Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 6 |
Packages that use SAXException | |
javax.xml.bind.helpers | JAXB Provider Use Only: Provides partial default implementations for some of the javax.xml.bind interfaces. |
javax.xml.parsers | Provides classes allowing the processing of XML documents. |
javax.xml.validation | This package provides an API for validation of XML documents. |
org.xml.sax | This package provides the core SAX APIs. |
org.xml.sax.ext | This package contains interfaces to SAX2 facilities that conformant SAX drivers won't necessarily support. |
org.xml.sax.helpers | This package contains "helper" classes, including support for bootstrapping SAX-based applications. |
Uses of SAXException in javax.xml.bind.helpers |
Methods in javax.xml.bind.helpers with parameters of type SAXException | |
protected UnmarshalException |
AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.createUnmarshalException(SAXException e)
Creates an UnmarshalException from a SAXException. |
Uses of SAXException in javax.xml.parsers |
Methods in javax.xml.parsers that throw SAXException | |
abstract Parser |
Returns the SAX parser that is encapsultated by the implementation of this class. |
abstract XMLReader |
Returns the XMLReader that is encapsulated by the
implementation of this class. |
abstract SAXParser |
Creates a new instance of a SAXParser using the currently configured factory parameters. |
Document |
DocumentBuilder.parse(File f)
Parse the content of the given file as an XML document and return a new DOM Document object. |
void |
SAXParser.parse(File f,
DefaultHandler dh)
Parse the content of the file specified as XML using the specified DefaultHandler . |
void |
SAXParser.parse(File f,
HandlerBase hb)
Parse the content of the file specified as XML using the specified HandlerBase . |
abstract Document |
DocumentBuilder.parse(InputSource is)
Parse the content of the given input source as an XML document and return a new DOM Document object. |
void |
SAXParser.parse(InputSource is,
DefaultHandler dh)
Parse the content given InputSource
as XML using the specified
DefaultHandler . |
void |
SAXParser.parse(InputSource is,
HandlerBase hb)
Parse the content given InputSource
as XML using the specified
HandlerBase . |
Document |
DocumentBuilder.parse(InputStream is)
Parse the content of the given InputStream as an XML
document and return a new DOM Document object. |
void |
SAXParser.parse(InputStream is,
DefaultHandler dh)
Parse the content of the given InputStream
instance as XML using the specified
DefaultHandler . |
void |
SAXParser.parse(InputStream is,
DefaultHandler dh,
String systemId)
Parse the content of the given InputStream
instance as XML using the specified
DefaultHandler . |
void |
SAXParser.parse(InputStream is,
HandlerBase hb)
Parse the content of the given InputStream
instance as XML using the specified HandlerBase . |
void |
SAXParser.parse(InputStream is,
HandlerBase hb,
String systemId)
Parse the content of the given InputStream
instance as XML using the specified HandlerBase . |
Document |
DocumentBuilder.parse(InputStream is,
String systemId)
Parse the content of the given InputStream as an
XML document and return a new DOM Document object. |
Document |
DocumentBuilder.parse(String uri)
Parse the content of the given URI as an XML document and return a new DOM Document object. |
void |
SAXParser.parse(String uri,
DefaultHandler dh)
Parse the content described by the giving Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as XML using the specified DefaultHandler . |
void |
SAXParser.parse(String uri,
HandlerBase hb)
Parse the content described by the giving Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as XML using the specified HandlerBase . |
Uses of SAXException in javax.xml.validation |
Methods in javax.xml.validation that throw SAXException | |
abstract Schema |
Creates a special Schema object. |
Schema |
SchemaFactory.newSchema(File schema)
Parses the specified File as a schema and returns it as a Schema . |
Schema |
SchemaFactory.newSchema(Source schema)
Parses the specified source as a schema and returns it as a schema. |
abstract Schema |
SchemaFactory.newSchema(Source[] schemas)
Parses the specified source(s) as a schema and returns it as a schema. |
Schema |
SchemaFactory.newSchema(URL schema)
Parses the specified URL as a schema and returns it as a Schema . |
void |
Validator.validate(Source source)
Validates the specified input. |
abstract void |
Validator.validate(Source source,
Result result)
Validates the specified input and send the augmented validation result to the specified output. |
Uses of SAXException in org.xml.sax |
Subclasses of SAXException in org.xml.sax | |
class |
Exception class for an unrecognized identifier. |
class |
Exception class for an unsupported operation. |
class |
Encapsulate an XML parse error or warning. |
Methods in org.xml.sax that throw SAXException | |
void |
DocumentHandler.characters(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Deprecated. Receive notification of character data. |
void |
HandlerBase.characters(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Deprecated. Receive notification of character data inside an element. |
void |
ContentHandler.characters(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Receive notification of character data. |
void |
Deprecated. Receive notification of the end of a document. |
void |
Deprecated. Receive notification of the end of the document. |
void |
Receive notification of the end of a document. |
void |
DocumentHandler.endElement(String name)
Deprecated. Receive notification of the end of an element. |
void |
HandlerBase.endElement(String name)
Deprecated. Receive notification of the end of an element. |
void |
ContentHandler.endElement(String uri,
String localName,
String qName)
Receive notification of the end of an element. |
void |
ContentHandler.endPrefixMapping(String prefix)
End the scope of a prefix-URI mapping. |
void |
HandlerBase.error(SAXParseException e)
Deprecated. Receive notification of a recoverable parser error. |
void |
ErrorHandler.error(SAXParseException exception)
Receive notification of a recoverable error. |
void |
HandlerBase.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
Deprecated. Report a fatal XML parsing error. |
void |
ErrorHandler.fatalError(SAXParseException exception)
Receive notification of a non-recoverable error. |
void |
DocumentHandler.ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Deprecated. Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content. |
void |
HandlerBase.ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Deprecated. Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content. |
void |
ContentHandler.ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content. |
void |
DTDHandler.notationDecl(String name,
String publicId,
String systemId)
Receive notification of a notation declaration event. |
void |
XMLReader.parse(InputSource input)
Parse an XML document. |
void |
Parser.parse(InputSource source)
Deprecated. Parse an XML document. |
void |
XMLReader.parse(String systemId)
Parse an XML document from a system identifier (URI). |
void |
Parser.parse(String systemId)
Deprecated. Parse an XML document from a system identifier (URI). |
void |
DocumentHandler.processingInstruction(String target,
String data)
Deprecated. Receive notification of a processing instruction. |
void |
HandlerBase.processingInstruction(String target,
String data)
Deprecated. Receive notification of a processing instruction. |
void |
ContentHandler.processingInstruction(String target,
String data)
Receive notification of a processing instruction. |
InputSource |
HandlerBase.resolveEntity(String publicId,
String systemId)
Deprecated. Resolve an external entity. |
InputSource |
EntityResolver.resolveEntity(String publicId,
String systemId)
Allow the application to resolve external entities. |
void |
Parser.setLocale(Locale locale)
Deprecated. Allow an application to request a locale for errors and warnings. |
void |
ContentHandler.skippedEntity(String name)
Receive notification of a skipped entity. |
void |
Deprecated. Receive notification of the beginning of a document. |
void |
Deprecated. Receive notification of the beginning of the document. |
void |
Receive notification of the beginning of a document. |
void |
DocumentHandler.startElement(String name,
AttributeList atts)
Deprecated. Receive notification of the beginning of an element. |
void |
HandlerBase.startElement(String name,
AttributeList attributes)
Deprecated. Receive notification of the start of an element. |
void |
ContentHandler.startElement(String uri,
String localName,
String qName,
Attributes atts)
Receive notification of the beginning of an element. |
void |
ContentHandler.startPrefixMapping(String prefix,
String uri)
Begin the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping. |
void |
DTDHandler.unparsedEntityDecl(String name,
String publicId,
String systemId,
String notationName)
Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration event. |
void |
HandlerBase.warning(SAXParseException e)
Deprecated. Receive notification of a parser warning. |
void |
ErrorHandler.warning(SAXParseException exception)
Receive notification of a warning. |
Uses of SAXException in org.xml.sax.ext |
Methods in org.xml.sax.ext that throw SAXException | |
void |
DefaultHandler2.attributeDecl(String eName,
String aName,
String type,
String mode,
String value)
void |
DeclHandler.attributeDecl(String eName,
String aName,
String type,
String mode,
String value)
Report an attribute type declaration. |
void |
DefaultHandler2.comment(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
void |
LexicalHandler.comment(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Report an XML comment anywhere in the document. |
void |
DefaultHandler2.elementDecl(String name,
String model)
void |
DeclHandler.elementDecl(String name,
String model)
Report an element type declaration. |
void |
void |
Report the end of a CDATA section. |
void |
void |
Report the end of DTD declarations. |
void |
DefaultHandler2.endEntity(String name)
void |
LexicalHandler.endEntity(String name)
Report the end of an entity. |
void |
DefaultHandler2.externalEntityDecl(String name,
String publicId,
String systemId)
void |
DeclHandler.externalEntityDecl(String name,
String publicId,
String systemId)
Report a parsed external entity declaration. |
InputSource |
EntityResolver2.getExternalSubset(String name,
String baseURI)
Allows applications to provide an external subset for documents that don't explicitly define one. |
InputSource |
DefaultHandler2.getExternalSubset(String name,
String baseURI)
Tells the parser that if no external subset has been declared in the document text, none should be used. |
void |
DefaultHandler2.internalEntityDecl(String name,
String value)
void |
DeclHandler.internalEntityDecl(String name,
String value)
Report an internal entity declaration. |
InputSource |
DefaultHandler2.resolveEntity(String publicId,
String systemId)
Invokes EntityResolver2.resolveEntity()
with null entity name and base URI. |
InputSource |
EntityResolver2.resolveEntity(String name,
String publicId,
String baseURI,
String systemId)
Allows applications to map references to external entities into input sources, or tell the parser it should use conventional URI resolution. |
InputSource |
DefaultHandler2.resolveEntity(String name,
String publicId,
String baseURI,
String systemId)
Tells the parser to resolve the systemId against the baseURI and read the entity text from that resulting absolute URI. |
void |
void |
Report the start of a CDATA section. |
void |
DefaultHandler2.startDTD(String name,
String publicId,
String systemId)
void |
LexicalHandler.startDTD(String name,
String publicId,
String systemId)
Report the start of DTD declarations, if any. |
void |
DefaultHandler2.startEntity(String name)
void |
LexicalHandler.startEntity(String name)
Report the beginning of some internal and external XML entities. |
Uses of SAXException in org.xml.sax.helpers |
Methods in org.xml.sax.helpers that throw SAXException | |
void |
XMLReaderAdapter.characters(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Adapt a SAX2 characters event. |
void |
ParserAdapter.characters(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Adapter implementation method; do not call. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.characters(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Filter a character data event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.characters(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Receive notification of character data inside an element. |
static XMLReader |
Attempt to create an XMLReader from system defaults. |
static XMLReader |
XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(String className)
Attempt to create an XML reader from a class name. |
void |
End document event. |
void |
Adapter implementation method; do not call. |
void |
Filter an end document event. |
void |
Receive notification of the end of the document. |
void |
ParserAdapter.endElement(String qName)
Adapter implementation method; do not call. |
void |
XMLReaderAdapter.endElement(String uri,
String localName,
String qName)
Adapt a SAX2 end element event. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.endElement(String uri,
String localName,
String qName)
Filter an end element event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.endElement(String uri,
String localName,
String qName)
Receive notification of the end of an element. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.endPrefixMapping(String prefix)
Filter an end Namespace prefix mapping event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.endPrefixMapping(String prefix)
Receive notification of the end of a Namespace mapping. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.error(SAXParseException e)
Filter an error event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.error(SAXParseException e)
Receive notification of a recoverable parser error. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
Filter a fatal error event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
Report a fatal XML parsing error. |
void |
XMLReaderAdapter.ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Adapt a SAX2 ignorable whitespace event. |
void |
ParserAdapter.ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Adapter implementation method; do not call. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Filter an ignorable whitespace event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.notationDecl(String name,
String publicId,
String systemId)
Filter a notation declaration event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.notationDecl(String name,
String publicId,
String systemId)
Receive notification of a notation declaration. |
void |
XMLReaderAdapter.parse(InputSource input)
Parse the document. |
void |
ParserAdapter.parse(InputSource input)
Parse an XML document. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.parse(InputSource input)
Parse a document. |
void |
XMLReaderAdapter.parse(String systemId)
Parse the document. |
void |
ParserAdapter.parse(String systemId)
Parse an XML document. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.parse(String systemId)
Parse a document. |
void |
XMLReaderAdapter.processingInstruction(String target,
String data)
Adapt a SAX2 processing instruction event. |
void |
ParserAdapter.processingInstruction(String target,
String data)
Adapter implementation method; do not call. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.processingInstruction(String target,
String data)
Filter a processing instruction event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.processingInstruction(String target,
String data)
Receive notification of a processing instruction. |
InputSource |
XMLFilterImpl.resolveEntity(String publicId,
String systemId)
Filter an external entity resolution. |
InputSource |
DefaultHandler.resolveEntity(String publicId,
String systemId)
Resolve an external entity. |
void |
XMLReaderAdapter.setLocale(Locale locale)
Set the locale for error reporting. |
void |
XMLReaderAdapter.skippedEntity(String name)
Adapt a SAX2 skipped entity event. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.skippedEntity(String name)
Filter a skipped entity event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.skippedEntity(String name)
Receive notification of a skipped entity. |
void |
Start document event. |
void |
Adapter implementation method; do not call. |
void |
Filter a start document event. |
void |
Receive notification of the beginning of the document. |
void |
ParserAdapter.startElement(String qName,
AttributeList qAtts)
Adapter implementation method; do not call. |
void |
XMLReaderAdapter.startElement(String uri,
String localName,
String qName,
Attributes atts)
Adapt a SAX2 start element event. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.startElement(String uri,
String localName,
String qName,
Attributes atts)
Filter a start element event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.startElement(String uri,
String localName,
String qName,
Attributes attributes)
Receive notification of the start of an element. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.startPrefixMapping(String prefix,
String uri)
Filter a start Namespace prefix mapping event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.startPrefixMapping(String prefix,
String uri)
Receive notification of the start of a Namespace mapping. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.unparsedEntityDecl(String name,
String publicId,
String systemId,
String notationName)
Filter an unparsed entity declaration event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.unparsedEntityDecl(String name,
String publicId,
String systemId,
String notationName)
Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration. |
void |
XMLFilterImpl.warning(SAXParseException e)
Filter a warning event. |
void |
DefaultHandler.warning(SAXParseException e)
Receive notification of a parser warning. |
Constructors in org.xml.sax.helpers that throw SAXException | |
Construct a new parser adapter. |
Create a new adapter. |
Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 6 |
Copyright © 1993, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.