree.
 class InvalidRoleValueException
          Role value is invalid.
 class MBeanServerNotificationFilter
          Filter for MBeanServerNotification.
 class RelationException
          This class is the superclass of any exception which can be raised during relation management.
 class RelationNotFoundException
          This exception is raised when there is no relation for a given relation id in a Relation Service.
 class RelationNotification
          A notification of a change in the Relation Service.
 class RelationServiceNotRegisteredException
          This exception is raised when an access is done to the Relation Service and that one is not registered.
 class RelationTypeNotFoundException
          This exception is raised when there is no relation type with given name in Relation Service.
 class RelationTypeSupport
          A RelationTypeSupport object implements the RelationType interface.
 class Role
          Represents a role: includes a role name and referenced MBeans (via their ObjectNames).
 class RoleInfo
          A RoleInfo object summarises a role in a relation type.
 class RoleInfoNotFoundException
          This exception is raised when there is no role info with given name in a given relation type.
 class RoleList
          A RoleList represents a list of roles (Role objects).
 class RoleNotFoundException
          This exception is raised when a role in a relation does not exist, or is not readable, or is not settable.
 class RoleResult
          Represents the result of a multiple access to several roles of a relation (either for reading or writing).
 class RoleUnresolved
          Represents an unresolved role: a role not retrieved from a relation due to a problem.
 class RoleUnresolvedList
          A RoleUnresolvedList represents a list of RoleUnresolved objects, representing roles not retrieved from a relation due to a problem encountered when trying to access (read or write) the roles.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class JMXConnectionNotification
          Notification emitted when a client connection is opened or closed or when notifications are lost.
 class JMXPrincipal
          The identity of a remote client of the JMX Remote API.
 class JMXProviderException
          Exception thrown by JMXConnectorFactory and JMXConnectorServerFactory when a provider exists for the required protocol but cannot be used for some reason.
 class JMXServerErrorException
          Exception thrown as the result of a remote MBeanServer method invocation when an Error is thrown while processing the invocation in the remote MBean server.
 class JMXServiceURL
          The address of a JMX API connector server.
 class NotificationResult
          Result of a query for buffered notifications.
 class SubjectDelegationPermission
          Permission required by an authentication identity to perform operations on behalf of an authorization identity.
 class TargetedNotification
          A (Notification, Listener ID) pair.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class RMIConnectionImpl_Stub
 class RMIConnector
          A connection to a remote RMI connector.
 class RMIServerImpl_Stub

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class TimerNotification
          This class provides definitions of the notifications sent by timer MBeans.

Uses of Serializable in javax.naming

Subinterfaces of Serializable in javax.naming
 interface Name
          The Name interface represents a generic name -- an ordered sequence of components.

Classes in javax.naming that implement Serializable
 class AuthenticationException
          This exception is thrown when an authentication error occurs while accessing the naming or directory service.
 class AuthenticationNotSupportedException
          This exception is thrown when the particular flavor of authentication requested is not supported.
 class BinaryRefAddr
          This class represents the binary form of the address of a communications end-point.
 class Binding
          This class represents a name-to-object binding found in a context.
 class CannotProceedException
          This exception is thrown to indicate that the operation reached a point in the name where the operation cannot proceed any further.
 class CommunicationException
          This exception is thrown when the client is unable to communicate with the directory or naming service.
 class CompositeName
          This class represents a composite name -- a sequence of component names spanning multiple namespaces.
 class CompoundName
          This class represents a compound name -- a name from a hierarchical name space.
 class ConfigurationException
          This exception is thrown when there is a configuration problem.
 class ContextNotEmptyException
          This exception is thrown when attempting to destroy a context that is not empty.
 class InsufficientResourcesException
          This exception is thrown when resources are not available to complete the requested operation.
 class InterruptedNamingException
          This exception is thrown when the naming operation being invoked has been interrupted.
 class InvalidNameException
          This exception indicates that the name being specified does not conform to the naming syntax of a naming system.
 class LimitExceededException
          This exception is thrown when a method terminates abnormally due to a user or system specified limit.
 class LinkException
          This exception is used to describe problems encounter while resolving links.
 class LinkLoopException
          This exception is thrown when a loop was detected will attempting to resolve a link, or an implementation specific limit on link counts has been reached.
 class LinkRef
          This class represents a Reference whose contents is a name, called the link name, that is bound to an atomic name in a context.
 class MalformedLinkException
          This exception is thrown when a malformed link was encountered while resolving or constructing a link.
 class NameAlreadyBoundException
          This exception is thrown by methods to indicate that a binding cannot be added because the name is already bound to another object.
 class NameClassPair
          This class represents the object name and class name pair of a binding found in a context.
 class NameNotFoundException
          This exception is thrown when a component of the name cannot be resolved because it is not bound.
 class NamingException
          This is the superclass of all exceptions thrown by operations in the Context and DirContext interfaces.
 class NamingSecurityException
          This is the superclass of security-related exceptions thrown by operations in the Context and DirContext interfaces.
 class NoInitialContextException
          This exception is thrown when no initial context implementation can be created.
 class NoPermissionException
          This exception is thrown when attempting to perform an operation for which the client has no permission.
 class NotContextException
          This exception is thrown when a naming operation proceeds to a point where a context is required to continue the operation, but the resolved object is not a context.
 class OperationNotSupportedException
          This exception is thrown when a context implementation does not support the operation being invoked.
 class PartialResultException
          This exception is thrown to indicate that the result being returned or returned so far is partial, and that the operation cannot be completed.
 class RefAddr
          This class represents the address of a communications end-point.
 class Reference
          This class represents a reference to an object that is found outside of the naming/directory system.
 class ReferralException
          This abstract class is used to represent a referral exception, which is generated in response to a referral such as that returned by LDAP v3 servers.
 class ServiceUnavailableException
          This exception is thrown when attempting to communicate with a directory or naming service and that service is not available.
 class SizeLimitExceededException
          This exception is thrown when a method produces a result that exceeds a size-related limit.
 class StringRefAddr
          This class represents the string form of the address of a communications end-point.
 class TimeLimitExceededException
          This exception is thrown when a method does not terminate within the specified time limit.

Uses of Serializable in

Subinterfaces of Serializable in
 interface Attribute
          This interface represents an attribute associated with a named object.
 interface Attributes
          This interface represents a collection of attributes.

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class AttributeInUseException
          This exception is thrown when an operation attempts to add an attribute that already exists.
 class AttributeModificationException
          This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to add, or remove, or modify an attribute, its identifier, or its values that conflicts with the attribute's (schema) definition or the attribute's state.
 class BasicAttribute
          This class provides a basic implementation of the Attribute interface.
 class BasicAttributes
          This class provides a basic implementation of the Attributes interface.
 class InvalidAttributeIdentifierException
          This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to add to create an attribute with an invalid attribute identifier.
 class InvalidAttributesException
          This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to add or modify an attribute set that has been specified incompletely or incorrectly.
 class InvalidSearchControlsException
          This exception is thrown when the specification of the SearchControls for a search operation is invalid.
 class InvalidSearchFilterException
          This exception is thrown when the specification of a search filter is invalid.
 class ModificationItem
          This class represents a modification item.
 class NoSuchAttributeException
          This exception is thrown when attempting to access an attribute that does not exist.
 class SchemaViolationException
          This exception is thrown when a method in some ways violates the schema.
 class SearchControls
          This class encapsulates factors that determine scope of search and what gets returned as a result of the search.
 class SearchResult
          This class represents an item in the NamingEnumeration returned as a result of the methods.

Uses of Serializable in javax.naming.event

Classes in javax.naming.event that implement Serializable
 class NamingEvent
          This class represents an event fired by a naming/directory service.
 class NamingExceptionEvent
          This class represents an event fired when the procedures/processes used to collect information for notifying listeners of NamingEvents threw a NamingException.

Uses of Serializable in javax.naming.ldap

Subinterfaces of Serializable in javax.naming.ldap
 interface Control
          This interface represents an LDAPv3 control as defined in RFC 2251.
 interface ExtendedRequest
          This interface represents an LDAPv3 extended operation request as defined in RFC 2251.
 interface ExtendedResponse
          This interface represents an LDAP extended operation response as defined in RFC 2251.
 interface UnsolicitedNotification
          This interface represents an unsolicited notification as defined in RFC 2251.

Classes in javax.naming.ldap that implement Serializable
 class BasicControl
          This class provides a basic implementation of the Control interface.
 class LdapName
          This class represents a distinguished name as specified by RFC 2253.
 class LdapReferralException
          This abstract class is used to represent an LDAP referral exception.
 class ManageReferralControl
          Requests that referral and other special LDAP objects be manipulated as normal LDAP objects.
 class PagedResultsControl
          Requests that the results of a search operation be returned by the LDAP server in batches of a specified size.
 class PagedResultsResponseControl
          Indicates the end of a batch of search results.
 class Rdn
          This class represents a relative distinguished name, or RDN, which is a component of a distinguished name as specified by RFC 2253.
 class SortControl
          Requests that the results of a search operation be sorted by the LDAP server before being returned.
 class SortResponseControl
          Indicates whether the requested sort of search results was successful or not.
 class StartTlsRequest
          This class implements the LDAPv3 Extended Request for StartTLS as defined in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extension for Transport Layer Security The object identifier for StartTLS is and no extended request value is defined.
 class StartTlsResponse
          This class implements the LDAPv3 Extended Response for StartTLS as defined in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extension for Transport Layer Security The object identifier for StartTLS is and no extended response value is defined.
 class UnsolicitedNotificationEvent
          This class represents an event fired in response to an unsolicited notification sent by the LDAP server.

Uses of Serializable in javax.naming.spi

Classes in javax.naming.spi that implement Serializable
 class ResolveResult
          This class represents the result of resolution of a name.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class HandshakeCompletedEvent
          This event indicates that an SSL handshake completed on a given SSL connection.
static class SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus
          An SSLEngineResult enum describing the current handshaking state of this SSLEngine.
static class SSLEngineResult.Status
          An SSLEngineResult enum describing the overall result of the SSLEngine operation.
 class SSLException
          Indicates some kind of error detected by an SSL subsystem.
 class SSLHandshakeException
          Indicates that the client and server could not negotiate the desired level of security.
 class SSLKeyException
          Reports a bad SSL key.
 class SSLPeerUnverifiedException
          Indicates that the peer's identity has not been verified.
 class SSLPermission
          This class is for various network permissions.
 class SSLProtocolException
          Reports an error in the operation of the SSL protocol.
 class SSLSessionBindingEvent
          This event is propagated to a SSLSessionBindingListener.

Uses of Serializable in javax.print

Classes in javax.print that implement Serializable
 class DocFlavor
          Class DocFlavor encapsulates an object that specifies the format in which print data is supplied to a DocPrintJob.
static class DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY
          Class DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY provides predefined static constant DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors using a byte array (byte[]) as the print data representation class.
static class DocFlavor.CHAR_ARRAY
          Class DocFlavor.CHAR_ARRAY provides predefined static constant DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors using a character array (char[]) as the print data representation class.
static class DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM
          Class DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM provides predefined static constant DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors using a byte stream ( as the print data representation class.
static class DocFlavor.READER
          Class DocFlavor.READER provides predefined static constant DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors using a character stream ( as the print data representation class.
static class DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED
          Class DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED provides predefined static constant DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors for service formatted print data.
static class DocFlavor.STRING
          Class DocFlavor.STRING provides predefined static constant DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors using a string (java.lang.String) as the print data representation class.
static class DocFlavor.URL
          Class DocFlavor.URL provides predefined static constant DocFlavor objects.
 class PrintException
          Class PrintException encapsulates a printing-related error condition that occurred while using a Print Service instance.

Uses of Serializable in javax.print.attribute

Subinterfaces of Serializable in javax.print.attribute
 interface DocAttribute
          Interface DocAttribute is a tagging interface which a printing attribute class implements to indicate the attribute denotes a setting for a doc.
 interface PrintJobAttribute
          PrintJobAttribute is a tagging interface which a printing attribute class implements to indicate the attribute describes the status of a Print Job or some other characteristic of a Print Job.
 interface PrintRequestAttribute
          Interface PrintRequestAttribute is a tagging interface which a printing attribute class implements to indicate the attribute denotes a requested setting for a print job.
 interface PrintServiceAttribute
          Interface PrintServiceAttribute is a tagging interface which a printing attribute class implements to indicate the attribute describes the status of a Print Service or some other characteristic of a Print Service.
 interface SupportedValuesAttribute
          Interface SupportedValuesAttribute is a tagging interface which a printing attribute class implements to indicate the attribute describes the supported values for another attribute.

Classes in javax.print.attribute that implement Serializable
 class DateTimeSyntax
          Class DateTimeSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common implementation of all attributes whose value is a date and time.
 class EnumSyntax
          Class EnumSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common implementation of all "type safe enumeration" objects.
 class HashAttributeSet
          Class HashAttributeSet provides an AttributeSet implementation with characteristics of a hash map.
 class HashDocAttributeSet
          Class HashDocAttributeSet provides an attribute set which inherits its implementation from class HashAttributeSet and enforces the semantic restrictions of interface DocAttributeSet.
 class HashPrintJobAttributeSet
          Class HashPrintJobAttributeSet provides an attribute set which inherits its implementation from class HashAttributeSet and enforces the semantic restrictions of interface PrintJobAttributeSet.
 class HashPrintRequestAttributeSet
          Class HashPrintRequestAttributeSet inherits its implementation from class HashAttributeSet and enforces the semantic restrictions of interface PrintRequestAttributeSet.
 class HashPrintServiceAttributeSet
          Class HashPrintServiceAttributeSet provides an attribute set which inherits its implementation from class HashAttributeSet and enforces the semantic restrictions of interface PrintServiceAttributeSet.
 class IntegerSyntax
          Class IntegerSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common implementation of all attributes with integer values.
 class ResolutionSyntax
          Class ResolutionSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common implementation of all attributes denoting a printer resolution.
 class SetOfIntegerSyntax
          Class SetOfIntegerSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common implementation of all attributes whose value is a set of nonnegative integers.
 class Size2DSyntax
          Class Size2DSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common implementation of all attributes denoting a size in two dimensions.
 class TextSyntax
          Class TextSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common implementation of all attributes whose value is a string.
 class UnmodifiableSetException
          Thrown to indicate that the requested operation cannot be performed because the set is unmodifiable.
 class URISyntax
          Class URISyntax is an abstract base class providing the common implementation of all attributes whose value is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

Uses of Serializable in javax.print.attribute.standard

Classes in javax.print.attribute.standard that implement Serializable
 class Chromaticity
          Class Chromaticity is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that specifies monochrome or color printing.
 class ColorSupported
          Class ColorSupported is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that identifies whether the device is capable of any type of color printing at all, including highlight color as well as full process color.
 class Compression
          Class Compression is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that specifies how print data is compressed.
 class Copies
          Class Copies is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies the number of copies to be printed.
 class CopiesSupported
          Class CopiesSupported is a printing attribute class, a set of integers, that gives the supported values for a Copies attribute.
 class DateTimeAtCompleted
          Class DateTimeAtCompleted is a printing attribute class, a date-time attribute, that indicates the date and time at which the Print Job completed (or was canceled or aborted).
 class DateTimeAtCreation
          Class DateTimeAtCreation is a printing attribute class, a date-time attribute, that indicates the date and time at which the Print Job was created.
 class DateTimeAtProcessing
          Class DateTimeAtProcessing is a printing attribute class, a date-time attribute, that indicates the date and time at which the Print Job first began processing.
 class Destination
          Class Destination is a printing attribute class, a URI, that is used to indicate an alternate destination for the spooled printer formatted data.
 class DocumentName
          Class DocumentName is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that specifies the name of a document.
 class Fidelity
          Class Fidelity is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that indicates whether total fidelity to client supplied print request attributes is required.
 class Finishings
          Class Finishings is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that identifies whether the printer applies a finishing operation of some kind of binding to each copy of each printed document in the job.
 class JobHoldUntil
          Class JobHoldUntil is a printing attribute class, a date-time attribute, that specifies the exact date and time at which the job must become a candidate for printing.
 class JobImpressions
          Class JobImpressions is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies the total size in number of impressions of the document(s) being submitted.
 class JobImpressionsCompleted
          Class JobImpressionsCompleted is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies the number of impressions completed for the job so far.
 class JobImpressionsSupported
          Class JobImpressionsSupported is a printing attribute class, a set of integers, that gives the supported values for a JobImpressions attribute.
 class JobKOctets
          Class JobKOctets is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies the total size of the document(s) in K octets, i.e., in units of 1024 octets requested to be processed in the job.
 class JobKOctetsProcessed
          Class JobKOctetsProcessed is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies the total number of print data octets processed so far in K octets, i.e., in units of 1024 octets.
 class JobKOctetsSupported
          Class JobKOctetsSupported is a printing attribute class, a set of integers, that gives the supported values for a JobKOctets attribute.
 class JobMediaSheets
          Class JobMediaSheets is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies the total number of media sheets to be produced for this job.
 class JobMediaSheetsCompleted
          Class JobMediaSheetsCompleted is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies the number of media sheets which have completed marking and stacking for the entire job so far, whether those sheets have been processed on one side or on both.
 class JobMediaSheetsSupported
          Class JobMediaSheetsSupported is a printing attribute class, a set of integers, that gives the supported values for a JobMediaSheets attribute.
 class JobMessageFromOperator
          Class JobMessageFromOperator is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that provides a message from an operator, system administrator, or "intelligent" process to indicate to the end user the reasons for modification or other management action taken on a job.
 class JobName
          Class JobName is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that specifies the name of a print job.
 class JobOriginatingUserName
          Class JobOriginatingUserName is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that contains the name of the end user that submitted the print job.
 class JobPriority
          Class JobPriority is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies a print job's priority.
 class JobPrioritySupported
          Class JobPrioritySupported is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies whether a Print Service instance supports the JobPriority attribute and the number of different job priority levels supported.
 class JobSheets
          Class JobSheets is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that determines which job start and end sheets, if any, must be printed with a job.
 class JobState
          JobState is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that identifies the current state of a print job.
 class JobStateReason
          Class JobStateReason is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that provides additional information about the job's current state, i.e., information that augments the value of the job's JobState attribute.
 class JobStateReasons
          Class JobStateReasons is a printing attribute class, a set of enumeration values, that provides additional information about the job's current state, i.e., information that augments the value of the job's JobState attribute.
 class Media
          Class Media is a printing attribute class that specifies the medium on which to print.
 class MediaName
          Class MediaName is a subclass of Media, a printing attribute class (an enumeration) that specifies the media for a print job as a name.
 class MediaPrintableArea
          Class MediaPrintableArea is a printing attribute used to distinguish the printable and non-printable areas of media.
 class MediaSize
          Class MediaSize is a two-dimensional size valued printing attribute class that indicates the dimensions of the medium in a portrait orientation, with the X dimension running along the bottom edge and the Y dimension running along the left edge.
 class MediaSizeName
          Class MediaSizeName is a subclass of Media.
 class MediaTray
          Class MediaTray is a subclass of Media.
 class MultipleDocumentHandling
          Class MultipleDocumentHandling is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that controls finishing operations and the placement of one or more print-stream pages into impressions and onto media sheets.
 class NumberOfDocuments
          Class NumberOfDocuments is an integer valued printing attribute that indicates the number of individual docs the printer has accepted for this job, regardless of whether the docs' print data has reached the printer or not.
 class NumberOfInterveningJobs
          Class NumberOfInterveningJobs is an integer valued printing attribute that indicates the number of jobs that are ahead of this job in the relative chronological order of expected time to complete (i.e., the current scheduled order).
 class NumberUp
          Class NumberUp is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies the number of print-stream pages to impose upon a single side of an instance of a selected medium.
 class NumberUpSupported
          Class NumberUpSupported is a printing attribute class, a set of integers, that gives the supported values for a NumberUp attribute.
 class OrientationRequested
          Class OrientationRequested is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that indicates the desired orientation for printed print-stream pages; it does not describe the orientation of the client-supplied print-stream pages.
 class OutputDeviceAssigned
          Class OutputDeviceAssigned is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that identifies the output device to which the service has assigned this job.
 class PageRanges
          Class PageRanges is a printing attribute class, a set of integers, that identifies the range(s) of print-stream pages that the Printer object uses for each copy of each document which are to be printed.
 class PagesPerMinute
          Class PagesPerMinute is an integer valued printing attribute that indicates the nominal number of pages per minute to the nearest whole number which may be generated by this printer (e.g., simplex, black-and-white).
 class PagesPerMinuteColor
          Class PagesPerMinuteColor is an integer valued printing attribute that indicates the nominal number of pages per minute to the nearest whole number which may be generated by this printer when printing color (e.g., simplex, color).
 class PDLOverrideSupported
          Class PDLOverrideSupported is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that expresses the printer's ability to attempt to override processing instructions embedded in documents' print data with processing instructions specified as attributes outside the print data.
 class PresentationDirection
          Class PresentationDirection is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that is used in conjunction with the NumberUp attribute to indicate the layout of multiple print-stream pages to impose upon a single side of an instance of a selected medium.
 class PrinterInfo
          Class PrinterInfo is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that provides descriptive information about a printer.
 class PrinterIsAcceptingJobs
          Class PrinterIsAcceptingJobs is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that indicates whether the printer is currently able to accept jobs.
 class PrinterLocation
          Class PrinterLocation is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that identifies the location of the device.
 class PrinterMakeAndModel
          Class PrinterMakeAndModel is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that the make and model of the printer.
 class PrinterMessageFromOperator
          Class PrinterMessageFromOperator is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that provides a message from an operator, system administrator, or "intelligent" process to indicate to the end user information about or status of the printer, such as why it is unavailable or when it is expected to be available.
 class PrinterMoreInfo
          Class PrinterMoreInfo is a printing attribute class, a URI, that is used to obtain more information about this specific printer.
 class PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer
          Class PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer is a printing attribute class, a URI, that is used to obtain more information about this type of device.
 class PrinterName
          Class PrinterName is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that specifies the name of a printer.
 class PrinterResolution
          Class PrinterResolution is a printing attribute class that specifies an exact resolution supported by a printer or to be used for a print job.
 class PrinterState
          Class PrinterState is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that identifies the current state of a printer.
 class PrinterStateReason
          Class PrinterStateReason is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that provides additional information about the printer's current state, i.e., information that augments the value of the printer's PrinterState attribute.
 class PrinterStateReasons
          Class PrinterStateReasons is a printing attribute class, a set of enumeration values, that provides additional information about the printer's current state, i.e., information that augments the value of the printer's PrinterState attribute.
 class PrinterURI
          Class PrinterURI is a printing attribute class, a URI, that specifies the globally unique name of a printer.
 class PrintQuality
          Class PrintQuality is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that specifies the print quality that the printer uses for the job.
 class QueuedJobCount
          Class QueuedJobCount is an integer valued printing attribute that indicates the number of jobs in the printer whose JobState is either PENDING, PENDING_HELD, PROCESSING, or PROCESSING_STOPPED.
 class ReferenceUriSchemesSupported
          Class ReferenceUriSchemesSupported is a printing attribute class an enumeration, that indicates a "URI scheme," such as "http:" or "ftp:", that a printer can use to retrieve print data stored at a URI location.
 class RequestingUserName
          Class RequestingUserName is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that specifies the name of the end user that submitted the print job.
 class Severity
          Class Severity is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that denotes the severity of a PrinterStateReason attribute.
 class SheetCollate
          Class SheetCollate is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that specifies whether or not the media sheets of each copy of each printed document in a job are to be in sequence, when multiple copies of the document are specified by the Copies attribute.
 class Sides
          Class Sides is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that specifies how print-stream pages are to be imposed upon the sides of an instance of a selected medium, i.e., an impression.

Uses of Serializable in javax.print.event

Classes in javax.print.event that implement Serializable
 class PrintEvent
          Class PrintEvent is the super class of all Print Service API events.
 class PrintJobAttributeEvent
          Class PrintJobAttributeEvent encapsulates an event a PrintService reports to let the client know that one or more printing attributes for a PrintJob have changed.
 class PrintJobEvent
          Class PrintJobEvent encapsulates common events a print job reports to let a listener know of progress in the processing of the DocPrintJob.
 class PrintServiceAttributeEvent
          Class PrintServiceAttributeEvent encapsulates an event a Print Service instance reports to let the client know of changes in the print service state.

Uses of Serializable in javax.rmi.CORBA

Classes in javax.rmi.CORBA that implement Serializable
 class ClassDesc
          This class is used to marshal java.lang.Class objects over IIOP.
 class Stub
          Base class from which all RMI-IIOP stubs must inherit.

Methods in javax.rmi.CORBA that return Serializable
 Serializable ValueHandler.readValue(InputStream in, int offset, Class clz, String repositoryID, RunTime sender)
          Reads a value from the stream using Java semantics.
 Serializable ValueHandler.writeReplace(Serializable value)
          If the value contains a writeReplace method then the result is returned.

Methods in javax.rmi.CORBA with parameters of type Serializable
 Serializable ValueHandler.writeReplace(Serializable value)
          If the value contains a writeReplace method then the result is returned.
 void ValueHandler.writeValue(OutputStream out, Serializable value)
          Writes a value to the stream using Java semantics.
 void ValueHandlerMultiFormat.writeValue(OutputStream out, Serializable value, byte streamFormatVersion)
          Allows the ORB to pass the stream format version for RMI/IDL custom value types.

Uses of Serializable in javax.rmi.ssl

Classes in javax.rmi.ssl that implement Serializable
 class SslRMIClientSocketFactory
          An SslRMIClientSocketFactory instance is used by the RMI runtime in order to obtain client sockets for RMI calls via SSL.

Uses of Serializable in javax.script

Classes in javax.script that implement Serializable
 class ScriptException
          The generic Exception class for the Scripting APIs.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class AuthPermission
          This class is for authentication permissions.
 class DestroyFailedException
          Signals that a destroy operation failed.
 class PrivateCredentialPermission
          This class is used to protect access to private Credentials belonging to a particular Subject.
 class RefreshFailedException
          Signals that a refresh operation failed.
 class Subject
           A Subject represents a grouping of related information for a single entity, such as a person.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class ChoiceCallback
           Underlying security services instantiate and pass a ChoiceCallback to the handle method of a CallbackHandler to display a list of choices and to retrieve the selected choice(s).
 class ConfirmationCallback
           Underlying security services instantiate and pass a ConfirmationCallback to the handle method of a CallbackHandler to ask for YES/NO, OK/CANCEL, YES/NO/CANCEL or other similar confirmations.
 class LanguageCallback
           Underlying security services instantiate and pass a LanguageCallback to the handle method of a CallbackHandler to retrieve the Locale used for localizing text.
 class NameCallback
           Underlying security services instantiate and pass a NameCallback to the handle method of a CallbackHandler to retrieve name information.
 class PasswordCallback
           Underlying security services instantiate and pass a PasswordCallback to the handle method of a CallbackHandler to retrieve password information.
 class TextInputCallback
           Underlying security services instantiate and pass a TextInputCallback to the handle method of a CallbackHandler to retrieve generic text information.
 class TextOutputCallback
           Underlying security services instantiate and pass a TextOutputCallback to the handle method of a CallbackHandler to display information messages, warning messages and error messages.
 class UnsupportedCallbackException
          Signals that a CallbackHandler does not recognize a particular Callback.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class DelegationPermission
          This class is used to restrict the usage of the Kerberos delegation model, ie: forwardable and proxiable tickets.
 class KerberosKey
          This class encapsulates a long term secret key for a Kerberos principal.
 class KerberosPrincipal
          This class encapsulates a Kerberos principal.
 class KerberosTicket
          This class encapsulates a Kerberos ticket and associated information as viewed from the client's point of view.
 class ServicePermission
          This class is used to protect Kerberos services and the credentials necessary to access those services.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class AccountException
          A generic account exception.
 class AccountExpiredException
          Signals that a user account has expired.
 class AccountLockedException
          Signals that an account was locked.
 class AccountNotFoundException
          Signals that an account was not found.
 class CredentialException
          A generic credential exception.
 class CredentialExpiredException
          Signals that a Credential has expired.
 class CredentialNotFoundException
          Signals that a credential was not found.
 class FailedLoginException
          Signals that user authentication failed.
 class LoginException
          This is the basic login exception.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class X500Principal
           This class represents an X.500 Principal.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class AuthorizeCallback
          This callback is used by SaslServer to determine whether one entity (identified by an authenticated authentication id) can act on behalf of another entity (identified by an authorization id).
 class RealmCallback
          This callback is used by SaslClient and SaslServer to retrieve realm information.
 class RealmChoiceCallback
          This callback is used by SaslClient and SaslServer to obtain a realm given a list of realm choices.
 class SaslException
          This class represents an error that has occurred when using SASL.

Uses of Serializable in javax.sound.midi

Classes in javax.sound.midi that implement Serializable
 class InvalidMidiDataException
          An InvalidMidiDataException indicates that inappropriate MIDI data was encountered.
 class MidiUnavailableException
          A MidiUnavailableException is thrown when a requested MIDI component cannot be opened or created because it is unavailable.

Uses of Serializable in javax.sound.sampled

Classes in javax.sound.sampled that implement Serializable
 class AudioPermission
          The AudioPermission class represents access rights to the audio system resources.
 class LineEvent
          The LineEvent class encapsulates information that a line sends its listeners whenever the line opens, closes, starts, or stops.
 class LineUnavailableException
          A LineUnavailableException is an exception indicating that a line cannot be opened because it is unavailable.
 class UnsupportedAudioFileException
          An UnsupportedAudioFileException is an exception indicating that an operation failed because a file did not contain valid data of a recognized file type and format.

Uses of Serializable in javax.sql

Classes in javax.sql that implement Serializable
 class ConnectionEvent
          An Event object that provides information about the source of a connection-related event.
 class RowSetEvent
          An Event object generated when an event occurs to a RowSet object.
 class StatementEvent
          A StatementEvent is sent to all StatementEventListeners which were registered with a PooledConnection.

Uses of Serializable in javax.sql.rowset

Classes in javax.sql.rowset that implement Serializable
 class BaseRowSet
          An abstract class providing a RowSet object with its basic functionality.
 class RowSetMetaDataImpl
          Provides implementations for the methods that set and get metadata information about a RowSet object's columns.
 class RowSetWarning
          An extension of SQLException that provides information about database warnings set on RowSet objects.

Uses of Serializable in javax.sql.rowset.serial

Classes in javax.sql.rowset.serial that implement Serializable
 class SerialArray
          A serialized version of an Array object, which is the mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL ARRAY value.
 class SerialBlob
          A serialized mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL BLOB value.
 class SerialClob
          A serialized mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL CLOB value.
 class SerialDatalink
          A serialized mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL DATALINK value.
 class SerialException
          Indicates and an error with the serialization or de-serialization of SQL types such as BLOB, CLOB, STRUCT or ARRAY in addition to SQL types such as DATALINK and JAVAOBJECT
 class SerialJavaObject
          A serializable mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL JAVA_OBJECT value.
 class SerialRef
          A serialized mapping of a Ref object, which is the mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL REF value.
 class SerialStruct
          A serialized mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL structured type.

Uses of Serializable in javax.sql.rowset.spi

Classes in javax.sql.rowset.spi that implement Serializable
 class SyncFactoryException
          Indicates an error with SyncFactory mechanism.
 class SyncProviderException
          Indicates an error with the SyncProvider mechanism.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing

Classes in javax.swing that implement Serializable
 class AbstractAction
          This class provides default implementations for the JFC Action interface.
 class AbstractButton
          Defines common behaviors for buttons and menu items.
protected  class AbstractButton.AccessibleAbstractButton
          This class implements accessibility support for the AbstractButton class.
protected  class AbstractButton.ButtonChangeListener
          Extends ChangeListener to be serializable.
 class AbstractCellEditor
 class AbstractListModel
          The abstract definition for the data model that provides a List with its contents.
 class ActionMap
          ActionMap provides mappings from Objects (called keys or Action names) to Actions.
 class Box
          A lightweight container that uses a BoxLayout object as its layout manager.
protected  class Box.AccessibleBox
          This class implements accessibility support for the Box class.
static class Box.Filler
          An implementation of a lightweight component that participates in layout but has no view.
protected  class Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
          This class implements accessibility support for the Box.Filler class.
 class BoxLayout
          A layout manager that allows multiple components to be laid out either vertically or horizontally.
 class ButtonGroup
          This class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of buttons.
 class CellRendererPane
          This class is inserted in between cell renderers and the components that use them.
protected  class CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
          This class implements accessibility support for the CellRendererPane class.
 class ComponentInputMap
          A ComponentInputMap is an InputMap associated with a particular JComponent.
 class DefaultBoundedRangeModel
          A generic implementation of BoundedRangeModel.
 class DefaultButtonModel
          The default implementation of a Button component's data model.
 class DefaultCellEditor
          The default editor for table and tree cells.
protected  class DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
          The protected EditorDelegate class.
 class DefaultComboBoxModel
          The default model for combo boxes.
 class DefaultDesktopManager
          This is an implementation of the DesktopManager.
 class DefaultListCellRenderer
          Renders an item in a list.
static class DefaultListCellRenderer.UIResource
          A subclass of DefaultListCellRenderer that implements UIResource.
 class DefaultListModel
          This class loosely implements the java.util.Vector API, in that it implements the 1.1.x version of java.util.Vector, has no collection class support, and notifies the ListDataListeners when changes occur.
 class DefaultListSelectionModel
          Default data model for list selections.
 class DefaultSingleSelectionModel
          A generic implementation of SingleSelectionModel.
 class DropMode
          Drop modes, used to determine the method by which a component tracks and indicates a drop location during drag and drop.
static class GroupLayout.Alignment
          Enumeration of the possible ways ParallelGroup can align its children.
 class ImageIcon
          An implementation of the Icon interface that paints Icons from Images.
protected  class ImageIcon.AccessibleImageIcon
          This class implements accessibility support for the ImageIcon class.
 class InputMap
          InputMap provides a binding between an input event (currently only KeyStrokes are used) and an Object.
 class JApplet
          An extended version of java.applet.Applet that adds support for the JFC/Swing component architecture.
protected  class JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
          This class implements accessibility support for the JApplet class.
 class JButton
          An implementation of a "push" button.
protected  class JButton.AccessibleJButton
          This class implements accessibility support for the JButton class.
 class JCheckBox
          An implementation of a check box -- an item that can be selected or deselected, and which displays its state to the user.
protected  class JCheckBox.AccessibleJCheckBox
          This class implements accessibility support for the JCheckBox class.
 class JCheckBoxMenuItem
          A menu item that can be selected or deselected.
protected  class JCheckBoxMenuItem.AccessibleJCheckBoxMenuItem
          This class implements accessibility support for the JCheckBoxMenuItem class.
 class JColorChooser
          JColorChooser provides a pane of controls designed to allow a user to manipulate and select a color.
protected  class JColorChooser.AccessibleJColorChooser
          This class implements accessibility support for the JColorChooser class.
 class JComboBox
          A component that combines a button or editable field and a drop-down list.
protected  class JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox
          This class implements accessibility support for the JComboBox class.
 class JComponent
          The base class for all Swing components except top-level containers.
 class JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
          Inner class of JComponent used to provide default support for accessibility.
 class JDesktopPane
          A container used to create a multiple-document interface or a virtual desktop.
protected  class JDesktopPane.AccessibleJDesktopPane
          This class implements accessibility support for the JDesktopPane class.
 class JDialog
          The main class for creating a dialog window.
protected  class JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
          This class implements accessibility support for the JDialog class.
 class JEditorPane
          A text component to edit various kinds of content.
protected  class JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPane
          This class implements accessibility support for the JEditorPane class.
protected  class JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPaneHTML
          This class provides support for AccessibleHypertext, and is used in instances where the EditorKit installed in this JEditorPane is an instance of HTMLEditorKit.
protected  class JEditorPane.JEditorPaneAccessibleHypertextSupport
          What's returned by AccessibleJEditorPaneHTML.getAccessibleText.
 class JFileChooser
          JFileChooser provides a simple mechanism for the user to choose a file.
protected  class JFileChooser.AccessibleJFileChooser
          This class implements accessibility support for the JFileChooser class.
 class JFormattedTextField
          JFormattedTextField extends JTextField adding support for formatting arbitrary values, as well as retrieving a particular object once the user has edited the text.
static class JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter
          Instances of AbstractFormatter are used by JFormattedTextField to handle the conversion both from an Object to a String, and back from a String to an Object.
 class JFrame
          An extended version of java.awt.Frame that adds support for the JFC/Swing component architecture.
protected  class JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
          This class implements accessibility support for the JFrame class.
 class JInternalFrame
          A lightweight object that provides many of the features of a native frame, including dragging, closing, becoming an icon, resizing, title display, and support for a menu bar.
protected  class JInternalFrame.AccessibleJInternalFrame
          This class implements accessibility support for the JInternalFrame class.
static class JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon
          This component represents an iconified version of a JInternalFrame.
protected  class JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon.AccessibleJDesktopIcon
          This class implements accessibility support for the JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon class.
 class JLabel
          A display area for a short text string or an image, or both.
protected  class JLabel.AccessibleJLabel
          The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
 class JLayeredPane
          JLayeredPane adds depth to a JFC/Swing container, allowing components to overlap each other when needed.
protected  class JLayeredPane.AccessibleJLayeredPane
          This class implements accessibility support for the JLayeredPane class.
 class JList
          A component that displays a list of objects and allows the user to select one or more items.
protected  class JList.AccessibleJList
          This class implements accessibility support for the JList class.
 class JMenu
          An implementation of a menu -- a popup window containing JMenuItems that is displayed when the user selects an item on the JMenuBar.
protected  class JMenu.AccessibleJMenu
          This class implements accessibility support for the JMenu class.
protected  class JMenu.WinListener
          A listener class that watches for a popup window closing.
 class JMenuBar
          An implementation of a menu bar.
protected  class JMenuBar.AccessibleJMenuBar
          This class implements accessibility support for the JMenuBar class.
 class JMenuItem
          An implementation of an item in a menu.
protected  class JMenuItem.AccessibleJMenuItem
          This class implements accessibility support for the JMenuItem class.
 class JOptionPane
          JOptionPane makes it easy to pop up a standard dialog box that prompts users for a value or informs them of something.
protected  class JOptionPane.AccessibleJOptionPane
          This class implements accessibility support for the JOptionPane class.
 class JPanel
          JPanel is a generic lightweight container.
protected  class JPanel.AccessibleJPanel
          This class implements accessibility support for the JPanel class.
 class JPasswordField
          JPasswordField is a lightweight component that allows the editing of a single line of text where the view indicates something was typed, but does not show the original characters.
protected  class JPasswordField.AccessibleJPasswordField
          This class implements accessibility support for the JPasswordField class.
 class JPopupMenu
          An implementation of a popup menu -- a small window that pops up and displays a series of choices.
protected  class JPopupMenu.AccessibleJPopupMenu
          This class implements accessibility support for the JPopupMenu class.
static class JPopupMenu.Separator
          A popup menu-specific separator.
 class JProgressBar
          A component that visually displays the progress of some task.
protected  class JProgressBar.AccessibleJProgressBar
          This class implements accessibility support for the JProgressBar class.
 class JRadioButton
          An implementation of a radio button -- an item that can be selected or deselected, and which displays its state to the user.
protected  class JRadioButton.AccessibleJRadioButton
          This class implements accessibility support for the JRadioButton class.
 class JRadioButtonMenuItem
          An implementation of a radio button menu item.
protected  class JRadioButtonMenuItem.AccessibleJRadioButtonMenuItem
          This class implements accessibility support for the JRadioButtonMenuItem class.
 class JRootPane
          A lightweight container used behind the scenes by JFrame, JDialog, JWindow, JApplet, and JInternalFrame.
protected  class JRootPane.AccessibleJRootPane
          This class implements accessibility support for the JRootPane class.
protected  class JRootPane.RootLayout
          A custom layout manager that is responsible for the layout of layeredPane, glassPane, and menuBar.
 class JScrollBar
          An implementation of a scrollbar.
protected  class JScrollBar.AccessibleJScrollBar
          This class implements accessibility support for the JScrollBar class.
 class JScrollPane
          Provides a scrollable view of a lightweight component.
protected  class JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane
          This class implements accessibility support for the JScrollPane class.
protected  class JScrollPane.ScrollBar
          By default JScrollPane creates scrollbars that are instances of this class.
 class JSeparator
          JSeparator provides a general purpose component for implementing divider lines - most commonly used as a divider between menu items that breaks them up into logical groupings.
protected  class JSeparator.AccessibleJSeparator
          This class implements accessibility support for the JSeparator class.
 class JSlider
          A component that lets the user graphically select a value by sliding a knob within a bounded interval.
protected  class JSlider.AccessibleJSlider
          This class implements accessibility support for the JSlider class.
 class JSpinner
          A single line input field that lets the user select a number or an object value from an ordered sequence.
protected  class JSpinner.AccessibleJSpinner
          AccessibleJSpinner implements accessibility support for the JSpinner class.
static class JSpinner.DateEditor
          An editor for a JSpinner whose model is a SpinnerDateModel.
static class JSpinner.DefaultEditor
          A simple base class for more specialized editors that displays a read-only view of the model's current value with a JFormattedTextField.
static class JSpinner.ListEditor
          An editor for a JSpinner whose model is a SpinnerListModel.
static class JSpinner.NumberEditor
          An editor for a JSpinner whose model is a SpinnerNumberModel.
 class JSplitPane
          JSplitPane is used to divide two (and only two) Components.
protected  class JSplitPane.AccessibleJSplitPane
          This class implements accessibility support for the JSplitPane class.
 class JTabbedPane
          A component that lets the user switch between a group of components by clicking on a tab with a given title and/or icon.
protected  class JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane
          This class implements accessibility support for the JTabbedPane class.
protected  class JTabbedPane.ModelListener
          We pass ModelChanged events along to the listeners with the tabbedpane (instead of the model itself) as the event source.
 class JTable
          The JTable is used to display and edit regular two-dimensional tables of cells.
protected  class JTable.AccessibleJTable
          This class implements accessibility support for the JTable class.
static class JTable.PrintMode
          Printing modes, used in printing JTables.
 class JTextArea
          A JTextArea is a multi-line area that displays plain text.
protected  class JTextArea.AccessibleJTextArea
          This class implements accessibility support for the JTextArea class.
 class JTextField
          JTextField is a lightweight component that allows the editing of a single line of text.
protected  class JTextField.AccessibleJTextField
          This class implements accessibility support for the JTextField class.
 class JTextPane
          A text component that can be marked up with attributes that are represented graphically.
 class JToggleButton
          An implementation of a two-state button.
protected  class JToggleButton.AccessibleJToggleButton
          This class implements accessibility support for the JToggleButton class.
static class JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel
          The ToggleButton model
 class JToolBar
          JToolBar provides a component that is useful for displaying commonly used Actions or controls.
protected  class JToolBar.AccessibleJToolBar
          This class implements accessibility support for the JToolBar class.
static class JToolBar.Separator
          A toolbar-specific separator.
 class JToolTip
          Used to display a "Tip" for a Component.
protected  class JToolTip.AccessibleJToolTip
          This class implements accessibility support for the JToolTip class.
 class JTree
           A control that displays a set of hierarchical data as an outline.
protected  class JTree.AccessibleJTree
          This class implements accessibility support for the JTree class.
static class JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode
          DynamicUtilTreeNode can wrap vectors/hashtables/arrays/strings and create the appropriate children tree nodes as necessary.
protected static class JTree.EmptySelectionModel
          EmptySelectionModel is a TreeSelectionModel that does not allow anything to be selected.
protected  class JTree.TreeSelectionRedirector
          Handles creating a new TreeSelectionEvent with the JTree as the source and passing it off to all the listeners.
 class JViewport
          The "viewport" or "porthole" through which you see the underlying information.
protected  class JViewport.AccessibleJViewport
          This class implements accessibility support for the JViewport class.
protected  class JViewport.ViewListener
          A listener for the view.
 class JWindow
          A JWindow is a container that can be displayed anywhere on the user's desktop.
protected  class JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
          This class implements accessibility support for the JWindow class.
 class KeyStroke
          A KeyStroke represents a key action on the keyboard, or equivalent input device.
 class LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy
          A SortingFocusTraversalPolicy which sorts Components based on their size, position, and orientation.
static class LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement
          ComponentPlacement is an enumeration of the possible ways two components can be placed relative to each other.
 class OverlayLayout
          A layout manager to arrange components over the top of each other.
static class RowFilter.ComparisonType
          Enumeration of the possible comparison values supported by some of the default RowFilters.
 class ScrollPaneLayout
          The layout manager used by JScrollPane.
static class ScrollPaneLayout.UIResource
          The UI resource version of ScrollPaneLayout.
 class SizeRequirements
          For the convenience of layout managers, calculates information about the size and position of components.
 class SortOrder
          SortOrder is an enumeration of the possible sort orderings.
 class SpinnerDateModel
          A SpinnerModel for sequences of Dates.
 class SpinnerListModel
          A simple implementation of SpinnerModel whose values are defined by an array or a List.
 class SpinnerNumberModel
          A SpinnerModel for sequences of numbers.
static class SwingWorker.StateValue
          Values for the state bound property.
 class Timer
          Fires one or more ActionEvents at specified intervals.
 class TransferHandler
          This class is used to handle the transfer of a Transferable to and from Swing components.
 class UIDefaults
          A table of defaults for Swing components.
 class UIManager
          UIManager manages the current look and feel, the set of available look and feels, PropertyChangeListeners that are notified when the look and feel changes, look and feel defaults, and convenience methods for obtaining various default values.
 class UnsupportedLookAndFeelException
          An exception that indicates the requested look & feel management classes are not present on the user's system.
 class ViewportLayout
          The default layout manager for JViewport.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.border

Classes in javax.swing.border that implement Serializable
 class AbstractBorder
          A class that implements an empty border with no size.
 class BevelBorder
          A class which implements a simple two-line bevel border.
 class CompoundBorder
          A composite Border class used to compose two Border objects into a single border by nesting an inside Border object within the insets of an outside Border object.
 class EmptyBorder
          A class which provides an empty, transparent border which takes up space but does no drawing.
 class EtchedBorder
          A class which implements a simple etched border which can either be etched-in or etched-out.
 class LineBorder
          A class which implements a line border of arbitrary thickness and of a single color.
 class MatteBorder
          A class which provides a matte-like border of either a solid color or a tiled icon.
 class SoftBevelBorder
          A class which implements a raised or lowered bevel with softened corners.
 class TitledBorder
          A class which implements an arbitrary border with the addition of a String title in a specified position and justification.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.colorchooser

Classes in javax.swing.colorchooser that implement Serializable
 class AbstractColorChooserPanel
          This is the abstract superclass for color choosers.
 class DefaultColorSelectionModel
          A generic implementation of ColorSelectionModel.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.event

Classes in javax.swing.event that implement Serializable
 class AncestorEvent
          An event reported to a child component that originated from an ancestor in the component hierarchy.
 class CaretEvent
          CaretEvent is used to notify interested parties that the text caret has changed in the event source.
 class ChangeEvent
          ChangeEvent is used to notify interested parties that state has changed in the event source.
 class EventListenerList
          A class that holds a list of EventListeners.
 class HyperlinkEvent
          HyperlinkEvent is used to notify interested parties that something has happened with respect to a hypertext link.
 class InternalFrameEvent
          An AWTEvent that adds support for JInternalFrame objects as the event source.
 class ListDataEvent
          Defines an event that encapsulates changes to a list.
 class ListSelectionEvent
          An event that characterizes a change in selection.
 class MenuDragMouseEvent
          MenuDragMouseEvent is used to notify interested parties that the menu element has received a MouseEvent forwarded to it under drag conditions.
 class MenuEvent
          MenuEvent is used to notify interested parties that the menu which is the event source has been posted, selected, or canceled.
 class MenuKeyEvent
          MenuKeyEvent is used to notify interested parties that the menu element has received a KeyEvent forwarded to it in a menu tree.
 class PopupMenuEvent
          PopupMenuEvent only contains the source of the event which is the JPoupMenu sending the event
 class RowSorterEvent
          RowSorterEvent provides notification of changes to a RowSorter.
static class RowSorterEvent.Type
          Enumeration of the types of RowSorterEvents.
 class SwingPropertyChangeSupport
          This subclass of java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport is almost identical in functionality.
 class TableColumnModelEvent
          TableColumnModelEvent is used to notify listeners that a table column model has changed, such as a column was added, removed, or moved.
 class TableModelEvent
          TableModelEvent is used to notify listeners that a table model has changed.
 class TreeExpansionEvent
          An event used to identify a single path in a tree.
 class TreeModelEvent
          Encapsulates information describing changes to a tree model, and used to notify tree model listeners of the change.
 class TreeSelectionEvent
          An event that characterizes a change in the current selection.
 class UndoableEditEvent
          An event indicating that an operation which can be undone has occurred.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.plaf

Classes in javax.swing.plaf that implement Serializable
 class ActionMapUIResource
          A subclass of javax.swing.ActionMap that implements UIResource.
 class BorderUIResource
static class BorderUIResource.BevelBorderUIResource
static class BorderUIResource.CompoundBorderUIResource
static class BorderUIResource.EmptyBorderUIResource
static class BorderUIResource.EtchedBorderUIResource
static class BorderUIResource.LineBorderUIResource
static class BorderUIResource.MatteBorderUIResource
static class BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource
 class ColorUIResource
 class ComponentInputMapUIResource
          A subclass of javax.swing.ComponentInputMap that implements UIResource.
 class DimensionUIResource
 class FontUIResource
          A subclass of java.awt.Font that implements UIResource.
 class IconUIResource
          An Icon wrapper class which implements UIResource.
 class InputMapUIResource
          A subclass of javax.swing.InputMap that implements UIResource.
 class InsetsUIResource

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.plaf.basic

Classes in javax.swing.plaf.basic that implement Serializable
 class BasicArrowButton
          JButton object that draws a scaled Arrow in one of the cardinal directions.
static class BasicBorders.ButtonBorder
static class BasicBorders.FieldBorder
static class BasicBorders.MarginBorder
static class BasicBorders.MenuBarBorder
static class BasicBorders.RadioButtonBorder
static class BasicBorders.RolloverButtonBorder
          Special thin border for rollover toolbar buttons.
static class BasicBorders.ToggleButtonBorder
 class BasicComboBoxRenderer
          ComboBox renderer
static class BasicComboBoxRenderer.UIResource
          A subclass of BasicComboBoxRenderer that implements UIResource.
 class BasicComboPopup
          This is a basic implementation of the ComboPopup interface.
protected  class BasicDesktopPaneUI.CloseAction
          Handles closing an internal frame.
protected  class BasicDesktopPaneUI.MaximizeAction
          Handles maximizing an internal frame.
protected  class BasicDesktopPaneUI.MinimizeAction
          Handles minimizing an internal frame.
protected  class BasicDesktopPaneUI.NavigateAction
          Handles navigating to the next internal frame.
protected  class BasicDesktopPaneUI.OpenAction
          Handles restoring a minimized or maximized internal frame.
 class BasicDirectoryModel
          Basic implementation of a file list.
protected  class BasicFileChooserUI.ApproveSelectionAction
          Responds to an Open or Save request
protected  class BasicFileChooserUI.CancelSelectionAction
          Responds to a cancel request.
protected  class BasicFileChooserUI.ChangeToParentDirectoryAction
protected  class BasicFileChooserUI.GoHomeAction
          Acts on the "home" key event or equivalent event.
protected  class BasicFileChooserUI.NewFolderAction
          Creates a new folder.
protected  class BasicFileChooserUI.UpdateAction
          Rescans the files in the current directory
 class BasicIconFactory
          Factory object that can vend Icons appropriate for the basic L & F.
 class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
          The class that manages a basic title bar
 class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.CloseAction
          This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
 class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.IconifyAction
          This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
 class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.MaximizeAction
          This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
 class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.MoveAction
          This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
 class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.RestoreAction
          This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
 class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.SizeAction
          This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
 class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.SystemMenuBar
          This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
 class BasicLookAndFeel
          A base class to use in creating a look and feel for Swing.
 class BasicSliderUI.ActionScroller
          As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this undocumented class is no longer used.
 class BasicSplitPaneDivider
          Divider used by BasicSplitPaneUI.
static class BasicTextUI.BasicCaret
protected  class BasicToolBarUI.DragWindow
 class BasicTreeUI.TreeCancelEditingAction
          ActionListener that invokes cancelEditing when action performed.
 class BasicTreeUI.TreeHomeAction
          TreeHomeAction is used to handle end/home actions.
 class BasicTreeUI.TreeIncrementAction
          TreeIncrementAction is used to handle up/down actions.
 class BasicTreeUI.TreePageAction
          TreePageAction handles page up and page down events.
 class BasicTreeUI.TreeToggleAction
          For the first selected row expandedness will be toggled.
 class BasicTreeUI.TreeTraverseAction
          TreeTraverseAction is the action used for left/right keys.
 class DefaultMenuLayout
          The default layout manager for Popup menus and menubars.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.plaf.metal

Classes in javax.swing.plaf.metal that implement Serializable
static class MetalBorders.ButtonBorder
static class MetalBorders.Flush3DBorder
static class MetalBorders.InternalFrameBorder
static class MetalBorders.MenuBarBorder
static class MetalBorders.MenuItemBorder
static class MetalBorders.OptionDialogBorder
static class MetalBorders.PaletteBorder
          Border for a Palette.
static class MetalBorders.PopupMenuBorder
static class MetalBorders.RolloverButtonBorder
static class MetalBorders.ScrollPaneBorder
static class MetalBorders.TableHeaderBorder
          Border for a Table Header
static class MetalBorders.TextFieldBorder
static class MetalBorders.ToggleButtonBorder
static class MetalBorders.ToolBarBorder
 class MetalCheckBoxIcon
          CheckboxIcon implementation for OrganicCheckBoxUI
 class MetalComboBoxButton
          JButton subclass to help out MetalComboBoxUI
 class MetalComboBoxIcon
          This utility class draws the horizontal bars which indicate a MetalComboBox
 class MetalComboBoxUI.MetalComboPopup
          Deprecated. As of Java 2 platform v1.4.
protected  class MetalFileChooserUI.DirectoryComboBoxAction
          Acts when DirectoryComboBox has changed the selected item.
protected  class MetalFileChooserUI.DirectoryComboBoxModel
          Data model for a type-face selection combo-box.
protected  class MetalFileChooserUI.FileRenderer
protected  class MetalFileChooserUI.FilterComboBoxModel
          Data model for a type-face selection combo-box.
 class MetalFileChooserUI.FilterComboBoxRenderer
          Render different type sizes and styles.
 class MetalIconFactory
          Factory object that vends Icons for the JavaTM look and feel (Metal).
static class MetalIconFactory.FileIcon16
           Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases.
static class MetalIconFactory.FolderIcon16
           Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases.
static class MetalIconFactory.PaletteCloseIcon
          Defines an icon for Palette close
static class MetalIconFactory.TreeControlIcon
           Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases.
static class MetalIconFactory.TreeFolderIcon
           Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases.
static class MetalIconFactory.TreeLeafIcon
 class MetalInternalFrameTitlePane
          Class that manages a JLF title bar
 class MetalLookAndFeel
          The Java Look and Feel, otherwise known as Metal.
 class MetalScrollButton
          JButton object for Metal scrollbar arrows.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.plaf.synth

Classes in javax.swing.plaf.synth that implement Serializable
 class SynthLookAndFeel
          SynthLookAndFeel provides the basis for creating a customized look and feel.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.table

Classes in javax.swing.table that implement Serializable
 class AbstractTableModel
          This abstract class provides default implementations for most of the methods in the TableModel interface.
 class DefaultTableCellRenderer
          The standard class for rendering (displaying) individual cells in a JTable.
static class DefaultTableCellRenderer.UIResource
          A subclass of DefaultTableCellRenderer that implements UIResource.
 class DefaultTableColumnModel
          The standard column-handler for a JTable.
 class DefaultTableModel
          This is an implementation of TableModel that uses a Vector of Vectors to store the cell value objects.
 class JTableHeader
          This is the object which manages the header of the JTable.
protected  class JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader
          This class implements accessibility support for the JTableHeader class.
 class TableColumn
          A TableColumn represents all the attributes of a column in a JTable, such as width, resizibility, minimum and maximum width.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.text

Classes in javax.swing.text that implement Serializable
 class AbstractDocument
          An implementation of the document interface to serve as a basis for implementing various kinds of documents.
 class AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
          Implements the abstract part of an element.
 class AbstractDocument.BranchElement
          Implements a composite element that contains other elements.
 class AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent
          Stores document changes as the document is being modified.
static class AbstractDocument.ElementEdit
          An implementation of ElementChange that can be added to the document event.
 class AbstractDocument.LeafElement
          Implements an element that directly represents content of some kind.
 class BadLocationException
          This exception is to report bad locations within a document model (that is, attempts to reference a location that doesn't exist).
 class ChangedCharSetException
          ChangedCharSetException as the name indicates is an exception thrown when the charset is changed.
 class DateFormatter
          DateFormatter is an InternationalFormatter that does its formatting by way of an instance of java.text.DateFormat.
 class DefaultCaret
          A default implementation of Caret.
 class DefaultEditorKit
          This is the set of things needed by a text component to be a reasonably functioning editor for some type of text document.
static class DefaultEditorKit.BeepAction
          Creates a beep.
static class DefaultEditorKit.CopyAction
          Copies the selected region and place its contents into the system clipboard.
static class DefaultEditorKit.CutAction
          Cuts the selected region and place its contents into the system clipboard.
static class DefaultEditorKit.DefaultKeyTypedAction
          The action that is executed by default if a key typed event is received and there is no keymap entry.
static class DefaultEditorKit.InsertBreakAction
          Places a line/paragraph break into the document.
static class DefaultEditorKit.InsertContentAction
          Places content into the associated document.
static class DefaultEditorKit.InsertTabAction
          Places a tab character into the document.
static class DefaultEditorKit.PasteAction
          Pastes the contents of the system clipboard into the selected region, or before the caret if nothing is selected.
 class DefaultFormatter
          DefaultFormatter formats aribtrary objects.
 class DefaultFormatterFactory
          An implementation of JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory.
 class DefaultStyledDocument
          A document that can be marked up with character and paragraph styles in a manner similar to the Rich Text Format.
static class DefaultStyledDocument.AttributeUndoableEdit
          An UndoableEdit used to remember AttributeSet changes to an Element.
 class DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer
          Class to manage changes to the element hierarchy.
protected  class DefaultStyledDocument.SectionElement
          Default root element for a document...
 class EditorKit
          Establishes the set of things needed by a text component to be a reasonably functioning editor for some type of text content.
 class GapContent
          An implementation of the AbstractDocument.Content interface implemented using a gapped buffer similar to that used by emacs.
 class InternationalFormatter
          InternationalFormatter extends DefaultFormatter, using an instance of java.text.Format to handle the conversion to a String, and the conversion from a String.
 class JTextComponent
          JTextComponent is the base class for swing text components.
 class JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent
          This class implements accessibility support for the JTextComponent class.
 class MaskFormatter
          MaskFormatter is used to format and edit strings.
 class NumberFormatter
          NumberFormatter subclasses InternationalFormatter adding special behavior for numbers.
 class PlainDocument
          A plain document that maintains no character attributes.
 class SimpleAttributeSet
          A straightforward implementation of MutableAttributeSet using a hash table.
 class StringContent
          An implementation of the AbstractDocument.Content interface that is a brute force implementation that is useful for relatively small documents and/or debugging.
 class StyleContext
          A pool of styles and their associated resources.
 class StyleContext.NamedStyle
          A collection of attributes, typically used to represent character and paragraph styles.
 class StyledEditorKit
          This is the set of things needed by a text component to be a reasonably functioning editor for some type of text document.
static class StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction
          An action to set paragraph alignment.
static class StyledEditorKit.BoldAction
          An action to toggle the bold attribute.
static class StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction
          An action to set the font family in the associated JEditorPane.
static class StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction
          An action to set the font size in the associated JEditorPane.
static class StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction
          An action to set foreground color.
static class StyledEditorKit.ItalicAction
          An action to toggle the italic attribute.
static class StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction
          An action that assumes it's being fired on a JEditorPane with a StyledEditorKit (or subclass) installed.
static class StyledEditorKit.UnderlineAction
          An action to toggle the underline attribute.
 class TabSet
          A TabSet is comprised of many TabStops.
 class TabStop
          This class encapsulates a single tab stop (basically as tab stops are thought of by RTF).
 class TextAction
          An Action implementation useful for key bindings that are shared across a number of different text components.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.text.html

Classes in javax.swing.text.html that implement Serializable
 class CSS
          Defines a set of CSS attributes as a typesafe enumeration.
 class FormSubmitEvent
          FormSubmitEvent is used to notify interested parties that a form was submited.
static class FormSubmitEvent.MethodType
          Represents an HTML form method type.
static class HTML.UnknownTag
 class HTMLDocument
          A document that models HTML.
 class HTMLDocument.BlockElement
          An element that represents a structural block of HTML.
 class HTMLDocument.RunElement
          An element that represents a chunk of text that has a set of HTML character level attributes assigned to it.
 class HTMLEditorKit
          The Swing JEditorPane text component supports different kinds of content via a plug-in mechanism called an EditorKit.
static class HTMLEditorKit.HTMLTextAction
          An abstract Action providing some convenience methods that may be useful in inserting HTML into an existing document.
static class HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction
          InsertHTMLTextAction can be used to insert an arbitrary string of HTML into an existing HTML document.
static class HTMLEditorKit.LinkController
          Class to watch the associated component and fire hyperlink events on it when appropriate.
 class HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent
          HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent is used to notify interested parties that link was activated in a frame.
 class Option
          Value for the ListModel used to represent <option> elements.
 class StyleSheet
          Support for defining the visual characteristics of HTML views being rendered.
static class StyleSheet.BoxPainter
          Class to carry out some of the duties of CSS formatting.
static class StyleSheet.ListPainter
          Class to carry out some of the duties of CSS list formatting.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.text.html.parser

Classes in javax.swing.text.html.parser that implement Serializable
 class ContentModel
          A representation of a content model.
 class Element
          An element as described in a DTD using the ELEMENT construct.
 class ParserDelegator
          Responsible for starting up a new DocumentParser each time its parse method is invoked.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.text.rtf

Classes in javax.swing.text.rtf that implement Serializable
 class RTFEditorKit
          This is the default implementation of RTF editing functionality.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.tree

Classes in javax.swing.tree that implement Serializable
 class DefaultMutableTreeNode
          A DefaultMutableTreeNode is a general-purpose node in a tree data structure.
 class DefaultTreeCellEditor.DefaultTextField
          TextField used when no editor is supplied.
 class DefaultTreeCellEditor.EditorContainer
          Container responsible for placing the editingComponent.
 class DefaultTreeCellRenderer
          Displays an entry in a tree.
 class DefaultTreeModel
          A simple tree data model that uses TreeNodes.
 class DefaultTreeSelectionModel
          Default implementation of TreeSelectionModel.
 class ExpandVetoException
          Exception used to stop and expand/collapse from happening.
 class TreePath
          Represents a path to a node.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing.undo

Classes in javax.swing.undo that implement Serializable
 class AbstractUndoableEdit
          An abstract implementation of UndoableEdit, implementing simple responses to all boolean methods in that interface.
 class CannotRedoException
          Thrown when an UndoableEdit is told to redo() and can't.
 class CannotUndoException
          Thrown when an UndoableEdit is told to undo() and can't.
 class CompoundEdit
          A concrete subclass of AbstractUndoableEdit, used to assemble little UndoableEdits into great big ones.
 class StateEdit
          StateEdit is a general edit for objects that change state.
 class UndoManager
          UndoManager manages a list of UndoableEdits, providing a way to undo or redo the appropriate edits.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
static class Diagnostic.Kind
          Kinds of diagnostics, for example, error or warning.
static class JavaFileObject.Kind
          Kinds of JavaFileObjects.
 class StandardLocation
          Standard locations of file objects.

Uses of Serializable in javax.transaction

Classes in javax.transaction that implement Serializable
 class InvalidTransactionException
          This exception indicates that the request carried an invalid transaction context.
 class TransactionRequiredException
          This exception indicates that a request carried a null transaction context, but the target object requires an activate transaction.
 class TransactionRolledbackException
          This exception indicates that the transaction associated with processing of the request has been rolled back, or marked to roll back.

Uses of Serializable in javax.transaction.xa

Classes in javax.transaction.xa that implement Serializable
 class XAException
          The XAException is thrown by the Resource Manager (RM) to inform the Transaction Manager of an error encountered by the involved transaction.

Uses of Serializable in javax.xml.bind

Classes in javax.xml.bind that implement Serializable
 class DataBindingException
          Exception that represents a failure in a JAXB operation.
 class JAXBElement<T>
          JAXB representation of an Xml Element.
 class JAXBException
          This is the root exception class for all JAXB exceptions.
 class PropertyException
          This exception indicates that an error was encountered while getting or setting a property.
 class TypeConstraintException
          This exception indicates that a violation of a dynamically checked type constraint was detected.
 class ValidationException
          This exception indicates that an error has occurred while performing a validate operation.

Uses of Serializable in javax.xml.bind.annotation

Classes in javax.xml.bind.annotation that implement Serializable
 class XmlAccessOrder
          Used by XmlAccessorOrder to control the ordering of properties and fields in a JAXB bound class.
 class XmlAccessType
          Used by XmlAccessorType to control serialization of fields or properties.
 class XmlNsForm
          Enumeration of XML Schema namespace qualifications.

Uses of Serializable in javax.xml.crypto

Classes in javax.xml.crypto that implement Serializable
 class KeySelectorException
          Indicates an exceptional condition thrown by a KeySelector.
 class NoSuchMechanismException
          This exception is thrown when a particular XML mechanism is requested but is not available in the environment.
 class URIReferenceException
          Indicates an exceptional condition thrown while dereferencing a URIReference.

Uses of Serializable in javax.xml.crypto.dsig

Classes in javax.xml.crypto.dsig that implement Serializable
 class TransformException
          Indicates an exceptional condition that occured while executing a transform algorithm.
 class XMLSignatureException
          Indicates an exceptional condition that occured during the XML signature generation or validation process.

Uses of Serializable in javax.xml.datatype

Classes in javax.xml.datatype that implement Serializable
 class DatatypeConfigurationException
          Indicates a serious configuration error.

Uses of Serializable in javax.xml.namespace

Classes in javax.xml.namespace that implement Serializable
 class QName
          QName represents a qualified name as defined in the XML specifications: XML Schema Part2: Datatypes specification, Namespaces in XML, Namespaces in XML Errata.

Uses of Serializable in javax.xml.parsers

Classes in javax.xml.parsers that implement Serializable
 class FactoryConfigurationError
          Thrown when a problem with configuration with the Parser Factories exists.
 class ParserConfigurationException
          Indicates a serious configuration error.

Uses of Serializable in javax.xml.soap

Classes in javax.xml.soap that implement Serializable
 class SOAPException
          An exception that signals that a SOAP exception has occurred.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class XMLStreamException
          The base exception for unexpected processing errors.

Uses of Serializable in javax.xml.transform

Classes in javax.xml.transform that implement Serializable
 class TransformerConfigurationException
          Indicates a serious configuration error.
 class TransformerException
          This class specifies an exceptional condition that occured during the transformation process.
 class TransformerFactoryConfigurationError
          Thrown when a problem with configuration with the Transformer Factories exists.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
static class Service.Mode
          The orientation of a dynamic client or service.
 class WebServiceException
          The WebServiceException class is the base exception class for all JAX-WS API runtime exceptions.
 class WebServicePermission
          This class defines web service permissions.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
static class MessageContext.Scope
          Property scope.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class HTTPException
          The HTTPException exception represents a XML/HTTP fault.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class SOAPFaultException
          The SOAPFaultException exception represents a SOAP 1.1 or 1.2 fault.

Uses of Serializable in javax.xml.xpath

Classes in javax.xml.xpath that implement Serializable
 class XPathException
          XPathException represents a generic XPath exception.
 class XPathExpressionException
          XPathExpressionException represents an error in an XPath expression.
 class XPathFactoryConfigurationException
          XPathFactoryConfigurationException represents a configuration error in a XPathFactory environment.
 class XPathFunctionException
          XPathFunctionException represents an error with an XPath function.

Uses of Serializable in org.ietf.jgss

Classes in org.ietf.jgss that implement Serializable
 class GSSException
          This exception is thrown whenever a GSS-API error occurs, including any mechanism specific error.

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.CORBA

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.omg.CORBA
 interface Current
          Interfaces derived from the Current interface enable ORB and CORBA services to provide access to information (context) associated with the thread of execution in which they are running.
 interface DataInputStream
          Defines the methods used to read primitive data types from input streams for unmarshaling custom value types.
 interface DataOutputStream
          Defines the methods used to write primitive data types to output streams for marshalling custom value types.
 interface DomainManager
          Provides mechanisms for establishing and navigating relationships to superior and subordinate domains, as well as for creating and accessing policies.
 interface IDLType
          An abstract interface inherited by all Interface Repository (IR) objects that represent OMG IDL types.
 interface IRObject
          An IRObject IDL interface represents the most generic interface from which all other Interface Repository interfaces are derived, even the Repository itself.
 interface Policy
          Interfaces derived from the Policy interface allow an ORB or CORBA service access to certain choices that affect its operation.

Classes in org.omg.CORBA that implement Serializable
 class _IDLTypeStub
          The Stub for IDLType.
 class _PolicyStub
          The Stub for Policy.
          The ACTIVITY_COMPLETED system exception may be raised on any method for which Activity context is accessed.
          The ACTIVITY_REQUIRED system exception may be raised on any method for which an Activity context is required.
 class Any
          Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type.
          Exception thrown when an operation is invoked by a client but the passed context does not contain the context values required by the operation.
          This exception indicates that the caller has invoked operations in the wrong order.
          Exception thrown when an object reference denotes an existing object, but that the object does not support the operation that was invoked.
 class BAD_PARAM
          Exception thrown when a parameter passed to a call is out of range or otherwise considered illegal.
 class BAD_QOS
          The BAD_QOS exception is raised whenever an object cannot support the quality of service required by an invocation parameter that has a quality of service semantics associated with it.
          Exception thrown when the ORB has encountered a malformed type code (for example, a type code with an invalid TCKind value).
 class Bounds
          A user exception thrown when a parameter is not within the legal bounds for the object that a method is trying to access.
          This exception is raised whenever meaningful communication is not possible between client and server native code sets.
          This exception is raised if communication is lost while an operation is in progress, after the request was sent by the client, but before the reply from the server has been returned to the client.
 class CompletionStatus
          An object that indicates whether a method had completed running when a SystemException was thrown.
          This exception is raised if an ORB cannot convert the representation of data as marshaled into its native representation or vice-versa.
 class DefinitionKind
          The class that provides the constants used to identify the type of an Interface Repository object.
 class FREE_MEM
          Exception thrown when the ORB failed in an attempt to free dynamic memory, for example because of heap corruption or memory segments being locked.
 class IMP_LIMIT
          This exception indicates that an implementation limit was exceeded in the ORB run time.
          Exception thrown when an ORB has encountered a failure during its initialization, such as failure to acquire networking resources or detecting a configuration error.
          This exception indicates an internal failure in an ORB, for example, if an ORB has detected corruption of its internal data structures.
          Exception raised when an ORB cannot reach the interface repository, or some other failure relating to the interface repository is detected.
 class INV_FLAG
          Exception thrown when an invalid flag was passed to an operation (for example, when creating a DII request).
 class INV_IDENT
          This exception indicates that an IDL identifier is syntactically invalid.
          This exception indicates that an object reference is internally malformed.
          Standard exception thrown when an invocation cannot be made because of an incompatibility between Policy overrides that apply to the particular invocation.
          The INVALID_ACTIVITY system exception may be raised on the Activity or Transaction services' resume methods if a transaction or Activity is resumed in a context different to that from which it was suspended.
          Exception thrown when the request carried an invalid transaction context.
 class MARSHAL
          A request or reply from the network is structurally invalid.
 class NameValuePair
          Associates a name with a value that is an attribute of an IDL struct, and is used in the DynStruct APIs.
          This exception indicates that even though the operation that was invoked exists (it has an IDL definition), no implementation for that operation exists.
 class NO_MEMORY
          Exception thrown when the ORB run time has run out of memory.
          Exception thrown when an invocation failed because the caller has insufficient privileges.
          Exception thrown when the ORB has encountered some general resource limitation.
          This exception is raised if a client attempts to retrieve the result of a deferred synchronous call, but the response for the request is not yet available.
          This exception typically indicates an administrative mismatch, for example, a server may have made an attempt to register itself with an implementation repository under a name that is already in use, or is unknown to the repository.
          Exception raised whenever an invocation on a deleted object was performed.
 class ParameterMode
          Enumeration of parameter modes for Parameter.
          This exception indicates a persistent storage failure, for example, failure to establish a database connection or corruption of a database.
 class PolicyError
          A user exception thrown when a policy error occurs.
 class REBIND
          REBIND is raised when the current effective RebindPolicy, has a value of NO_REBIND or NO_RECONNECT and an invocation on a bound object reference results in a LocateReply message with status OBJECT_FORWARD or a Reply message with status LOCATION_FORWARD.
 class ServiceDetail
          An object that represents an ORB service: its service_detail_type field contains the type of the ORB service, and its service_detail field contains a description of the ORB service.
 class ServiceInformation
          An IDL struct in the CORBA module that stores information about a CORBA service available in the ORB implementation and is obtained from the ORB.get_service_information method.
 class SetOverrideType
          The mapping of a CORBA enum tagging SET_OVERRIDE and ADD_OVERRIDE, which indicate whether policies should replace the existing policies of an Object or be added to them.
 class StructMember
          Describes a member of an IDL struct in the Interface Repository, including the name of the struct member, the type of the struct member, and the typedef that represents the IDL type of the struct member described the struct member object.
 class SystemException
          The root class for all CORBA standard exceptions.
 class TIMEOUT
          TIMEOUT is raised when no delivery has been made and the specified time-to-live period has been exceeded.
          The CORBA TRANSACTION_MODE exception is thrown by the client ORB if it detects a mismatch between the InvocationPolicy in the IOR and the chosen invocation path (i.e, direct or routed invocation).
          Exception indicates that the request carried a null transaction context, but an active transaction is required.
          Exception thrown when the transaction associated with the request has already been rolled back or marked to roll back.
          The CORBA TRANSACTION_UNAVAILABLE exception is thrown by the ORB when it cannot process a transaction service context because its connection to the Transaction Service has been abnormally terminated.
          Exception thrown when the ORB attempted to reach an object and failed.
 class TypeCode
          A container for information about a specific CORBA data type.
 class UnionMember
          A description in the Interface Repository of a member of an IDL union.
 class UNKNOWN
          This exception is raised if an operation implementation throws a non-CORBA exception (such as an exception specific to the implementation's programming language), or if an operation raises a user exception that does not appear in the operation's raises expression.
 class UnknownUserException
          A class that contains user exceptions returned by the server.
 class UserException
          The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.
 class ValueMember
          A description in the Interface Repository of a member of a value object.
 class WrongTransaction
          The CORBA WrongTransaction user-defined exception.

Fields in org.omg.CORBA declared as Serializable
 Serializable ValueBaseHolder.value
          The value held by this ValueBaseHolder object.

Methods in org.omg.CORBA that return Serializable
abstract  Serializable Any.extract_Value()
          Extracts the object in this Any object's value field.
static Serializable ValueBaseHelper.extract(Any a)
 Serializable DynAny.get_val()
          Deprecated. Retrieves the object contained in this DynAny object.
 Serializable DataInputStream.read_Value()
          Reads an IDL value type from the input stream.
 Serializable WStringValueHelper.read_value(InputStream istream)
 Serializable StringValueHelper.read_value(InputStream istream)
static Serializable istream)

Methods in org.omg.CORBA with parameters of type Serializable
 void DynAny.insert_val(Serializable value)
          Deprecated. Inserts the given object as the value for this DynAny object.
abstract  void Any.insert_Value(Serializable v)
          Inserts the given object into this Any object's value field.
abstract  void Any.insert_Value(Serializable v, TypeCode t)
          Inserts the given object into this Any object's value field.
static void ValueBaseHelper.insert(Any a, Serializable that)
 void WStringValueHelper.write_value(OutputStream ostream, Serializable value)
 void StringValueHelper.write_value(OutputStream ostream, Serializable value)
 void DataOutputStream.write_Value(Serializable value)
          Writes the IDL value type value to the output stream.
static void ValueBaseHelper.write(OutputStream ostream, Serializable value)

Constructors in org.omg.CORBA with parameters of type Serializable
ValueBaseHolder(Serializable initial)
          Constructs a new ValueBaseHolder object with its value field initialized to the given

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable

Methods in org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable that return Serializable
 Serializable InputStream.read_value()
          Unmarshalls a value type from the input stream.
 Serializable InputStream.read_value(BoxedValueHelper factory)
          Unmarshalls a value type from the input stream.
 Serializable InputStream.read_value(Class clz)
          Unmarshalls a value type from the input stream.
 Serializable InputStream.read_value(Serializable value)
          Unmarshalls a value type from the input stream.
 Serializable InputStream.read_value(String rep_id)
          Unmarshalls a value type from the input stream.

Methods in org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable with parameters of type Serializable
 Serializable InputStream.read_value(Serializable value)
          Unmarshalls a value type from the input stream.
 void OutputStream.write_value(Serializable value)
          Marshals a value type to the output stream.
 void OutputStream.write_value(Serializable value, BoxedValueHelper factory)
          Marshals a value type to the output stream.
 void OutputStream.write_value(Serializable value, Class clz)
          Marshals a value type to the output stream.
 void OutputStream.write_value(Serializable value, String repository_id)
          Marshals a value type to the output stream.

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage

Classes in org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage that implement Serializable
 class Invalid
          Invalid is thrown by dynamic any operations when a bad DynAny or Any is passed as a parameter.
 class InvalidSeq
          The InvalidSeq exception is thrown by all operations on dynamic anys that take a sequence (Java array) as an argument, when that sequence is invalid.
 class InvalidValue
 class TypeMismatch
          TypeMismatch is thrown by dynamic any accessor methods when type of the actual contents do not match what is trying to be accessed.

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage

Classes in org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage that implement Serializable
 class InconsistentTypeCode
          InconsistentTypeCode is thrown when an attempt is made to create a dynamic any with a type code that does not match the particular subclass of DynAny.
 class InvalidName
          The InvalidName exception is raised when ORB.resolve_initial_references is passed a name for which there is no initial reference.

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.CORBA.portable

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.omg.CORBA.portable
 interface CustomValue
          An extension of ValueBase that is implemented by custom value types.
 interface IDLEntity
          An interface with no members whose only purpose is to serve as a marker indicating that an implementing class is a Java value type from IDL that has a corresponding Helper class.
 interface StreamableValue
          Defines the base type for all non-boxed IDL valuetypes that are not custom marshaled.
 interface ValueBase
          The generated Java classes corresponding to valuetype IDL types implement this interface.

Classes in org.omg.CORBA.portable that implement Serializable
 class ApplicationException
          This class is used for reporting application level exceptions between ORBs and stubs.
 class IndirectionException
          The Indirection exception is a Java specific system exception.
 class RemarshalException
          This class is used for reporting locate forward exceptions and object forward GIOP messages back to the ORB.
 class UnknownException
          The org.omg.CORBA.portable.UnknownException is used for reporting unknown exceptions between ties and ORBs and between ORBs and stubs.

Methods in org.omg.CORBA.portable that return Serializable
 Serializable ValueFactory.read_value(InputStream is)
          Is called by the ORB runtime while in the process of unmarshaling a value type.
 Serializable BoxedValueHelper.read_value(InputStream is)

Methods in org.omg.CORBA.portable with parameters of type Serializable
 void BoxedValueHelper.write_value(OutputStream os, Serializable value)

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage

Classes in org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage that implement Serializable
 class BadKind
          The exception BadKind is thrown when an inappropriate operation is invoked on a TypeCode object.

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.CosNaming

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.omg.CosNaming
 interface BindingIterator
          The BindingIterator interface allows a client to iterate through the bindings using the next_one or next_n operations.
 interface NamingContext
          A naming context is an object that contains a set of name bindings in which each name is unique.
 interface NamingContextExt
          NamingContextExt is the extension of NamingContext which contains a set of name bindings in which each name is unique and is part of Interoperable Naming Service.

Classes in org.omg.CosNaming that implement Serializable
 class _BindingIteratorImplBase
 class _BindingIteratorStub
          The BindingIterator interface allows a client to iterate through the bindings using the next_one or next_n operations.
 class _NamingContextExtStub
          NamingContextExt is the extension of NamingContext which contains a set of name bindings in which each name is unique and is part of Interoperable Naming Service.
 class _NamingContextImplBase
 class _NamingContextStub
          A naming context is an object that contains a set of name bindings in which each name is unique.
 class BindingType
          Specifies whether the given binding is for a object (that is not a naming context) or for a naming context.
 class NameComponent
          org/omg/CosNaming/ .

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPackage

Classes in org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPackage that implement Serializable
 class InvalidAddress
          org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtPackage/ .

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage

Classes in org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage that implement Serializable
 class AlreadyBound
          org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
 class CannotProceed
          org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
 class NotEmpty
          org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
 class NotFound
          org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
 class NotFoundReason
          Indicates the reason for not able to resolve.

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.Dynamic

Classes in org.omg.Dynamic that implement Serializable
 class Parameter
          org/omg/Dynamic/ .

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.DynamicAny

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.omg.DynamicAny
 interface DynAny
          Any values can be dynamically interpreted (traversed) and constructed through DynAny objects.
 interface DynAnyFactory
          DynAny objects can be created by invoking operations on the DynAnyFactory object.
 interface DynArray
          DynArray objects support the manipulation of IDL arrays.
 interface DynEnum
          DynEnum objects support the manipulation of IDL enumerated values.
 interface DynFixed
          DynFixed objects support the manipulation of IDL fixed values.
 interface DynSequence
          DynSequence objects support the manipulation of IDL sequences.
 interface DynStruct
          DynStruct objects support the manipulation of IDL struct and exception values.
 interface DynUnion
          DynUnion objects support the manipulation of IDL unions.
 interface DynValue
          DynValue objects support the manipulation of IDL non-boxed value types.
 interface DynValueBox
          DynValueBox objects support the manipulation of IDL boxed value types.
 interface DynValueCommon
          DynValueCommon provides operations supported by both the DynValue and DynValueBox interfaces.

Classes in org.omg.DynamicAny that implement Serializable
 class _DynAnyFactoryStub
          DynAny objects can be created by invoking operations on the DynAnyFactory object.
 class _DynAnyStub
          Any values can be dynamically interpreted (traversed) and constructed through DynAny objects.
 class _DynArrayStub
          DynArray objects support the manipulation of IDL arrays.
 class _DynEnumStub
          DynEnum objects support the manipulation of IDL enumerated values.
 class _DynFixedStub
          DynFixed objects support the manipulation of IDL fixed values.
 class _DynSequenceStub
          DynSequence objects support the manipulation of IDL sequences.
 class _DynStructStub
          DynStruct objects support the manipulation of IDL struct and exception values.
 class _DynUnionStub
          DynUnion objects support the manipulation of IDL unions.
 class _DynValueStub
          DynValue objects support the manipulation of IDL non-boxed value types.
 class NameDynAnyPair
          org/omg/DynamicAny/ .

Methods in org.omg.DynamicAny that return Serializable
 Serializable _DynSequenceStub.get_val()
          Extracts a Serializable object from this DynAny.
 Serializable _DynFixedStub.get_val()
          Extracts a Serializable object from this DynAny.
 Serializable _DynEnumStub.get_val()
          Extracts a Serializable object from this DynAny.
 Serializable _DynArrayStub.get_val()
          Extracts a Serializable object from this DynAny.
 Serializable _DynValueStub.get_val()
          Extracts a Serializable object from this DynAny.
 Serializable _DynAnyStub.get_val()
          Extracts a Serializable object from this DynAny.
 Serializable _DynUnionStub.get_val()
          Extracts a Serializable object from this DynAny.
 Serializable _DynStructStub.get_val()
          Extracts a Serializable object from this DynAny.
 Serializable DynAnyOperations.get_val()
          Extracts a Serializable object from this DynAny.

Methods in org.omg.DynamicAny with parameters of type Serializable
 void _DynSequenceStub.insert_val(Serializable value)
          Inserts a reference to a Serializable object into this DynAny.
 void _DynFixedStub.insert_val(Serializable value)
          Inserts a reference to a Serializable object into this DynAny.
 void _DynEnumStub.insert_val(Serializable value)
          Inserts a reference to a Serializable object into this DynAny.
 void _DynArrayStub.insert_val(Serializable value)
          Inserts a reference to a Serializable object into this DynAny.
 void _DynValueStub.insert_val(Serializable value)
          Inserts a reference to a Serializable object into this DynAny.
 void _DynAnyStub.insert_val(Serializable value)
          Inserts a reference to a Serializable object into this DynAny.
 void _DynUnionStub.insert_val(Serializable value)
          Inserts a reference to a Serializable object into this DynAny.
 void _DynStructStub.insert_val(Serializable value)
          Inserts a reference to a Serializable object into this DynAny.
 void DynAnyOperations.insert_val(Serializable value)
          Inserts a reference to a Serializable object into this DynAny.

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.IOP

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.omg.IOP
 interface Codec
          The formats of IOR components and service context data used by ORB services are often defined as CDR encapsulations encoding instances of IDL defined data types.
 interface CodecFactory
          Codecs are obtained from the CodecFactory.

Classes in org.omg.IOP that implement Serializable
 class Encoding
          org/omg/IOP/ .
 class IOR
          org/omg/IOP/ .
 class ServiceContext
          org/omg/IOP/ .
 class TaggedComponent
          org/omg/IOP/ .
 class TaggedProfile
          org/omg/IOP/ .

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage

Classes in org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage that implement Serializable
 class UnknownEncoding
          org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryPackage/ .

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.IOP.CodecPackage

Classes in org.omg.IOP.CodecPackage that implement Serializable
 class FormatMismatch
          org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/ .
 class InvalidTypeForEncoding
          org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/ .

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.PortableInterceptor

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.omg.PortableInterceptor
 interface ClientRequestInfo
          Request Information, accessible to client-side request interceptors.
 interface ClientRequestInterceptor
          Client-side request interceptor.
 interface Interceptor
          All Portable Interceptors implement Interceptor.
 interface IORInfo
          Provides the server-side ORB service with access to the applicable policies during IOR construction and the ability to add components.
 interface IORInterceptor
          Interceptor used to establish tagged components in the profiles within an IOR.
 interface IORInterceptor_3_0
          org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ .
 interface ObjectReferenceFactory
          The object reference factory.
 interface ObjectReferenceTemplate
          The object reference template.
 interface ORBInitializer
          Facilitates interceptor registration and ORB initialization.
 interface ORBInitInfo
          Passed to each ORBInitializer, allowing it to to register interceptors and perform other duties while the ORB is initializing.
 interface PolicyFactory
          Enables policy types to be constructed using CORBA.ORB.create_policy.
 interface RequestInfo
          Request Information, accessible to Interceptors.
 interface ServerRequestInfo
          Request Information, accessible to server-side request interceptors.
 interface ServerRequestInterceptor
          Server-side request interceptor.

Classes in org.omg.PortableInterceptor that implement Serializable
 class InvalidSlot
          org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ .

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfoPackage

Classes in org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfoPackage that implement Serializable
 class DuplicateName
          org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/ .

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.PortableServer

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.omg.PortableServer
 interface AdapterActivator
          An adapter activator supplies a POA with the ability to create child POAs on demand, as a side-effect of receiving a request that names the child POA (or one of its children), or when find_POA is called with an activate parameter value of TRUE.
 interface IdAssignmentPolicy
          IdAssignmentPolicy specifies whether Object Ids in the created POA are generated by the application or by the ORB.
 interface IdUniquenessPolicy
          The IdUniquenessPolicy specifies whether the servants activated in the created POA must have unique object i identities.
 interface ImplicitActivationPolicy
          This policy specifies whether implicit activation of servants is supported in the created POA.
 interface LifespanPolicy
          The LifespanPolicy specifies the lifespan of the objects implemented in the created POA.
 interface POA
          A POA object manages the implementation of a collection of objects.
 interface POAManager
          Each POA object has an associated POAManager object.
 interface RequestProcessingPolicy
          This policy specifies how requests are processed by the created POA.
 interface ServantActivator
          When the POA has the RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantActivators.
 interface ServantLocator
          When the POA has the NON_RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantLocators.
 interface ServantManager
          A servant manager supplies a POA with the ability to activate objects on demand when the POA receives a request targeted at an inactive object.
 interface ServantRetentionPolicy
          This policy specifies whether the created POA retains active servants in an Active Object Map.
 interface ThreadPolicy
          The ThreadPolicy specifies the threading model used with the created POA.

Classes in org.omg.PortableServer that implement Serializable
 class _ServantActivatorStub
          When the POA has the RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantActivators.
 class _ServantLocatorStub
          When the POA has the NON_RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantLocators.
 class ForwardRequest
          org/omg/PortableServer/ .
 class IdAssignmentPolicyValue
          The IdAssignmentPolicyValue can have the following values.
 class IdUniquenessPolicyValue
          IdUniquenessPolicyValue can have the following values.
 class ImplicitActivationPolicyValue
          ImplicitActivationPolicyValue has the following semantics.
 class LifespanPolicyValue
          The LifespanPolicyValue can have the following values.
 class RequestProcessingPolicyValue
          The RequestProcessingPolicyValue can have the following values.
 class ServantRetentionPolicyValue
          ServantRetentionPolicyValue can have the following values.
 class ThreadPolicyValue
          The ThreadPolicyValue can have the following values.

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.PortableServer.CurrentPackage

Classes in org.omg.PortableServer.CurrentPackage that implement Serializable
 class NoContext
          org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentPackage/ .

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage

Classes in org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage that implement Serializable
 class AdapterInactive
          org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerPackage/ .
 class State
          Specifies the states for the POAManager

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage

Classes in org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage that implement Serializable
 class AdapterAlreadyExists
          org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ .
 class AdapterNonExistent
          org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ .
 class InvalidPolicy
          org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ .
 class NoServant
          org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ .
 class ObjectAlreadyActive
          org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ .
 class ObjectNotActive
          org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ .
 class ServantAlreadyActive
          org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ .
 class ServantNotActive
          org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ .
 class WrongAdapter
          org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ .
 class WrongPolicy
          org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ .

Uses of Serializable in org.omg.SendingContext

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.omg.SendingContext
 interface RunTime
          Defines the base class that represents the Sending Context of a request.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class _Remote_Stub
          This class provides the Stub for the Remote Type.

Uses of Serializable in org.w3c.dom

Classes in org.w3c.dom that implement Serializable
 class DOMException
          DOM operations only raise exceptions in "exceptional" circumstances, i.e., when an operation is impossible to perform (either for logical reasons, because data is lost, or because the implementation has become unstable).

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class EventException
          Event operations may throw an EventException as specified in their method descriptions.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class LSException
          Parser or write operations may throw an LSException if the processing is stopped.

Uses of Serializable in org.xml.sax

Classes in org.xml.sax that implement Serializable
 class SAXException
          Encapsulate a general SAX error or warning.
 class SAXNotRecognizedException
          Exception class for an unrecognized identifier.
 class SAXNotSupportedException
          Exception class for an unsupported operation.
 class SAXParseException
          Encapsulate an XML parse error or warning.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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